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Blog How Jayna Peterson Uses MV

How Jayna Peterson Uses MV


"If you can dream it, I can Build it"
- Jayna Peterson

In this fun and chatty interview with Jayna Peterson from ''...
We chat about so many things, including:

  • How she has uses MV to teach her many students how to repurpose emails into blogs,
  • How to create all access passes - bundling resources for events black Friday or the 4th July
  • And how to create epic sales in your business!
  • We also discuss how she uses quizzes and embeds that into MV.

    This is a really useful interview from a highly experienced creator and teacher.


Do you prefer to listen? Pop over to Apple podcasts // Spotify // or listen on anchor below.


Remi Oduyemi  
Hello, everybody, welcome back to another user spotlight. My name is Remy or DME. I'm a user success Lead here at MemberVault. And in these user spotlights, I get the privilege to meet some of our wonderful, gorgeous, lovely members who are doing fantastic things inside their MemberVault accounts. And they come here and they share with you what's going on behind the scenes, so that you can learn and you can advance and you can take some inspiration about what you could possibly be doing inside of your MemberVault accounts as well. So today, I'm very lucky to be joined by Jamie Peterson, who is a course creator and a teacher and lots of other amazing things, which she's going to tell us about in a minute. So let's get started. Hi, Jane. How are you? Hey, Remy, so great to meet you. It's lovely to meet you. My darling. How long have you been using MemberVault? Since 2018, Tracy Sheriff who's been around forever and MemberVault, it seems like you've got to get on this thing called MemberVault. And I'm like, I don't got to do anything I got enough.

Jayna Peterson  
Like once I got into I'm like, How long have I not known about MemberVault?

Jayna Peterson  
Now amazing Certified Partner training program going on. So I was privileged to be trained by none other than Katrina.

Remi Oduyemi  
She's the best. Yes.

Jayna Peterson  
So just learned amazing things under her. Oh,

Remi Oduyemi  
fantastic. And now I know you mostly work one to one inside of your MemberVault. But who do you mostly work with? Who's your ideal client?

Jayna Peterson  
really someone who has some in real life expertise, and they want to convert it to an online program, course membership, whatever. But it's extracting out of them all of that amazing expertise. And maybe they don't, they've never done something online, but they want to become an entrepreneur. So an expert to an entrepreneur is really my ideal client.

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh, lovely. And so is it mostly people who've never created like an online course before? Or is it people who have but like, they sort of come to you for sort of extra help with that?

Jayna Peterson  
You know, I've had both types of clients. But I love to help those who are just like, befuddled with all the like, what do I do with all this text? How do I organize it? How much content is enough or not enough? And they think they have to get ready to some level of point to work with me, I'm like, no, no, I help you get organized, I help extract and pull all that expertise out of you, it comes out really messy, but I've got tools that I use, they'll get it really organized. So that you can power through and create your content really quickly, especially after looking at so many clients. So I just kind of pull those tools together and, and put those, you know, those those experts to create their online programs, whatever that may look like for their, their industry

Remi Oduyemi  
is amazing, I think there's probably going to be a lot of people listening to this or watching this who are probably going to need your help actually inside the MemberVault community. So this is absolutely perfect. Can you tell me Jane and what tools do you use other than MemberVault? Or what tools do you use with MemberVault that help kind of build that customer experience for you?

Jayna Peterson  
Yeah, I use you know, so many of us use Canva and I like to create a lot of visuals to give people kind of a visual teaser of what they're gonna get whether it's on the sales page or filming the customer journey once they're in the program, or what I call a curriculum map that lays it out week by week, just so they get that visualization more than just you know the product graphic or the module graphic things like that. So Canva and then I use Active Campaign a lot you know, I've helped other people set up their email systems and trigger notifications and the tagging and things like that but it's you know, it's a member vault is based upon relationship marketing, and building that relationship and you know, that part of that communication is your email sequence that goes out after they get your free lead magnet so having that really compelling, free resource hub, whatever that is that you call it to get them on your list for building your list and then communicating you know, on a on a schedule with them really helps to build that relationship.

Remi Oduyemi  
Are you a very organized email or do you email your list like every week?

Jayna Peterson  
Oh, I'm just so embarrassed that you asked me that.

