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Wanting to get off social media for good but feeling stuck because you can't grow your list (or run your business) without it? Whew... You're not alone! We polled our audience, and found over 50% HAAAATE social media, but feel stuck with it. 😅
That's a YUCK feeling....BUT, feel stuck no MORE.
I promise you can run your business, and grow your audience, WITHOUT social media calling the shots. And what a relief to let go of the hustle and grind, the ever-changing algorithm headaches (as if you need MORE to keep track of in your business) and the re-wiring of your brain to where you're always checking for notifications.
Here's my answer to growing your list without social media.
Because here's the thing. I didn't grow MemberVault's list to over 50K using social media (we did a big purge down to 10K last year, but that's a different story).
Aside from the MemberVault Collaborative, which is a Facebook group and more of a nurture channel than a growth one -- we haven't used social media. AT ALL.
So how did we grow our list over the past 8 years? And is that still how we grow?
MY ANSWER: we focused on getting in front of OTHER people's audiences. The exact how has changed over the years, but that's the core of what has always worked for us, and continues to.
So what does that look like in practice? Here are 6 ideas.
✅ Be an expert in someone else's community/program AND/OR gift them a product that they can use as a bonus. Copy one of your products (or a module/lesson), and turn it invisible, for an easy way to turn existing content into lead generation bonus goodness.
✅ Gifting a product to other people's email lists or doing an opt in or giftable paid product email swap. You can use a custom discount code that will allow you to customize your welcome email based on where the person signed up from, or even just use a custom link for your opt in to track how many clicks you get.
✅ Having an easy way for people to get on your list that is easily shareable. Our free plan for YEARS grew our list, because it was easy for people to share.
✅ Being a guest on other people's podcasts, and offering a giftable product. A low cost product in your MemberVault works GREAT for this, and you can even create a custom discount code for their podcast for a custom email/tracking success.
✅ Joining in on summits/bundles and hosting your own, with a giftable product to get people onto your list if you're participating in someone else's event. I love using MemberVault to host summits, and also organize them using asynchronous intake with our file quiz questions (and had great success with a bundle last year, I just won't be organizing another one! 😅).
✅ Have affiliates share not only paid products, but free opt ins as well, or a short term giftable product that they can share with their audience. Unlike most course/membership tools, our affiliate feature is available on ALL plans, and I highly recommend giving it a whirl!
Love these ideas, but stuck on what to offer as your gift? I've got you covered! Check out our free 65 giftable product ideas below. 👇
Want to hit the ground running with one of the above ideas?
You can snag a free MemberVault trial here. No credit card required. It's quick, easy and super flexible to create products using MemberVault, and our pricing is ultra affordable.
We also have a Stress Free Lifetime plan for only $99 that gives you all features, and one product space to play with. Easily upgrade to a plan with more space when/if you're ready.
Growing your business, and experimenting to find what works best for you, can be a lonely business. But we're here to help! Stick around. Let's have some fun! 🎉 Questions? Ask 'em in the comments!
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