Blog MV TRAFFIC SUMMIT: Jane Mucklow - Discover How Jane Used Bundles to Triple Her Email List and Drive Traffic to MemberVault!

MV TRAFFIC SUMMIT: Jane Mucklow - Discover How Jane Used Bundles to Triple Her Email List and Drive Traffic to MemberVault!


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Key Topics & Highlights:

Introduction and Background

  • - Introduction of the speaker, Jane, and her business as a branding photographer and brand and visibility mentor
  • - Explanation of the traffic strategy involving participating in bundles
  • - Jane's background and motivation for using this strategy

Participating in Bundles as Traffic Strategy

  • - Definition of a bundle in the context of digital products
  • - How Jane uses bundles to grow her email list and drive traffic to MemberVault
  • - Description of the process for both consumers and providers in a bundle

Results of Participating in Bundles

  • - Detailed breakdown of the numbers and statistics from the bundles Jane has participated in
  • - Reflection on the success and outcomes of each bundle
  • - Impact of participating in bundles on Jane's email list and MemberVault sign-ups

Strategies for Effective Bundle Participation

  • - Factors that contribute to the success of a bundle participation
  • - Tips for finding the right bundles to join
  • - Considerations for choosing the right product to include in a bundle

Technical Considerations for Bundle Participation

  • - Explanation of the technical setup in MemberVault for participating in bundles
  • - Comparison of different methods for setting up products in MemberVault for bundles
  • - Decision-making process for directing bundle traffic to specific sales pages

Caveats and Recommendations for Bundle Participation

  • - Warnings and considerations for selecting bundles to join
  • - Strategies for managing email list growth from bundle participation
  • - Advice for avoiding overwhelming the audience with too many bundles

Organizing Your Own Bundle

  • - Discussion of the potential benefits of organizing and running your own bundle
  • - Comparison of participating in others' bundles versus organizing your own
  • - Potential for using MemberVault as the platform for organizing a bundle

Call to Action and Conclusion

  • - Request for feedback from members who have tried the strategy or are considering it
  • - Sharing of contact information and links to Jane's member vault and social media platforms
  • - Encouragement to engage with Jane in the MemberVault collaborative group

Connect with Jane:



Full Transcript:

Hi everyone, I'm Jane of Picture Your Brand. I'm a brand new photographer and brand and visibility mentor, I help quiet camera shy and introvert business owners to build a more personal brand and get visible so that they can confidently show up, stand out and sell more easily. And just genuinely thrive as an introvert entrepreneur. So I'm excited to share the traffic strategy with you that's been working best for me this year.

To send new people to my member vault, I've been taking part in lots of bundles. So by bundle I mean a bundle of courses, templates, workshops, master classes, even PDFs that have been curated and organized by business owner using digital products donated by other business owners. They give them free to the bundle and in exchange, get the email addresses of anyone who signs up to their product, not everyone who signs up to the whole bundle.

As a consumer, you sign up to the whole bundle, get access to a page listing all the products in the bundle and choose which ones or all of them that you will then want to sign up to, you can get both free and paid for versions or bundles that have both options with cheaper products in in the free version, and more expensive products in a premium paid for bundle.

So I've been using this strategy to get more people into my email list and enter member vault by giving away your product for free but stored in an access three MemberVault and people who sign up to the bundle and then sign up and get access to my product.

Okay, so I'm going to take you through the numbers of several of the bundles I've been in. Because I always find the real life stats interesting, and show you why I think some work better than others. Then I'll go through the setup. Remember voters and tips to help you try out this strategy for yourself. 

So I first bought the bundle a few years ago now early on in building my business online. I've seen it mentioned in a couple of email lists I was on and had a few core courses in it that I wanted to do, and others that I wouldn't mind doing. You can only dare to buy after someone I knew from real life networking presses that they had bought and how amazing it was. It was a paid bundle. So I had to pay up front for the overall access. And then it gave me a year to sign up and do all the courses I wanted, which was a good reminder to keep working through them.

