In this workshop, Remi Oduyemi shares how to create a lead magnet offer in your MemberVault to grow your list and get more eyes on your other offers. 🎉
Video, Transcript & Links are provided below.
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Hello, and welcome to this workshop. My name is Remi I am the User Success Lead here at MemberVault. And I'm walking you through our new freebie template, which you can use to give something free to your people. So like a lead magnet or a free opt in or a free podcast series, whatever it is you want to use as a free thing to give away, you can create that inside of MemberVault.
Now, this isn't too dissimilar to something like LeadPages, whereby you have a landing page and somebody would come to that landing page. And they'll put their name and email address in and then there'll be sent a link to a free thing, right? This is exactly what we are creating here with this freebie a template. And I'm going to walk you through how you can use this. And it's completely editable. And you can make it your own.
And it's brilliant way to drive traffic to your MemberVault and why it's really important that you have a free offer somewhere in your MemberVault is because once somebody comes and signs up for this free template for this free product that you are giving them or this free gift that you are giving them, they are then inside of the MemberVault ecosystem. And what that means is they are entering into our binge and buy marketplace. So whilst they are here to come and collect their free thing from you, they are also being sent shown all of your products and services that you also offer, and allows them to very softly and gently make buying decisions about working with you. So this is one of the superpowers of MemberVault is the binge and buy marketplace. And we can get people into their marketplace by offering them something for free. That will you know, give them a result or an outcome or transformation, something that they really want. And something that's going to help them and will position you as an expert in your industry or in your niche.
So let's jump into this. So we are looking at the freebie template as it currently stands. And as you look at it, as you come into it, you will see that there are two modules that I have created for you. The first one is the blog, I've put a folder icon and I've made it your download area. So this is you know, again, you can edit the wording, but this is where somebody would come and collect their free thing.
Now the good thing with MemberVault is once they put their name and email address, they get instant access to come into the product and to instantly get the free thing. They don't have to go to their email address, they don't have to wait for an email that sends them a link, they get access to it instantly. Now of course, you can send them an email link if you want to. And actually we're going to talk about that later on about why that's a good idea for sending a sort of a welcome email to the freebie product, giving them their username and password so that they can log back in at any time, if they don't instantly come straight into the product and go and get collect their free thing.
And then the second module I have here is on what's next module, which I like to have anytime I give something away for free. Because inside of the what's next module, I let people know the different ways that they can continue to work with me. So yes, they come to get a free thing. But I also use this as an opportunity to, you know, talk about the other things that I sell and that might be of interest to them. If I know they're coming to get something, you know, that's related to business that's for free, like my business playbook, for example, then it makes sense I in here, I might offer them something to do with my my business membership or my business club or my one to one services, because I know it's going to be of interest and could help the people that are coming to collect this specific free thing in my niche in my industry.
So we'll go into these modules in just a moment. So you can see what that setup is I just want to go through some of the settings on the page so you understand what you need to change when you use this template. We're gonna go down to the product settings, and it is currently set to invisible. Once you have edited this product and made it your own, you will need to click on the down arrow and set it to active to make it live. Okay, so it's by default, it's set to invisible, which means you can work on it privately and nobody can see it whilst you're working on it.
It's set to regular you can leave it as regular it just means that they can jump between the two modules as they like they don't have to finish one module before they're allowed access to the next. So we'll leave that as regular and then get the product names at the moment. This is called freebie template but you want to go in here and call this you know whatever it is, you know Five Ways to Make Dairy Free Cookies. I don't know, I just pulled that one out of the air. Right, whatever your, whatever your freebie product name is put that into the product name field. In the product description, I have put some notes in here and some guidance from you about how you can use this. So make sure you read through this. And once you've read it, you can delete all of that information in there. And then you can pop it into the product description field, what your lead magnet is, or who it's for, I would use sort of one or two lines here and say, you know, this freebie is for x. And it will help you with why Okay, something like that in your product description area.
