Blog Have You Seen The MV Blog TEMPLATES?😮

Have You Seen The MV Blog TEMPLATES?😮


Hello friends,
In this blog I really want to help you gain tremendous success with your blogs.
Starting with bringing to your attention the AWESOME free design templates that MV's Ira has made for you!

Below is the main link to help you get you started.
If you prefer to listen to the podcast I'll share that link too.
And there's also a transcript underneath to help you get started!


Bookmark this link to the Monthly Design Drops:
Free Canva Templates Here



Hi, friends, it's Remi here from Team MV, I'm the user success Lead here at member Vault. I hope you are doing really well. This is another one of my solo episode and today we are talking about blogs and Ira's design drops. Now, if you don't know member vault does now have its own blog. We have been talking about it everywhere inside the collaborative group inside podcast episode. So hopefully you've got the memo that you can now blog inside of member vaults. So for somebody like me, this has meant I'm able to get rid of my WordPress account and put everything into member Vault, including my blogs. Now, some of you may never have blogged before or some of you are just starting blogging for the first time. And there are certain elements that go with a blog besides just words on the screen, right. These are things like images and call to actions and header images and sidebar images and all of these types of things, which can feel quite overwhelming if you've never blogged before. And member, we want to make this as simple as possible for you to not feel overwhelmed, and certainly in my role as the user successfully. And I want you to have as much success with using member Vault and using the blogs, which is great for SEO which is great for being found in the search engines, which is great for driving traffic customers clients back into your business app member vote, right.

So all of these things that I'm sharing with you are all around, how do we get you the most amount of success out of your meme MV account. Now using the blog is a great idea you can and we've you know, I've covered episodes before where I've given ideas around the type of blog posts that you can do. So feel free to go back and listen through to some of those to get some ideas around what you could be blogging around. But today I want to focus on the design element of it. So what Ira has been doing here is part of our team and she is amazing at design. And for the last two months, she has been dropping some monthly design drops. Now I don't know if you've seen them. So I really want to draw your attention to them. They are inside courses dot VIP member where if you haven't already go sign up for your account there, put your username password in, get yourself onto the Courses site. And it's inside the MV inside that product. Now I'm gonna drop links in the show notes for you.

And in the transcript, where to go exactly, but I just wanted you to know where to go find this stuff. Now these monthly design drops are designs that you can download, open in Canva and edit them, you can edit them with your own words, you can change the color so that it's all on brand with your your branding, you can change the elements that are used, and really use them to personalize how your blog feels and is put out there into the world. Now in March Ira dropped what we call the one time offer templates, right. So a one time offer is something that somebody would see only once. And this shows up in your member vault when somebody has just purchased a product for you or they've signed up for if sign up on a form for something. So let's say somebody has signed up to join your course, right? The Thank You page that they land on normally says you know, congratulations, you've purchased this product. And then it will give you or it will give the user their username and password which is their email address for both right that's what they would normally see. Now this is a place where you can put a one time offer. And it's a it's a square box, it looks kind of 1080 by 1080. Think sort of Instagram size, you can put an offer here, which might be a money off money off another product or it might be a special offer. It could be anything but it's an offer that they get to see one time only because it's not going to be available anywhere else. And once they click off of that page, they are then into the product that they bought and they can no longer get that discounted offer. Now if you were using an external shopping cart or something like this, people would say that this is what we call an upsell right somebody's bought one thing and before theyget access to that one thing they've bought you offer them something else, because they've already made a purchase. And the mindset is, is that they now trust you. So maybe you can try and sell something else to them.

If that is something you are interested in doing, Ira has put into the MV insider inside the monthly designed drop, she has put a template and there are five different designs that are in there that you can go in and customize and create your very own one time offer graphics. And then you can put those into your member Vault on one of your products. And they are beautiful. I'm looking at them now inside of Canva. They're summer animated, which is great to catch people's attention. You can put your own photographs in here your own images in here, your exclusive offers that you want to, to give to your people, you can come in and modify any of these five templates. So if you want to do that and create your first one time offer, then do log into the courses dot VIP member And make sure that you go to the MV inside and check out the monthly design job for March.