The second bundle I did was also a paid for bundle, which I bought on recommendation from someone I followed on mine who had a course included in it. That first bundle had had about 100 courses in it, but this one was just a few and there was some in there that already wanted to do so that made it good value as well. I can't remember if I also signed up to any free bundles that you buy may well have done.

But the next big thing I did did was to be brave and apply to be part of someone's bundle. Lizzie Goddard's Christmas party bundle two years ago for Christmas 2021 I was accepted for both their free bundle and the paid bundle options. And that was my first brilliant experience of being in a bundle.

It was a huge learning curve of course getting everything sorted and making sure it was all working. I gave a workbook and workshop into the free bundle, how to find your brand vibe that I was selling for 67 pounds. And I gave my my friends selfies shy to selfie sparkles into the premium bundle that I was selling for 147 pounds. That year, I could have had everyone who signed up to my products to have to join my email list. But I decided to keep my MemberVault as it was and have them tick the box if they wanted to join my emails too.

So I had 100 456 People get my brand vibe lookbook and 194 people get my selfie star course and I was over the moon to get that many people into my member volte face who did subscribe to my email list. I think most of them did. Because I still have 304 and 144 in my email list nearly two years later, though, I haven't actually done any cold scrubbing. So far if my emails.

So that was my first foray into using vandals to grow my email list and get people into MemberVault. And overall, I was really pleased. Looking at my notes and my planners. It looks like my email list went from 176 people at the beginning of December 2021 To find your Vicki eight people at the end of January 22. So it nearly tripled. And remember volt stats say that 571 people joined during that December in January, which would have mostly been from that bundle. And that was just really amazing for my first one.

I'd had MemberVault Around a year by that point. And whilst I can't find stats, that would have been a huge chunk of new people to me. I did record that I had 711 People menfolk by the end of Jan 22. I didn't actually sell any bundles to my audience, by the way, I don't think so I didn't make any affiliate income. But that would have just been a bonus. I was doing it to grow my list and get people into MemberVault. I also didn't have any tripwires order bumps upsells attached to either product. I just mentioned my free Facebook group and my membership on the thank you pages and inside the products.

Alright then let's try two more vandals during 2010. Today, neither of which reached the heights of that first one. It was the same brand by workbook and workshop bundle and still no upsells on it. At the end a few people into MemberVault and email, but not many 10 from the first I think therefore from the second seventh and 27 he was still in my email list now. At the end of 2022 I didn't get accepted back into Lizzie's Christmas party, which I was very disappointed about. But after the success and members of the previous year, she could no longer take everyone

All right, so on to turn to 23. Then I got accepted into a couple of bundles early in the year and got a few more people in. And then I had two really good bundles this autumn in September, I was in cardiac Kelly's visibility as bundle and gain 201 signups into MemberVault. And in October I was in lists and creatives done by December bundle and got 137 signups. Now those may be small numbers to you, but to me, there's still a great result.

At the time of recording, I don't have final numbers for the bundle I did in November. Although it currently looks like doing on for Black Friday just got lost amongst all the other Black Friday offers out there. I'm also hopefully back in his ego loves Christmas party bundles to 2023. This year, too. I've had to get more organized to those in both parts now have tripwires and thank you pages. And the free bundle one has a second payment option with a half price offer on another course. So fingers crossed that also make some sales on those and they are good for sign up again that too.

Okay, some reasons why I think some funnels have worked better for me than others, then as time has gone on, I think my copy has improved on my sales pages and the copy on the bundle page. So I think that's definitely helped finding the right bundles to join and having the right product for them to give you some more tips on that in a minute.

September and October bundles this year, two products in I hadn't put in bundles before my conquer your on camera confidence course, that I created this summer in within the visibility bundle and helping people which helps people to get in photos to grab to show up and get reasonable as the face of their business. So that fitted the topic well. And then my 30 Day social media posting challenge went in the gun by December bundle as the Evergreen version in the free option. And there's the life support version throughout November in the upgrade paid bundle, which also worked really well for that bundle theme.