Then you can add a product image as well. And I would recommend you do this, it makes it feel more professional makes it look nice. Click on the bouncing question mark. And it will tell you the size of image that you need to use, you could create that in Canva, or any other design tool, and then upload your image by hitting the Change Image button. And then we have the product overview text. Now, again, I've put some guidance in here about what this area is for and what you could put in here. I I like to call this like the welcome area. So once somebody has put their name, email address in and they've got access to the product, they will see they will come into the product, and they will see like a welcome area. And this is where you can use this to sort of introduce yourself, you know, you can ask them to take a specific action, you can say, hey, you know, if you love this product, then please, you know, share this in your stories or tag me on social media, you could do a really nice sort of welcoming call to action here, inside the Product Overview text. That's what the product overview textbox allows you to do. Again, once you've read all of this, and you've written some copy in here, copy and delete all of this out. So I've put these little reminders in here, delete after reading so that you don't leave these in when you activate your free lead magnet.
Then we've got the signup options, and I've left it as a form. So you're going to want to leave it as a form because this is where the user once they click to go and get your free thing that you've invited them to come and get, this will allow them to put their name and email address and it will capture it for you. And if you have already connected down here in the bottom left, if you have already connected and integrated your email into MemberVault. Then as soon as they've signed up using your phone, they will automatically be added into your email list, which is brilliant because then you can email them about other things and future products and services and have more ways of selling to the same customer.
We have the buy and the sign up button. So again, you can say sign up now or grab your freebie now whatever it is that you want to write into that button text area. And we have a Learn More button as well. So when they click on that button where it says learn more, that will land them on this area here, which is let me turn on my thing, my pointy thing. There we go.
So the promo text box is almost like your landing page. So if you've ever use like a landing page inside of mailer light, or Active Campaign or anything like that, where you're asking somebody to sign up and give you their email address. This is going to be like the landing page that you create. And this is where you can say you know what your, what your free thing is, your what your lead magnet is and why they want to download and get it. So that was what you would put here into the promo text area that I like to call the Sales Page.
And then we have the terms of service box. If you have Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you can link from here, all you do is highlight the privacy policy, click on the link button and copy and paste in your your privacy policy link here. And sometimes your privacy policy you can store that in a Google Doc or on an Amazon server or some people like to upload it into MemberVault into like a sort of hidden product and then they can get a link a direct link where it's stored and they can use that link to pop it there.
And we'll scroll down then we've got the signup confirmation box. Now this signup confirmation box is the very first screen that they will see once they put their name and email address in and they've they've agreed to sign up for your free lead magnet. And this screen says you know success you now have access to this thing or this product.
Now, this is a fantastic opportunity to create a One Time Offer in this space right here because they only get to see this screen Once and so if you've got somebody who is coming to sign up for a free thing with you, this could be a really nice opportunity for you to put an offer in front of them, that they only get once. So this might be a bundle of your packages, perhaps you put two or three of your, your your products together and you make a little bundle, and offer it at a you know, crazy price that they can never get anywhere else. Or you could you know, give 50% off of something, you know, 50% off of your one to one sessions or 50% off your, your mastermind or, you know, or if you wanted to give a seven day trial into a subscription, or a membership that you run something like that. So you could create that in here. And it's really, really easy to do. And what I'm gonna do is Steve, who's part of Team MV has also done a whole training on One Time Offers and it is superb training. I'm gonna make sure that link is dropped underneath this training as well. So I would love you to go and watch that.
I'm just going to very quickly show you how I would do it super, super quick. In this space, I would add an image and you can create an image in Canva, you just need a square image. So like a 1080 by 1080 sort of Instagram size post will do. And you can create a One Time Offer and put it right here. So I'm going to upload an image, that Ira on our team Team MV created just created a load of images actually, that you can use for free. So I make sure I will link to that as well. Underneath this video, there are some images for one time offers. And there's also some images if you aren't using MV blog as well. So let's find that image and upload it. And that has now pulled in an image I'm going to open and full screen, just so you can see. So this is an image that just says join a membership for $1 and up level your marketing gainst that.
