12 Days to More Sales

12 Days to More Sales

If you want to have at least 150 people on your email list, currently sell an offer on MemberVault and want to make more sales from it, this resource is for you. 

Starting on Monday, February 17th, access to this resource unlocks. We'll show you how to boost your sales (and confidence) with a rinse and repeat strategy for more consistent sales across your offer ecosystem.

NOTE: This was initially a paid challenge with a community component. It is now FREE and fully self led with no community aspect, so disregard mentions of the community in the content!

Here's the thing....we're talking about selling more of an EXISTING offer, for a very important reason.

Creating a new offer is fun, it also takes a lot of time and effort. There is that NEW idea dopamine rush, with all of the possibility, but then you have to actually DO the thing.

But spending a fraction of the effort making the most of an offer you already have? Making more sales from it than ever before? 

We think that’s JUST as fun 😉. Like....dog in a kiddie pool full of balls fun? Perhaps! 

Let's make efficiency our new normal, yes? You'll shave off at least 50% of the time you would have spent, and go use that towards...I don't know...taking a nap? Or a walk? Or watching some comfort TV? You do you!

And that's what this challenge is all about. 

With the self-led content in the challenge, you’ll:

  • Get more clarity around your goals so you know WHY you're increasing your sales as it happens (how you go about your selling is different if your goal is to get as many people in as possible vs a $ value, ya know?)
  • Assess your existing offer and sales page to ensure they're set up for success (I GUARANTEE there are tweaks you can make to increase sales)
  • Learn the different types of urgency you can ethically use without feeling spammy or cringe, with examples of each 
  • Get a promotional plan, with examples of the style of promotion and the exact emails to send over the two weeks
  • Learn what to do AFTER the promotion ends, so you aren't left hanging

In two weeks (or less, if you're a fast worker!), we'll boost your sales (and your confidence), so that you can rinse and repeat over, and over, for more consistent sales across your offer ecosystem.

I'm here to take my 20+ years of entrepreneurial and marketing experience and distill it down into an actionable two week plan for you to bring in more sales. Templates, a checklist, and easy to consume content via video, text or a private podcast feed.

You can expect an email welcome from me, and all of the content will unlock on the 17th.

With this resource, you get lifetime access to the content — so you can refer back to it when you need to!

You can even unlock three special bonuses to help you make the most of your increased sales, my favorite strategy to co-create with your audience, and increase your list growth and sales over time. 

And because I love to have fun, I’ll sneak in some fun tips and tricks for making the most of your MemberVault along the way!

The content is in a binge-able format that you can consume via video, audio-embedded players, or a private podcast feed — with time-stamped transcripts. 

NOTE: This was initially a paid challenge with a community component. It is now FREE and fully self led with no community aspect, so disregard mentions of the community in the content!

You in? 👉 Snag your spot and bonus here

Everything You Get in The 12 Days to More Sales resource:

  • 3 ways to consume the actionable content — in video, audio, and text format
  • A checklist action plan so you can get things done, and cross them off, without getting lost
  • How to audit your offer and sales page for best possible results 
  • Promotional plan you can execute right away
  • Sales email templates
  • Post-promotion plan
  • 3 special bonuses

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Referred by: Jessica Williams
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