Ultimately, ultimately, though, you can't predict how many people sign up overall for bundle, and how many of those they're likely to want to your product. So why do bundles I still think it's a good strategy to try, it's generally really quite easy to do and doesn't take up much time for what could be a very good return when you think about the numbers of new people that you could be getting into your MemberVault and into your email list.

It also of course get to grow your social media followers and Facebook group or anywhere else you keep in touch with your audience, you're always going to be sharing a bundle with your own audience. And so it helps you nurture them by offering them free access to one of your products along with the rest of the bundle, or getting a paid one at a bargain price. And then you're going to be getting your business in front of a whole lot of new people to people signing up to bundles are likely to be people investing in their learning and their business, especially if it's a paid bundle. And so we're likely to be willing to invest in you further as well.

You're getting visible in front of your peers and high profile business owners to even if they don't sign up, they're still seeing your name and what you do. And you're reaching their audience, you can make connections with them and the host of the bundle ready for future collaborations. And you can make money on order bumps upsells at the time if someone's signing up. And then you have them in your email list and remember helped encourage them to purchase something else to another pro is you can make money from bundles if they're paid for ones with a paid upgrade, and you share your affiliate link for it. When your audience members buy through your affiliate link who then make some money. And a bonus when you contribute to a bundle that's paid is that you will usually get free access to that bundle as a thank you. So it's also a good way to grow the courses and knowledge that you have.

All right on to some tips to help you take part in a bundle yourself.

So finding one to do first, check the email list that you're already in, or people you already follow online. That last we put out a call for interested people when they start planning to put a bundle together.

There are Facebook groups too, especially to call specifically to coordinate bundle hosts and contributors. You can try free vouchers, bundles of bundles and have a search for others. Some will cover some it's in podcast collaborations too.

Many bundle hosts will curate them regularly and will take part in other bundles to sign up for a few free ones in your niche just to see who else is running them.

Niche is the important word there. A bundle you choose to go in needs to be relevant to what you do. So that the people signing up for it will be the kind of people you want to work with and the kind of people who want what you do.

Likewise, the choosing your product go in the bundle. Yes, the wider it is the more will likely sign up to it. But it also needs to be relevant to everything else you do. So those people want to stay on your list and check out your other stuff in MemberVault and go on to buy something. And the more the bundle thing is relevant to what you do, the more likely you are to get your own audit signing up to it.

There will often be an application for abundance they fill her in following the instructions. Keep the word count your product description and have a nice looking graphic really that will attract people.

Always check the requirements carefully to some hosts will have a minimum audience requirement that has ruled me out for a few I would have liked to be in and keep track of primary requirements to whether you need to agree to send me one or two solo emails for example, or how many social posts do you need to write about it? Whilst that can feel prescriptive. It does mean that if every bundle contributor is doing their bit that means that more people will use up seeing it and more chance of more signing up to your product. And you'll usually get given swipe copies Use as well. So it's not that hard to do.

And then of course, the tech, obviously have your product set up in MemberVault. So that you're going to, that you're going to put into a bundle. So we've been joined by thing does its magic once they're in there,

There are a couple of ways you can set it up and MemberVault.

The first is to duplicate the product you're giving away, rename your second version, so that you know what it's for and make that one invisible. So it's just used for that bundle, you can then also choose between the form signup option. So they get straight in for free, or to create 100% off coupon code for the bundle, which gives them more of an idea how much they're getting for free if you do it that way.

If you use this method of duplicating the product, you'll get lots of products in your invisible list. But it doesn't say exactly how many have signed up for each one.

The other way is to use the coupon code function on the original product. And we just give people in the bundle and have the code access for free. You won't get all that duplicate products, but it is harder to see who signed up for one.

Make sure you've got the actions working to collect them all in the group, or tagging the email system how are yours works so that you can keep track that way for both methods.

And with either method, create an automation in your email to welcome them to the product. If it's a big bundle, and they'll be selling it but lots of things at once, it might be worth reducing your user welcome sequence or postponing it. So they're not overwhelmed with hundreds of new emails at once. I've tried both as methods and both works. So either could be which, whichever you prefer to do.