So that is a special offer that and it says here offer available on this page only. So they're not going to be able to access your membership again at this price. So this is something that you can put into here in the One Time Offer field. To activate that I would then go and grab the link from another product.
So I'm going to click on Products here show you how to do this, I'm gonna go down and just grab a link from one of my dummy products. So this is called the dummy group program here, I'm gonna pretend that this is my membership. And I'm gonna go and copy out this link the top product link, actually correction, I'm going to copy out the direct purchase link because we want that person to buy straight away. Okay, we don't, we don't want them to go anywhere else, because we're giving them a One Time Offer.
So we are gonna go back now down to the thank you page or the signup page. And I'm going to click on this image. So you can see I've highlighted highlighted in blue, which means I've highlighted it and selected it. And then I'm going to click on the Insert Link button. And I'm going to copy and paste that link from the one I've just taken from my membership. And I'm gonna get back to opening a new window, actually no limit in the current window rim, and click Save.
Alright, so that means when somebody sees this thank you page, this link, they'll see my One Time Offer. And they can tap on that image and go to purchase it. But what I'm also going to do is I'm just going to put a another link on the page, just in case people are not familiar with clicking on an on an image to access something. So I'm just gonna say Buy Now. And we can be a bit clever with your wording here, of course, you know, highlight that, and use that same link again and just create a hyperlink. That is, you know, they've got two options, they can click on the image, or they can click on this link and they can go and purchase this one time offer.
Now, when we're thinking about how we are serving our people, if they come to get this free thing that is in your particular niche, then it is a good idea to offer them something that they can buy something that you've already created that may help and support them if you know they're already interested in that particular area that they are coming from coming for in your free area.
So what I mean by this is I offer business services, right. And I could be inviting people to come and download my free business playbook. And if I then offered them a month one month subscription to my yoga membership, that's not really going to be in alignment with what those people have come for. So make sure if you are doing a One Time Offer, it is in alignment, and is going to help or support your people who are coming to get the freebie and that it's in line with that theme or that subject so that it makes sense. Okay. So yeah, a membership option here would be a great one, perhaps you give somebody a seven day free trial, or you let them join for $1, that type of thing.
And then you can leave this text in here, or you can take it out, I think it's a good idea to leave it here because it gives people their username and password as a reminder, if they want to go away from the screen and come back later.
So that's how you would embed and create a One Time Offer, they will never see this again, the signup confirmation page only shows up once. And that's after they have signed up to the form. So use this you may as well use this as an opportunity to create further sales in your business.
Alrighty, and so let's go down what else do we need to tackle we need to tackle Actions, but we're going to come back to Actions after we have walked through the modules, okay.
So the first module is download your free thing here and I've left it blank this you can insert the name of your freebie. And I'm gonna go into the edit button. And then I'm gonna go into the lesson. So again, your titles there, you can change the title of your lesson if you want, or you can leave it the same as your, your higher level module. If you leave it the same. It means that once they click on it, they just go straight through to the lesson. So there is an advantage for keeping the module name and the lesson name exactly the same.
If you are doing a video freebie, then you can add your video here by selecting the host. So that could be your hosting your videos on YouTube or Vimeo or Muse for example. Once you've selected them, you can then get the link from your host and embed it. And your user would arrive on the page and they would get their free video easy.
If you want in the comments to be enabled, on or off. You can select here by saying yes or no. By default they are set to yes. Because I think it's a great idea that when somebody comes to get a freebie from you, that you ask them a question, you ask them for feedback on it, you ask them, you know what their light bulb moments were, what their greatest takeaways were. And I haven't comments turned on this is a really nice way to get quick immediate feedback. And for you to be able to respond to them in your free product area.
So there is some guidance again, here in the lesson text area, once you have read it, delete it. If you want to add any copy here regarding your freebie, you can add that into this lesson text area or you can just leave it blank if you just want to deliver them the thing that they have come for. Again there's some little, I've given you some screenshots in here of how you can insert a video if you're doing a freebie video. And I've given you some steps on how to add your PDFs and your audio files as well. Once you have read all of that, delete everything in here and either leave it blank or put your own copy in.
