Hello friends,
It's so lovely to have you here.
In this blog I really want to help you if you are a beginner to the MV community.
Below is a list of handy links to get you started easily.
If you prefer to listen to the podcast I'll share that link too.
And there's also a transcript underneath all the super handy links you'll need to get started!
Bookmark this link to the Knowledgebase Area (resource library of MV answers):
Join the Free Facebook MV Community here (for endless community support and co-creation):
Go though this MV 101 Series for beginners (with step by step instructions):
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - Branding Your MV account
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - Welcome Area
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - Top Tips
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - Triggering Emails in MV
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - Footer Area
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - How To Drive Traffic Your MV account
{Video} MV 101 Call For Beginners - Sales and Delivery
Read the MV Getting Started Checklist (covers all the key areas for getting started):
Step-by-Step Guide to Use Your New Account
Hello there, how are you? It's Remi here from Team MV, I'm a user success lead member vault and I am back with another solo episode coming from the sanctuary of my bedroom, where I've hidden and left by child and puppy downstairs to fend for themselves.
So I'm gonna speed through this one because I do need to be a responsible adult.
And today, I want to do this episode and talk to the beginners. The Newbies, the people who have just arrived, are members of MV. And you're like, Okay, I'm here. What do I do now? You guys, you people, you're the people I want to talk to on this episode.
And don't worry. Next week, I will talk to the other users who are not at the beginning stage.
So if you're not a beginner, this episode may not be for you. But you may still want to listen through and listen to my dulcet tones, because maybe you'll pick up some things that maybe you didn't know about before.
Now I'm doing this episode, because I've had quite a few DM’s and messages from a lot of my clients who I've built their member vault accounts for them. I've set up their courses and memberships, from people who I've referred into member vault, who are starting to use member vault for the first time. All kind of asking similar questions about is there a video for this? Or how do I upload images? Or how do I upload my video? How do I get my video to work? Those type of questions. And there's been a real influx of those questions.
Because we are looming very, very close, we are literally on the doorstep of April the first tomorrow. Big changes are landing on member vaults doors where we are moving to a one price, one price platform, it's going to be $99. But if you sign up before, tomorrow, April, the first or whenever you're listening to this. And if you're listening to this after April the first, sorry, you've missed the deadline, my friend. But there is a $19 offer on the table that a lot of people and I mean a lot of people have been signing up for. So if you're listening to this on the 31st of March, which is when this episode goes out, and you have not yet snatched up that $19 deal, I would encourage you to get it because it is the deal of a lifetime. All the features for $19 a month ongoing until you cancel.
So because of this, because of this change that we've been talking about in the collaborative and sending, you know, millions of emails and posting and reminding people about this change has come in, what's happened is a lot of people who've had a free account or a dormant account just sitting around, have decided to sign up for this deal. And their now in a position of like, okay, so now I'm paying for this service, I guess I better use it. And so we are seeing a real influx of people who are new to member vault, who are now figuring out, okay, I'm paying for this software. How do I, how do I use this. And so we're having a real influx of beginners.
So in this episode, this is focused at you lovely people to really guide you and support you on how you get started with using member vault, like from completely new scratch, you've never touched anything inside of the dashboard. Everything's new to you. So I'm hoping that this will be a really nice guide for you.
So alongside this website, there will be a blog and on that blog is going to be all the links that I'm going to be mentioning today, I'm going to be mentioning a lot of links. So just know that in the show note, there's going to be one link, I'm going to give one link. And if you want to get the links to the things that I'm talking about in this episode, click on that one link, and go and check out everything you need to know in regards to this episode. And in regards to you being a beginner. So the first thing I want to talk about is if you haven't already, you should absolutely make sure you are inside the Facebook member vault collaborative group. This is if you are a Facebook user. If you don't like Facebook, don't want to use Facebook. That's cool. This is for the people who do use the platform, then you should be inside the member vault collaborative group, because it is the most incredible place for getting support and getting your questions answered. And please, as a beginner don't feel like any question is too simple or silly. Nobody cares that the whole community is there to support you. So what I want to tell you about the Facebook collaborative group, which is quite possibly the most supportive place on Facebook than I've ever been in.
