Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you.
If you’re new to Membervault or you’re considering Membervault for your website/content, you’re probably wondering how it stacks up with SEO.
Well, I feel like I’m the perfect person to dive into this because I did a deep dive Technical SEO audit with MV, and I want to share with you the things that I found, and kinda touch on some SEO myths too!
✅ Sitemap generation
✅ Ability to add SEO titles & meta descriptions
✅ Favicon customization
✅ Ability to add H1 heading to content/page
✅ H1 heading shows up at top of page
✅ Ability to add H2, H3, etc headings to content
✅ Ability to add image ALT text to images
✅ Ability to add blogging functionality & blog posts
✅ Ability to add code to thetag of the website (good for analytics, schema markup, etc)
✅ Ability to specify links opening up in a new tab or not (All links that lead to an external website should open on a new tab to keep users on-site vs. take them away when clicking links)
✅ Ability to edit URL slug for pages & posts
✅ Custom 404 page
And more! (without going too deep into the weeds LOL)
>> Myth: WordPress has the best SEO because they have Yoast.
>> Truth: Yoast is a tool. It’s REALLY helpful when you’re DYing your SEO, but the tool itself doesn’t impact your SEO as much as you might think. Getting the *greenlight* actually doesn’t mean much if you’re not targeting the right keyword, and your website/page isn’t helpful. Yoast is more so just teaching you best practices for where to put your keyword, which you can learn and implement WITHOUT the tool.
Yoast does generate your sitemap for you, which is helpful. But so does Membervault. WordPress is really great for SEO because you have more flexibility with server & coding access. That’s only really helpful if you’re a developer & you know what you’re doing. Most people on WordPress just pick a theme, add plugins, and run with it. Which can actually bloat your website and make your SEO worse.
So, to sum this up, Membervault is an amazing platform for your website and your content. And the developer & team behind the platform are CONSTANTLY looking for ways to speed things up and make things better. Which is not something a lot of WordPress theme & plugin developers can say LOL
>> Myth: Membervault’s SEO is bad because I ran an SEO audit & a bunch of errors came back
>> Truth: If you’re using a free (or even a paid) SEO audit tool, all websites are going to come back with errors of some kind. The key here is to KNOW what’s worth fixing, and what’s not. Because not everything is *actually* an error. These things need context.
For example, with Membervault, you might get an error that 15 pages on your site “don’t have a title tag” but then you look at the page URLs and you see “Oh, this is my product log out page”. This page actually doesn’t *need* a title tag because a title tag is an SEO title, and an SEO title is only important if we want people to find this page on Google. And we actually don’t care if our Logout page shows up on Google or not, so we can ignore that error. See what I’m saying here?
So when it comes to those free checks & scans, it’s SUPER important to know WHAT you’re looking at, otherwise, you’re going to get sucked into a rabbit hole that doesn’t matter anyways.
Love this? Continue with the rest of the SEO Series below!
What is SEO and Why It's Important for Your Business
Your Foundational SEO Checklist
How to Know if Your SEO Strategy is Working
Ways to Continue to Optimize Your SEO
This SEO article series is written by SEO expert, Mariah. Want to learn more? Check out the additional resources below!
⚡️ Mariah's YouTube channel has a ton of free tutorials:
⚡️ Free SEO Tools Masterlist: (If you want an inside look at the SEO tools that I use on the regular)
⚡️ Free Blog post SEO checklist: (If you’re creating blog posts for SEO)
⚡️ DIY SEO Course (Use code MEMBERVAULT for 20% off!): (Code can be used for the pay-in-full or the payment plan’s first payment option)
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