The next decision though, is to whether you send your bundle people to the Product Promo area, see if they want to sign up to an external sales page. If you use them to your usual MemberVault sales page or to a specific sales page. Remember vote for the bundle.

I don't use external sales pages. But I've tried the other options. And I think that's just your preference to whether you want them to see all the usual invite or just a shorter bundle version, or just with bundle specific information in it. Short, but still eye catching and persuasive would be my recommendation. Think about all the cell's even further you're scrolling through and looking at when deciding whether to sign up for however many things at once.

That you might be another way now MemberVault has the offers option. But I haven't experimented with that yet. However, I think this might be perfect giving yourself the info and signup form on the one page. So you could give that a go to.

And then finally, it's a bundle allows for it. You can add any order bump upsell tripwire for other products to the payment options, if you're using a coupon, not a form, sign up and then to the thank you page as well. Plus, of course upselling in the emails that follow and within your product as a next step.

Right so there are of course things to be aware of and watch out for if you want to try this strategy.

Pick your bundles carefully, you want those that will have your ideal clients signing up to them. You want nodes that have other businesses taking parts, you will be active sharing the bundle to as many people as possible. You want the person curating the bundle to be organized and active sharing it too.

Pick your product carefully. You want it to stand out amongst the others in the bundle, you want it to attract the most people it can but you also want it to attract your ideal clients or at least people that will go on to buy something else from you.

You also need to be happy with how much you're giving away. IE will it be a $9 offer or a $299 offer, decide how big you want to go, what's going to attract your people that's worth it. But getting in front of lots of new people.

Watch out for entering the same product in lots of bundles close together as that will reduce signups if it's the same people seeing it multiple times. I've noticed more recently that mental organizers have been asking me for products that haven't been in other bundles during the previous three months. For example.

Watch out for promoting lots of bundles to when you take part in lots. Give yourself time to market your own stuff in between. Don't overwhelm your audience with giving them too many bundles at once. I've tried to only do it no more than once a month.

You need to have your products created in MemberVault before you start applying with bundles not create something new in a rush. And this that is just you. It could give you the push to update something you already have though, or to get some testers and testimonials for something that's fairly new. You do want it to show the quality that they would get if they bought it and what they'd get if they go on to buy something else.

Check all the tech is working as you hope before you submit sign up yourself and make sure you get access to the right thing and get the right emails.

I also want to point out that whilst it's great for growing an email list, you will likely to get unsubscribes from emails after bundle two from the people who get overwhelmed and lots of emails in the inboxes for the people who just want the freebie from the people who signed up to everything and then realized your stuff wasn't relevant right now. And that's okay. But they asked him you remember, but remember, they still have access to your products, they might still go back to it again in future and you can still send them a few product reminders to check it out. Even if they're not getting your marketing emails. In there, they can see your other stuff that's in there too.

Plus, they also know of your existence and hopefully followed you on a social platform is said to keep in touch that way. But recognize your name next time they come across you and take more notice in the next bundle or wherever that is and the ones that do stay on your email list. Make sure you keep emailing them, nurturing them and sell to them and send your MemberVault as well.

Finally, of course there is a second aspect of bundles as a traffic strategy and that's running your own one I've done a mini one as part of my last summit but I haven't organized my improper big bundle has yet been developed would be a good good for this too though. And as the organize that you'd get everyone's email addresses everyone into remember vault. So it would be a great traffic strategy to just a lot more work than submitting one of your products to someone else's bundle. Definitely take part in other bundles for organizing your own so that you can see what works and what you like and don't like about them.

Of I hope that was helpful. I'd love to know if you've tried this strategy and have any additional tips for us. Or if you're going to give it a go now sharing the MemberVault Collaborative group with your takeaways and let me know if you have any questions.

If you'd like to know more about what you do, find everything on my MemberVault at And on socials. You can find me in my own Facebook group, mostly your brand story. All the links are in my MemberVault Thank you very much



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