So March, she created the one time offer and they are really, really cool. Now this month, oh, it was really stepped it up this month for you guys to have as much success as possible. And she's kind of done like a bumper template pack for everything that you will need to use image wise on your blogs. So she has created for you some blog headers. So these are the images that you put at the top of the blog. And they are really again, really lovely designed, but completely customizable. You download it, you put your colors, your images, your photos in, you can change the elements if you if you don't want flowers, you could change it to waves or sunshine or whatever, right you can go in and edit it and make it your very own. So the blog headers that sit at the top of the page that that often will describe what the blog is what the key words are, you'd put those into that. And you can design a lovely image, some static, and then there's one that she has put in that has a little animated GIF on it with a little down arrow. And that looks really neat. So there are blog header images, so you can get your blog looking great. She's also put in here some call to action graphics, right? So call to actions is when you are asking your readers on your blog to take some action. So it might be Hey, do you want to come and join my free five day challenge right? Click here. And so she's done these graphics that you can use to give your users a direct call to action. And again, download them, open them in Canva and edit them to say whatever it is you want to say to get people to do something.

So if somebody is reading a blog, in my case, it might be all around automation, right? They might be reading about automation for their business on my blog. And then I put in a call to action that just says, Hey, I've got an automation program, would you be interested in signing up for that, that could be my call to action image that I put on the page on that relevant blog that is leading that person who's reading that blog topic to buy something that they are interested in already, right. So that's how you could use a call to action graphic. And then it has also made some testimonial templates for you as well. So if you have existing testimonials, you can copy the wording out or type the wording out into one of these lovely testimonial templates and put those onto your blog page. Again, it makes the page feel nicer and look nicer with these full sized testimonial templates that look absolutely brilliant. Put your own photos in or put the photos in of your clients and really present your business testimonials and your social proof in a really professional way on your blog. And then the other element that Ira has included is the sidebar call to action. So inside your blog, you have a sidebar, which you can set up inside of your settings if you want to do that. Go into your member dashboard. Go down the left hand column to settings and then click on posts. And that is where you can sort out all your settings for your blog, but you have a sidebar option. And in your sidebar, you can put again another square graph

Pick where it's a call to action where it is telling somebody to take something. So again, your blog may be talking about something general. But on the right hand side, you might want to put a call to action to your latest webinar or to your latest challenge, right. And you can put that in a nice square graphic Ira has created some animated GIFs, which mean they stand out, right there's, there's movement in these images so that when their eyes are reading on one side that the movement in the sidebar will attract the users eyes to come over, have a look read what's going on, and to click and take action on on whatever it is that you are offering, perhaps you are pre selling a course you could, you could use this as a call to action. Or if your latest program is now open for enrollment, you could use a sidebar call to action to draw the attention of the users eyes on to that particular product. And each image, you can put a link on it. So you can link to wherever the external that wherever the product is inside your member Vault. So if they're reading a blog, you can then link directly to a product that people can buy straight from the blog. So these are really super fat, powerful templates that Ira has put together and I encourage you to go and download them and start playing around with them. We do understand that having all these different blog elements can feel really heavy, right? We know as business owners, we're busy and we're doing all the things at our business. And we don't often have time to do all of these things. These templates will save you time and energy, they are literally done for you. And all you have to do is go in, tweak them, jazz them up and make them yours, upload them into your blog, and you've got yourself a super fresh looking blog that is engaging and enticing for your users.

And also, before I wrap this episode all around these gorgeous monthly design templates that Ira has done for you. Check out Steve So Steve knots who's part of our team, Team MV, he recently did a a UX Canva templates walkthrough, where if you've never used Canva before, he will walk you through how you can use these Canva templates step by step. It's about two episodes in front of this is episode number six of his UX design episodes to go and check out episode number six from Steve. And he will walk you through how to do it how to edit your Canva templates. Step by step you can litIrally do it along with him pause as you go. And work your way through using Canva to design your very own templates for your MV account and for your MV blog. as well. I will drop all the links in the show notes for you to go and download these design drops from error. So the links will be in the show notes. Please go and check them out and have a little play.

And when you've made yourself a new design, do me a favor, drop it in the MV collaborative Facebook group and tag me my name is Remi Oduyemi tag me in, in the in the collaborative group so I can come and see some of your core designs and give you lots of love. All right, I hope you found this really useful. And I will see you on the next solo episode. Take care everybody and have a good day.

Transcribed by 

Remi OduyemiHey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi Oduyemi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.

Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.

You can find my MV site here:


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