Remi Oduyemi  
I've asked him because I'm a horrible I'm a horrible

Jayna Peterson  
Full transparency, so I was on a really good schedule and then I got a full time job this last call at a high school and it's just been like there's a clip at the end of each day until you build it all out right and then you just repeat so I'm still like on that hamster wheel of building the content which is fun but man I just kind of left the list in the dust I got a an email from a longtime MD or a bit ago and I and she was apologetic in our email for not emailing regularly slightly another back I got you're so motivated, you need to step back as it started started up again, but there is that pause of like, do people even remember who I am? And I want to provide value. And you know, I've used a lot of my older emails, I've converted them to blog posts with the new blog post feature. So it's like, you know, you put a lot of effort and time into those emails, you got to repurpose, and

Remi Oduyemi  
so yeah, 100%

Jayna Peterson  
Transparent story right there.

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh, I appreciate that. Because I'm horrible with my email list. And, and I get, like, I feel like I've got an email block. I don't know what it is, because I'm write content every day. But with emails, it's like, I don't do it. And so I hear you on that. And I, I was, I was hoping he was gonna say, Yes, you email like, consistently every week, and that would give me a little kick up the bum to do better.

Jayna Peterson  
The other way around. Like, so nervous, but this is a design personality, you know, and this season, and this is a season for me, just adjusting to this, this new role that you know, it's busy.

Remi Oduyemi  
Absolutely. And you got a full time role here. And you're out there teaching, and you're making a difference day to day as well with that. So, you know, something's got to give somewhere. We can't juggle all the balls all the time, you know, so I hear you on that. Okay, so can you tell me, let's get back to MemberVault? Chat, let's talk to me about your all access pass product that you have. Now? No, Aaron was keen to hear hear you share this for the community? So talk to me about that. What is it? How does it work? And why have you created this?

Jayna Peterson  
Well, you know, after a while, and MemberVault, you create all these amazing resources for your audience, whatever it is, and sometimes it's nice to bundle it together, and maybe once a quarter or twice a year offer it as a bundled mega sale, this could be like the Black Friday sale, your Cyber Monday sale your back to school set, like whatever it is. Fourth of July, but to give it that limited time where you've added up all these things, and it's it's really wraparound services, because I also add in like a free session with me, or it's bundled in with a live session where they can kind of brainstorm through stuff. But they can also use some of the DIY tools. Some of the downloadable PDF resources that I've created after working with so many content creators alumna, like I don't know what to put in my course or online program to make it feel robust during my membership site to make it feel robust. So I just group everything together. But then with that one on one time, I can kind of tailor it to their needs and talk them through some of it, you know, over and above what the videos provide to screen share and show him what to do. And when I put that out and bundle it on my graphic, I say, this is how much it costs bundled together at full price. And I slashed it down to like 25% of the box. Huge reduction. But then I saw lots of them in a single weekend and give it a hard deadline. And yeah, take it away, you know.

Remi Oduyemi  
So I guess we've MemberVault What makes that easy is that you've got all your individual products, right, but then you can just literally just check them and put them all together. And it's not it's not like a lot of work to create

Jayna Peterson  
that. No, because they're already separately created products. But I create a new product called My all access passport, you know, and do the little visual map, like a passport. And it's just in the actions. It's like, if you buy this thing, they're added to each of those other products. Yeah, that's awesome with a single email triggered to show him the stuff with the links to the stuff. And you know, and it just all populates. Now they might get, you know, 10 emails from every girl that I think the first time I was like, oh, man, I do sound like 10. You know, it's it was the introductory email to each product. Careful of that you might want to like, pause your ear, I don't know. Think

Remi Oduyemi  
that's a very good point. That's a good point. Yeah, there needs to be some sort of strategy around that. But otherwise, yeah, they're gonna get a lot of emails. But no, that's a really neat idea, actually. And I liked that idea, like you say do like a Black Friday sale or doing it for a really special occasion. I think that's a really nice idea because lots of people do have lots of products and actually doing a bundle is such a nice idea on all access pass.

Jayna Peterson  
Compelling I think it gets him to a tipping point where they're like, I keep looking at all these things that I want on your MemberVault but man, if I could get this now plus a one on one with you. I think that really is what sells it. Is that what I want and then surprisingly, I'll reach out to him two, sometimes three times and they just blow off their one on one you No, no, I'm not gonna keep chasing you. Sometimes they don't. Or they're too intimidated or they still think we got to get their stuff together before they're ready to talk. There might be data into it's like, I'm not here to talk to you.

Remi Oduyemi  
Not at all. Not at all. Well, here's a note if you're ever gonna buy Jaina Peterson bundle, here she is easy, breezy. She's not scary. Take your one to one with her because it'll be invaluable. Fabulous, thank you for sharing that. That's really, really cool. And what was the other thing that we talked about earlier that he was going to share?

