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Key Topics & Highlights:
Using LinkedIn to Drive Traffic to Member Vault Offers
Audience Engagement and Call to Action
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Full Transcript:
Hey everybody, my name is Mike Roberts, I am from making digital real, and I help business owners increase their visibility using the power of digital platforms such as LinkedIn, I help them create sales funnels. I also am a video and audio editor. So I help them produce podcasts, videos, reels, and everything in between.
Now, when it comes to sending people to my MemberVault page, for me, of course, it's using the power of LinkedIn. Now this is a traffic strategy that is working so well for me right now. In fact, it's been working well for me ever since day one.
So how do I get people to my MemberVault ? And how do I send new traffic to my landing pages that I've created from MemberVault?
Well, what I'm doing is this, I'm using the power of certain conversion boosters that lie inside LinkedIn. And I'm going to list these for you. And I'm going to start with the basics, working my way up to probably more strategic ways of doing it.
So first of all, on our LinkedIn profile, we now have the ability to add a hyperlink, sorry, a hyperlink underneath our headline. So for me, really, really simple. I'm telling people exactly what they're going to be clicking on. And it's my Ninja Tip of the Week. And when they click on this, it takes them to my subscription page, which I created in the member vault Pages section, which allows people to sign up for my Ninja Tip of the Week, which is delivered in audio every Saturday morning. So that's the first one.
The next one is I use the featured section within LinkedIn. Now the featured section is one of the rare opportunities on LinkedIn where you can send people anywhere outside of the LinkedIn platform. So of course, these are going to be hyperlinks, to webpages websites, which is what people most commonly do. For me, however, it has to be sending people to my MemberVault page, because these are our call to actions, right. So whether it's a freebie a lead magnet, signing up to something or buying a course or a product, I want people to know that these exist.
And the beauty about the featured section within LinkedIn is not only can you send them to any page of your choice, but you can edit the title, you can edit the description of where they're going. And here's the best part, you can edit the thumbnail. So you can design whatever image you want to entice people to go ahead and click over into your MemberVault pages.
Now, I started doing these strategies many, many years ago. In fact, it's the reason why I became a LinkedIn trainer because I find that there's so many areas on LinkedIn, where we can get our traffic to our MemberVault pages. It's always something that I'm tweaking and tweaking and trying to improve. And I'm always trying to find more areas. So without further ado, let's move on to the next one.
Now, the next one is creating a showcase page on LinkedIn. So most of you out there have got a personal page, you've also got a business page, did you know that you can create showcase pages. Now a showcase page is attached to your business page. But it's a LinkedIn page that is all about a particular product or a service. So as an example, I have an ebook that I sell on MemberVault. So why not in my world create a showcase page for that ebook, which is exactly what I did.
Now, again, you can design this however you like. But that all important blue customizable button will be there taking your visitors to your member vault site. In my in my case, it would be the ebook product offer. I've also built courses over the years and those courses have had their own showcase pages. So you can literally design a showcase page for anything that you offer. And the next part about why that is so good is because every time you post on LinkedIn and create content, you can tag those showcase pages into your posts.
So inside every post that you do, you can have a hyperlink that takes people straight to your showcase page. And when they land on that they go straight to your MemberVault page. It's a really great way of taking people on that little sales journey inside of LinkedIn, delivering them right to the end of the line, which is the showcase page.
The next one and the last one I'm going to give you is I deliver I take my audience to my MemberVault pages through the power of newsletters on LinkedIn.
So for many of you out there that have created content, you'll know that it's quite Short Form, you have to be quite punctual, it has to be short, and you don't want to lose your audience's attention. Well, you can really flip the lid when it comes to newsletters on LinkedIn, you can fill it with hyperlinks, images, audio files. I've even created images that look like buttons that are embedded into the newsletter.
Now, the way we use this is when we're creating a newsletter, let's just say it's a monthly one. And we're talking about what we've done in our world for the last month and who we've met along the way. Well, what we can do is, every time we want to take people down that journey, and start tempting them with sign up for our newsletter, or, you know, have a look at this latest offer that we've got, you can embed those buttons that you've created in Canva. And take people straight to your member vault site. So there's a call to action almost with every single chapter and verse that comes from your newsletter. It's really, really powerful stuff.
And honestly, for me, LinkedIn has been the biggest game changer and lead generator tool that I've ever used. I've tried and tested so many over the years, but it's always LinkedIn that I keep coming back to, because it's a great way to send people to our member vault pages.
So I really really hope that was useful everyone a little bit about me there a bit a little bit about my backstory. Go deep, you know, so action steps. I'd love to hear from those people out there who were using these strategies themselves. Or if you're going to start this after hearing this audio clip, let me know how you get on. Let me know if you need any help. Always here to to chat and find out who are the MemberVault users are using their sites.
And I suppose my call to action and my sign off here is I would love you to share what you've learned from this in the MemberVault Collaborative I want to hear your takeaways from listening to this and I want to know what you're going to try for yourself.
And of course you can find me at making digital real my member volt site is volt Vu LT dot making digital And you can find me on LinkedIn, Mike Roberts. You can also find me on Facebook, and I'm so excited to hear what you have to say about this and hear everybody's feedback.
Have a great one and enjoy the rest of the summit.
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