And then you've got the Lesson Activity and the Homework area. So if you want to ask them some questions that they're going to respond to you in the comments, and you could put your questions here. So this might be a question that might be like, what was your greatest... "What was your greatest takeaway from this free this free PDF? Please tell me below in the comments. Let's have a chat." Something like that. Once you've read this, you can delete that out of your lesson activity homework if you have no homework for them and just leave that blank.
And Lesson Files. This is where you can add any PDFs or ebooks or audio files. You select Add File and you drag or you you can click Upload and it will open a upload window for you. And you drag and drop them into here and this is where your PDF or your audio file will live and where your your new person can come and collect their freebie. Click Save File when you're done. And you have created yourself a free lead magnet, or a free opt in. Okay, so video, audio, or if you want to upload any PDFs or Word documents, those type of things.
If you are sharing something like a Canva template, you could go ahead and put a link in this lesson text area to a Canva template so that your person would put their name email address login, they will see your One Time Offer, they'll see your welcome message, they will click into the module to come and collect their freebie. And when they come in, they would see a link and you say, click this link to get your Canva template for example, okay, so you wouldn't be using the File Upload, and you wouldn't be using the video link, you would just be literally copying in a link here.
And that's the same as well, if you if you wanted to give somebody like a workbook or template that was in a spreadsheet, you could also you know, let's say you've got it stored in a Google Doc, for example, you could come and put that Google link into this sort of area. Or you could download the spreadsheet and then upload it as a file if you wanted to. So it's up to you how you want to do that. Totally your choice. So that is the download your free thing module and how you would edit that.
So let's go back to the top level. The second module I've put in here is called What's Next. And again, if you don't have anything else to offer, you can by all means, click on this gear icon. And then you can delete this module by clicking the Delete Module button. Or if you do have some other things that you would like to offer to your people who are coming to get your free thing, I've created a module called What's Next and a lesson called What's Next. And again, you could change this to this could be work with me, okay, as an alternative, or work with me further, something like that, right. So I did that title if what's next doesn't work for you. And again, once you've read all of this, delete it. This is really simple. All I've done in here really is I've dropped some links in here about the ways that people can work with me. So my one to one coaching and my tech club that where they can join up. And this makes sense, because I target small business owners, and the freebie I'm giving away is a business playbook. And so offering them one to one business coaching, or one to one join in my business Tech Club makes sense as an offer and is going to be useful to my people. So I want them to know about my other services and my other offers and other ways that I can help them to grow and scale their business.
And what I would suggest you do is is that you write a couple of lines of copy here. So where this writing is, I would add some copy here about who you are, who you'd like to work with, you know, if you've got any testimonials, that type of thing, you can maybe put one or two of those in here as well as screenshots. And then just provide some links direct links to your other MemberVault products that people can buy.
So that is as simple as it is. It's not overly complicated at all. And again, if this is not of use to you, and you don't want to offer anything else, you just want to give people the freebie option, then you can just go ahead and you can just delete either from here or from the gear icon and the next level up.
So let's go back to the top level. The final thing that I want to show you is Actions at the bottom. Now with Actions you want to make sure that you are setting some tags. So we're going to click on Add Action. And the first thing I want you to do is I want you to give give your your tag a name so it's gonna I'm gonna call this one freebie. So your lead magnet name, right so that you would put your, your lead magnet name and now I'm leaving it like that because because you might have different lead magnets, I've got about five or six and I know lots of people sometimes have lots and lots of different lead magnets. So you know, make sure you name it with the name of your current lead magnet okay so that when it is tagged in your email service provider, you know that that person is attached to a specific freebie so that you can send them specific emails because you know they're interested in a specific subject.
How many times can I say specific? But this is really important to do when you come down to the Actions. And what this Action is saying is anytime somebody signs up to this form, and is added to this product by any means, and by any means, I mean whether they have manually signed up or whether you've added them, then the automation is telling them to put this tag next to their name. And that is really useful.
