Blog MV TRAFFIC SUMMIT: Jessica Eley - Discover the Winning Strategy for Your Business Growth

MV TRAFFIC SUMMIT: Jessica Eley - Discover the Winning Strategy for Your Business Growth


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Key Topics & Higlights:

Reasons for participating in the summit

  • - The importance of understanding why you are participating in the summit
  • - Consideration of whether you have an existing problem or are seeking entertainment or education
  • - Advice to not act immediately on new strategies if you are already engaged in a current strategy
  • - Encouragement to define the specific problem you are trying to solve and listen to the summit with that in mind
  • - Discussion of the importance of understanding your intention for participating and choosing relevant sessions based on that intention

Considerations for listening to the summit

  • - Understanding who you are when listening to the summit
  • - The distinction between listening as a person, a CEO, and someone serving an audience
  • - Advice to prioritize strategies based on current needs, such as the business needing attention or the individual needing to focus on personal well-being
  • - Emphasizing the importance of aligning strategies with individual characteristics and business situation

Evaluating and adapting strategies

  • - Assessing the applicability of strategies to your business and audience
  • - The realization that not every good idea is suitable for every individual or business
  • - Acknowledgment that strategies may need to be modified to fit individual circumstances and audience needs
  • - Encouragement to combine ideas from different speakers and combine them with past experiences to create a tailored approach
  • - The importance of experimentation and finding what works for you
  • - Acknowledgment that it may take experimentation to find the right strategy
  • - The need to combine personal factors, business needs, and audience preferences to determine what works best


  • - Encouragement to pause and reflect before moving on to the next summit
  • - Invitation to connect with the speaker for further discussion and sharing of experiences

Connect with Jessica:



Full Transcript:

Hey there, my name is Jessica Eley. And I am a coach for entrepreneurs and executives, including our very own Erin Kelly, who has been a client of mine for what feels like forever, but is probably closer to four or five years. And as such, she asked me to kind of open this summit and give some thoughts, questions, ideas, ways that I would encourage my own clients to go through a summit like this,

I know that sometimes the temptation is to consume all the things or to be overwhelmed by all the things or to develop a little bit of shiny object syndrome, because somebody is saying something really smart here, and you just gotta go implement it right away, even though you're in the middle of something else.

And so for all of those reasons, in order to set you up for success, going into all the genius things that the speakers after me have said, she asked me to come on here, and I thought I would leave you with kind of two main ideas to consider as you go forward into the summit.

So the first thing is, I want you to really answer and pause and consider why you are listening to and participating in this summit. There are no right or wrong answers to this, but maybe different actions or kind of a different mode of listening, that you might want to employ based on why you have chosen to sit here and consume this content. Right.

So the first obvious answer is that maybe you have an existing problem, which in this case, would be that you are trying to figure out how to drive more traffic to your MemberVault old, you have a known issue, and it is something that you have actively been looking for a solution for, or something that you have been actively playing with. There's a unknown issue, and you are actively seeking a solution. Right.

The other possibility, and I think this is actually why most of us consume content from things like summits, is that we want to be entertained or educated, right? If you are the compulsive learning type, you may just want to be here to hear other people's good ideas. Sometimes it's just nosiness, right, like what's working, how are other people doing this. And that is completely valid as well. Getting ideas being inspired, giving your subconscious brain something to noodle on while you're doing other work. These are all completely valid reasons to sit here and consume some of this content.

But if you are listening for more of a passive reason, right, this is something that you're going to tuck away or the these are things that are interesting to you, I would encourage you to not act immediately on something that you hear here. If there is something that you are already doing a strategy that you are already employing, please finish that get a result, even if the result is zero, or even if the result is not what it is you were hoping for, get a result for yourself with whatever it is you're doing right now. And then come back to this, like, favorite it or store it or make a note or put it in your calendar to come back to something that's all fine.

But for the purpose of really moving forward for yourself, I encourage you to really give yourself the opportunity to complete something, and then move on to the next thing so that you have more accurate data points, both data points in your business and also data points for yourself as a person like what works for me, right?

If you are actively solving a problem. So the first option that I mentioned, then I would encourage you to really think about which problem is it that you're trying to solve. If we could get even more specific than driving traffic to your member volt? Is it that you need more buyers? Is it that you need more people to just know you exist? Is it that you need more people to buy a certain thing? Is it that there's a certain offer that you want to make more popular? What is the real specific problem that you are trying to solve here and go into this entire summit listening for those reasons, right.