You've got two two ways that you can use it. One you can go in, and you can ask a question directly. And we are a global community, there is always somebody online, always somebody who will answer your question. Or you can use the search feature, which is the other way. At the top of the page, there's a search feature, type in your question, type in the bones of your question, even if you don't really know what your question is, kind of sorta type it in. And I bet you will find the answer to the question that you were looking for, and probably find some other answers to things that you didn't even know that you needed to know about yet. So use the search feature in is your friend. And also check out the guide section, there's a Facebook guide section, where this will call handy links in you. So number one is join the Facebook community because it's awesome. And people are there. And everyone actually kind of comes from a place of giving value. First, there are very few people who are not there to help and to support one another. And as people are learning things, or they just discovered things, they will share those in the community as well, which will all be learning moments for you as well. So do use the Facebook collaborative group, if you can. And if you are on Facebook.
The second, the second place I want to send you to is the member vault knowledge based area. Now, if you don't know what this is, this is gonna be a really important area for you to know about. As a beginner, the actual address for it is memorable dot alivio dot help, don't worry, it's all gonna be all the links are gonna be in the in the show notes. And essentially, it acts like a resource library. And let me tell you like everything that you want to know about member vault is in this in this knowledge based area, everything like everything from getting started to some of the key features of member vault. And what I love about this area is that member vault and the team at member vault have been so good at collating together information in such a simple step by step way for people to understand. There's obviously text, there's images, they're screen grabs, there's videos, there's podcast links, a lot of the content is, you know, multi use in different formats. And we are working our way through that content to turn a lot of the text based stuff into videos or podcasts, right. So we've already begun that journey with what we're doing with the content there. Now, honestly, every answer you need to a problem you're having with member vault, or anything you haven't remember, vault is going to be inside the member vault knowledge base area. So what I want you to do is when you it's going to be the top link that I share on the blog, I want you to bookmark the link into your browser so that you can go back to any time. Now there are sections on the page, and I'm going to go through them with you quickly in a minute. But there is also a search bar at the very top of the page. So let's say you're having a problem with connecting your PayPal, if you just type in the word PayPal into the search bar, you'll probably get like nine or 10 articles that will pop up that are all related to PayPal. And we'll give you a way to solve that problem. Or if you don't know how to connect your email to your member votes, so that you can send out welcome emails, go to the search bar or member vote knowledge base and just type in the word email. And it will bring up a ton of resources for you. That will help you get started with connecting your email or troubleshooting any problems you're having with email.
Now, when you first go to the member, vault elevio, or the membervault knowledge base page, you might find it a little bit overwhelming. And I'll be honest with you, as somebody who is not very good at reading text off a screen, I'm much more of a I'm much more of a video girl. I originally found this quite a hard read for me, particularly if you're looking at it on a mobile. For me, it's a lot of green links. And it became quite overwhelming for me because I know the answers are there. But the way my brain is wired, I sometimes found it hard to actually find what I was looking for. So I just always use the search bar even if the answer was right in front of me. I would just try and search for the thing that I was looking for the problem I was having, and I found that I would get the results a lot quicker that way. So if you're somebody who's a bit like me, who isn't great at reading text off of screen, then use the second bar. But what I wanted to say about the knowledge base area is that things are in really helpful categories for you as a beginner, the very top category is called Getting Started roadmap. And the very first link is actually a checklist for you, as a beginner, and a guide for you to use to set up your new account. So if you do anything, go to the member vault knowledge base, click on the first link. And that is your first step by step kind of checklist and guide to really support you and get you going. There's another section on the page slightly further down the page, just underneath Getting Started roadmap is the key features. And this is broken down into sections. Things like how to use actions, which are member vaults automation tools that you can use, if you don't know what they are, or how to use them, click on Actions. And there'll be support articles there. Again, all really simply and clearly written to support you and guide you through setting up automations. Or if you want to use pages or blog posts or create short links, all of those type of key features are listed inside this one category on the knowledge base page. And you can get the information so so easily. On the knowledge base site. There's another category that's called your MV dashboard. If you don't know what this is, this is when you log into member vault with your username and password. And you log in the area that you land on is called your dashboard. And that's where you get to look at how many people have signed up. And you can look at all your engagement statistics. And you can look at your user profile areas and all of those good stuff. That's what your user envy dashboard is. And so there's a category on that that's the third category on the member vault knowledge base page. Then the fourth category, which I'm super proud of, and which will be really useful to you, if you are a new user to member vault, is a category called MV 101. Now this is a short series that I've done and recorded live over the last seven weeks. And what what Aaron came up with the idea and I've delivered these kinds of strategy sessions for beginners. And it's all video based. There is of course podcast. And there is of course transcripts on each of these pages. But all seven of these videos are on the member vault knowledge base page. They're actually also inside the member vault collaborative Facebook group, they're all in guide to as well. So you can access these from the Facebook group, you can access these from the knowledge based area. And you can also access all of these because I'm going to put them onto the blog that I will share the link to inside of the show note. But there are seven videos and they aren't really they're called one on one because it's for beginners their their basic steps and information that you need to know. So as well as talking about the overarching topic in each of these episodes, I also show you other member vault users accounts who are doing the thing that we are talking about. And I also go into the dashboard and show you how to do things step by step. So if you are somebody who likes video learning, then I encourage you to check out the MV 101 video series.