Again, if you have integrated your email, then they will everybody who signs up for your free lead magnet will be put into like their own group or their own sort of hub, inside of your email service provider so that you are able to easily identify them.
And also, whilst we are talking about this, this tag is really useful, so that when somebody has signed up, it's a good idea to send out a welcome email to them. And in that welcome email, what you want to do is to provide some really crucial things for them, their username and their password, which is their email address. So you want to put that into the email, just like what you saw was on the thank you page or the signup confirmation page, you could copy that out where it says your email, your login details are name and email address, you could copy that and put that into your email, email, your welcome email.
And you can also copy the link to this product, I'm going to show you where to get that in a minute into the welcome email as well. So that even though they've logged in, and they will instantly get access to this, they have a backup in their email. If for example, they got distracted, or they didn't come into the product, there is an email that goes out. And this is the identifier. This is telling your email provider to send that welcome email to this specific person that includes their name, email address and a login link, so that they can get back into this product at any time. And in that email, I would tell them to make sure they save this email as well. And what I'm going to do is I'll drop a link beneath this, how you can set up your welcome emails. And And also, we will put in a welcome email, like a template for you to use if you don't know what to put into your welcome email. And another action that you could use is every time somebody signs up if you want to be notified, and you could create an action for that. So we've got some information here around how you do that. And we have some information here about triggering a welcome email. So do use those links inside of MemberVault to guide you as well.
So the final thing I'm going to show you is where you get the link to this freebie template, because once you've created it, you're gonna want to share it. So where does that link live. So we're gonna go across to Products and you're going to scroll down to wherever your free lead magnet template is, whatever you've named yours go and find that so mine is freebie template. And then I'm gonna go across to the gear icon on the far right hand side. And there are your links, and you really are going to want to use that top link. When you are sharing this, for example on social media. Or if you are doing I don't know a live video and you're talking about your freebie, when people just when you want people to sign up, then you this is the link that you're going to want to link which is the product link. That's the main link that will drive traffic to your free lead magnet signup page.
This other link at the bottom the one click link is a fantastic link to use in your welcome email. And so this link allows the person who has already signed up whose email address you've already captured and is already inside of MemberVault and is already inside of your email signup list. This link allows them to automatically get straight back into your free resource area without having to put their username and password in as long as it comes from within their email. You cannot use this one click link publicly and expect somebody to automatically sign in it only works inside of email and it does that because it recognizes the email as almost the key to let that user to come into your product. Okay, so the top link is the public link that you want to use to drive traffic in. And the one click link is the link that you would use in a welcome email or, or any emails where you are emailing the users who you have tagged with that specific tag freebie underscore the name of your lead magnet Okay, only those people who have that tag will be allowed to have access using this one click link.
So that's it. And that is the end of the freebie template walkthrough. I encourage you to give this a shot, if you do not have a free thing that you are giving away just yet. Some of our users also use that sometimes users call this like a free resource area, or they call it like the free library. Okay, so you can name this whatever you want. And you don't just have to have one lead magnet in here, you can create new modules and add more lead magnets in here completely, you know, accessible. And actually, what's really nice is that if somebody comes for free lead magnet one, and then they log in and there's two or three additional things in there, they're going to feel like they've won the lottery, they're going to feel like oh, my goodness, I've got all these extra goodies, all these extra prizes, and be super happy with you, right because they're getting more than they expected for. So you don't just have to have one lead magnet in here, you can have multiple lead magnets in here, I would still encourage you to keep some sort of a module that tells people about all of your other services and products as well inside of MemberVault and how that they can buy and work with you. But you can use this free resource area as you know, one one a one time thing or a multiple time thing and you can create loads of different offers on each of your different modules as well using the one time offer that I explained earlier in this video so you can do so much with this.
I would love you to tell me how you're using your free resource areas are your free templates in the comments beneath this workshop, either me or one of the team will come back to you and respond to your comments. I hope you found this useful and I cannot wait to hear how you are using the freebie template by MemberVault. See you in the next workshop.
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