So regardless of where you fall on this spectrum from like, I'm just kind of nosy and here for giggles. Versus like, I have a serious problem that I'm trying to solve. I don't know how serious of a problem it can be to get traffic to your MemberVault. But, I mean, he can feel that way sometimes. And that's, that is valid as well, right. So if you regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, know and decide that for yourself before you move on to the next audio, because it could be to that, in listening to some of these or even just in scanning titles, you will already see which ones may be more or less fitting for the situation that you find yourself in. If you've already tried a strategy, maybe you have no interest in trying that, again, if you want a strategy to work for you, but you haven't been able to make it work. Maybe that is something to revisit or see if somebody here says something different, right?

So give 30 seconds pause to consider what your intention is for going into this and what it is you're really trying to get. If for no other reason than to spare yourself, kind of the agony of Oh, should I do that? Right? Is this some bandwagon that I should jump on? Or is this just somebody else's cool idea that I can sit and appreciate as a cool idea. Okay.

The other kind of nugget that I wanted to have you ask yourself is about who it is or with what set of ears or which part of your brain, you are listening to this summit. So not every good idea is a good idea for you. Not every good idea is a good idea for your business. And not every good idea is a good idea for your audience. And I think it is with those three distinct parts of your brain. So kind of you as a person, right, how you show up holistically, then you as maybe a CEO who is caring for a business. And then you as the person who is serving an audience, whether you are a course creator, or you are a coach, or you are selling something to a group of people, not everything works for all those situations.

So if you're in a place right now, where you urgently need money, some of these strategies are going to be more easily implementable. And that would serve you better, even if that's not the long term strategy for you, right? If the business is really needing your attention right now, then it might be appropriate to set aside some angsty feelings that you get about posting in a Facebook group. Because what is the priority right now is the business. And so you can set aside maybe your own feelings on the issue and go get what it is the business needs.

If maybe you've been in a season where you've been serving the business and you've been serving your clients heart, then maybe this is a season where you really need to pay attention to what's good for you. And maybe the last thing you need right now is to be posting in Facebook groups. And instead you should be talking to your local librarian, right?

These are all options. I listened to all the audios, and they run the gamut of every kind of scenario that you can think of. And for that reason, really think about which area of your brain or which area of your life and business you were listening for and with, right.

So there are people who prioritize themselves all the time, right, who, like refuse to do anything, that doesn't work for them, anything that makes them bump into resistance, maybe they're extremely introverted, and so then they refuse to do anything that's extroverted. I can't tell you where that line is, of where to push and where to lean into who you are. But I think it's worth considering, like, is this an area where I need to pay more attention to the business? Is this an area where I need to be true to what it is my people expect of me or what it is that I know works for the industry that I'm a part of. And consider those things as you consider other people's strategies. Something that works for a high ticket consultant may not work for somebody who's selling $27 ebooks. And that is a pretty obvious example. But it becomes much more nuanced when we're talking about what kind of strategy we should implement, and whether it's going to be something that we can honestly do. Or if it just is something that is a cool idea that we wish we could do.

Be really honest about where it is you find yourself right now, what is it that you can do right this minute? And what is aspirational? And why is it aspirational? Is it aspirational because of how you show up for yourself? Or is it aspirational, because your business isn't there yet, because you don't have an assistant who could implement some of these pieces for you or you don't have the audience size that would make it makes sense to, you know, implement some kind of volume strategy.

Whatever it is, I encourage you to be really honest about just what sounds cool. And like I said before, what it is we can appreciate as a good idea maybe for somebody else's business. And what it is that is actually useful and executable to us today. And with those ears, then you can also start to listen to other people's ideas, and see where it can be modified into something that does work for you, your business and your audience. And do you find that sweet spot, maybe by combining what multiple speakers say, or what one speaker says with something that you did in the last six months?

And those are all excellent ways to really make good use of a summit like this? Rather than feeling either the shame of why am I not doing all of these things? Or why didn't I think of these things, or just feeling overwhelmed? Like there are so many things to do, I would rather you have one strategy, you'll notice that each of these speakers, quite obviously spoke on one subject, and one method of how they are driving traffic to their member vault. And that is because they found what works for them and executed over and over. And sometimes it takes a bit of experimentation to figure out what is the thing that works. But that's going to be a combination of those three factors you what works for your business and what works for your audience.

So I hope you can take some of these ideas and give yourself a pause before you move on to the next summit. And I'd love to hear what it is you're really working through right now. And how you plan on executing some of the things that you hear here.

If you'd like to connect with me during or after the summit, you can find me at Or tag me in the collaborative and I'd be happy to connect with you there too.



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