So there's things in there where we talk about branding, how to brand your member vote, how to make your member vote look like your business, right. So if you have a website, and you have branding, then you can make your member vote looks exactly like that. However, it's customizable however you want to do it. We talked about your welcome area at the top of the page, how you set that up how you add images, how you add videos, I show you step by step in the back backend dashboard of how you can do all of these things. tweaking things like your footer and adding your about section to your member vote and adding your social media links. All of these really cool things that you can do to customize your member vote. I walk you through in each of these seven videos. There's even one MV one a one about how to set up and trigger your emails and switch those on so that when somebody buys they automatically get an email from you. And then there's an episode where it's all around strategy and driving traffic into your business. And I go really quite deep on that one. Sharing loads of strategy ideas about driving people to come and buy from you. Thanks He's me. So on the knowledge base page, and inside the Facebook collaborative group, there is an MV 101 section. And I really encourage you to click on the link in the show notes, and go and check out the MV 101 section, because they are videos that you can watch, there is podcasts that you can listen to. And those transcripts that you can read the gives you the step by step actions for somebody who is a complete beginner, and starting for the very first time using member vault. And then also inside the member vault knowledge base. There's another category called frequently asked questions, again, all set up to really help and support you in how you use member vote. So as I've said, I do understand that when you come into the knowledge base area, it can feel quite overwhelming because there is so much content there. I mean, there's so much content, because we want to support and help you. But I also understand that it can feel a bit overwhelming. And you can get a bit lost if you don't know what you are looking for. So use the search bar, use the keyword of the problem or the thing that you are trying to solve. And that will be your best bet to get started. And once you click on a link, it becomes a lot easier if figuring out how to how to use this area to your benefit. So the other member vault categories that are on the knowledge base area are things like troubleshoot him. So you know any questions that you have about troubleshooting your member vault, and any error messages you get, or how can you log into your account or all of those types of things are all inside the knowledge base area. There's a category called integrations or how you can integrate other software and tools into member vault. So that might be things like your email or things like your payments, right? All all there for you all the answers are there inside the knowledge based article. So knowledge base area, and then there's a hacks and strategies area as well. So that's getting a little bit more advanced. But if you are interested in learning how to do some extra cool things inside of your member vault, then there's a hacks and strategies section on the knowledge base page as well. And so I encourage you to start there and check that out. I encourage you to go through the NV 101 series, watch those videos there. They're all under 30 minutes. And you can choose which ones are relevant to you, and where you are in your beginner journey. And I encourage you to use the Facebook group as well. So they would be my top tips really for for getting started and getting the support that you need. Again, the link is going to be in the show notes. It's going to be one link, where you go on to that link is going to be the blog. And on that blog is going to be all the links that I think you need as a beginner to really help you get started in member vote. And if you want to pop into the collaborative group, feel free to ask your questions there. Feel free to tag me if you want me to come and check you out and give you some guided assistance and point you in the right direction. But in all honesty, the community is so active and supportive and buzzing, that by the time you've tagged me, somebody will have probably already answered you and given you the answer that you want. So do use the collaborative group. Don't be shy. We're all in the same boat.
Everybody is supportive. Everybody wants you to win. And so come in, ask your questions. Use the group search in the group. There's lots of answers in there lots of lots of support, and you can't really go wrong. So I hope you found this beginner episode useful pointing you in different directions of of places and areas where you can get support from us. And do do click on the link in the show notes because that is going to be your best friend. All right, everybody. Enjoy your week and I'll see you next week for another solo episode.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Hey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi Oduyemi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.
Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.
You can find my MV site here: https://www.onlinebusinesstemple.com
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