Jayna Peterson  
I created a quiz in MemberVault called using try interact as the basis for I mean, build the quiz and pray interact, but have that as a free product where they fill out a form to enter the quiz. And then you know, one module is take the quiz with its own little button that should sum over to try interact. And then at the end of try interact, it shoots them back to the landing page with their quiz results based on how they scored on the quiz. And it essentially is I created a massive product by interviewing all of the the certified partners on how to mark your MemberVault Because that's what my clients were up against. Next is okay, I built this amazing thing. How do I get people to wear? How do I get visibility, besides just all the things we all try social media and email and stuff like that. So just the creative, collective creativity of all them was just fabulous. But it was massive. So I subdivided it into like, what phase of business are you in right now with the quiz to kind of segment that list and simplify it. And then to just shoot them to just a piece of that big, big bundle, big piece of content on market remember, well, based on this, so. So that's what that resource is about. And then they just can look at the their landing page, you know, to see their results with a checklist. So here's some things you might consider if you're just starting out, or if you've been in business for a while, and you're finding yourself stuck at this next phase of business and, and what to do if you're a little bit more advanced, and you want to branch out and try some new things, you know, but it's just, it's a pick and choose kind of product, but it's really tailored to where you're at in your current business using that. That. Right, yeah. So that's always available.

Remi Oduyemi  
So they can do the quiz. But it will it takes them to try interact, they do the quiz that brings them back to them, but when they get the result? And then do you. So when they're getting their result, and their result page is do you link to any products or anything from there, or? Yeah,

Jayna Peterson  
so I segmented that huge course, to three different business phases, you can buy the whole thing, or just your lower price point. So at the end of their result page, it's like check out what I have the market remember vault, phase one, phase two, or phase three, with their downloadable checklist that they get on their landing page, hit their quiz results, just to see, oh, here's some initial things I can start doing. But if I want to move forward and really hear from the collective wisdom of all of these, you know, certified partners from MemberVault been running businesses for years, you know, just the variety, like I got a master's degree and memorable this by really primitives in recovering from knee surgery. So it was great. I just propped up. And I have two three interviews a day and you know, but just each created some resources. And, you know, so

Remi Oduyemi  
yeah, oh, that's, that's really nice. That sounds like a really cool product. That, yeah, they take a quiz and get the results. And then they can buy the specific thing that is going to help them or it meets them where they are in their journey. So they can just take action straight away, you know, wherever they are in their business cycle so that

Jayna Peterson  
you asked for tools. And one of the coolest little websites I found is called button optimizer and creating your own little png buttons in your own brand colors. Nice creates a little button, you could probably do this in Canva as well and download just that button. But it allows me to create my own unique buttons and put them wherever I want and just hyperlink the back to that button wherever I want to send them so Canva button optimizer it's just a fun way to you know, make your sales pages and send you to where you want them to go even within a landing page with your product. So

Remi Oduyemi  
yeah, absolutely. I mean, are you using Pages? Yeah, inside a MemberVault

Jayna Peterson  
I sure am. Because I am. I am so it's excited about this new block builder that's coming out because I'm gonna just do away with my Squarespace website and even though the block builders in here yet like I'm still just pulling all the content over it kind of funky looking page right now. Like I know some snippets of CSS, HTML, but I don't know how to write it. I did stuff so I'm just pulling it over for now. But yeah, I'm gonna totally do away with my Squarespace site, make my main MemberVault Just for Right now it's working for to MemberVault, you know, and just send them all to

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, to one place. That's what I'm doing. I'm getting rid of my WordPress and bringing everything into MemberVault. Especially, we got the blogs and the pages now. And then we've got the comments feature as well, which is epic. So it's all good stuff. Right? So before we go, how can people find your member vault and come and check out all these cool things that you are doing inside of your account Gina?

Jayna Peterson  
So through the end of May 2022..., but then it will all be converted over to this As I move toward a just a one and done platform with MemberVault. And I always tell people, if you can bring it, I can build it. Yeah. I love Greenway, and I will build all the gamification and fun stuff and the beautiful branding. I love branding sites and setting up all the graphics and images and things like that. And I've been

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, you are like a prolific member vault user. We have like, so many cells in your account and like I just Yeah, I bow down to your, your expertise. Honestly, you're so so good. So please do check out Jayna. I will put all of her links into the blog and on the podcast as well. Go check out her MemberVault account and give Jayna some love.
And thank you this has been awesome. And I've loved hearing about the things that you're doing my darling, this has been really, really good.
So thank you for taking the time I dial him and yeah, I'd love to chat to you again soon.

Jayna Peterson  
Awesome. Thanks. Take care.

Transcribed by

Check out Jayna's MV Site here:

Remi OduyemiHey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.

Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.

You can find my MV site here:


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