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Blog Amy Jo on how to use the Spin to Win wheel on your MV account

Amy Jo on how to use the Spin to Win wheel on your MV account


In this episode of Made with MV, we have the pleasure of hosting Amy Jo, an expert in helping female entrepreneurs create and sell digital products. Amy Jo will be sharing her insights on how to use the Spin to Win Wheel to boost email opt-ins and sales for your MemberVault site. She'll walk us through the details of this unique opt-in strategy, explaining how it can engage and excite your audience from the moment they land on your site. From customizing the wheel to setting up coupon codes, Amy Jo provides a step-by-step guide for implementing this gamification feature.

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Explanation of what the Spin to Win opt-in is and how it can boost email opt-ins and engagement in MemberVault
  • The goal of leaving lasting impressions on customers
  • Using Member Vault for gamification and engagement and the importance of making engagement exciting for customers
  • The effectiveness of gamification in capturing reviews, testimonials, and keeping people engaged
  • Detailed description of the Spin to Win setup and appearance on the Member Vault account
  • How to assess the impact and decide whether to continue using it
  • Guidance on setting up the Spin to Win

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Full Episode Transcript

Hey there, Amy Jo here from Her Own Magic. I am so excited to be here with you today because I am going to walk you through the spin to win and opt-in. And this is going to be incredible, an incredible addition to your MemberVault site in so many ways. So we're going to get into that.

And if you're not familiar with the Spin to Win opt-in, I'm gonna tell you all about it and how it can really boost your email opt-ins and boost your engagement inside of your MemberVault when someone first arrives on your MemberVault site. But like I said, my name is Amy Jo, I help female entrepreneurs create additional revenue streams by creating and selling digital products.

So if you are a coach, if you are working one-to-one, and you're capped, and you're looking to add an additional revenue stream with a digital product, that's what I do. So come see me on But one of the things that we personally specialize in is not only the creation of the course, but really how to make it impactful, and how you can leave lasting impressions on your customers and the people coming into your course digesting your information.

How can you make that really actionable and make sure that they don't, you know, just purchase the course go through a couple modules, and leave, we really want them to stay with you through the entire course content as much as they can, you know, engage with you so that they really get that transformation and the result by the end of the course, so that they can go on and help other people too. Like that's the goal for us is we really want it to be impactful.

And so one of the ways that we love to do this is in MemberVault, of course, and if you are here, then you probably know how amazing MemberVault is at gamification. So that is something that we really love. Because, you know, as humans, we really thrive when we are rewarded, right? I mean, think about it, if personally, I can literally walk to this coffee shop just across the street from me. And I have a little card and it's like, after your 10th visit or 10 purchases whatever you get a free cup of coffee, of course, I want to fill that card up, right? I want my free coffee.

Like it's human nature, right? And so if we, the moment that someone joins our MemberVault that comes to our website lands on our landing page, the moment that we can, you know, excite them, get them engaged, get them taking action, but be really excited about the action, the better off we're going to be. So you know, you are probably familiar with all of the pop-ups out there. You're probably familiar with all of the announcement bars, you're probably familiar with all of these things that everybody does all across the web, right?

But when I say the Spin to Win opt-in, you're probably like, Huh, I haven't really heard of this before. I haven't really seen that before. It's not something that's super common that a lot of people know about yet. Right? So your interest you're like, would tell me all about that is piqued. And so imagine when someone comes to your MemberVault, and they've never seen the spin-to-win option, you're immediately going to impress them. And you know, get them super excited to see what other impressive things you have for them on your MemberVault site in your products and your courses, all that fun stuff right?

Now, like I said, we really love gamification, we love using that in our products. It has really helped us with MemberVault specifically, because we do all of our gamer gamification inside of MemberVault has really helped us specifically with capturing reviews, testimonials, giving bonus content, and keeping people engaged through our content, because that's what we want, right?

As I mentioned earlier, we don't want people to just buy our product and come back when it's convenient. We want them to be excited, like purchase it, buy it, digest it, and get involved in the content. The best way that we have found to do that is by using MemberVault and all of the gamification options there.

So here we go on to the spin to win opt-in. Now if you're not familiar with this, I'm going to describe it for you as far as what it looks like when someone comes to your MemberVault account. Now when someone comes to your MemberVault account, and you have the spin to win set up, what they're going to see you can have it set up to where it doesn't pop out until they scroll a certain percentage of your MemberVault account. You know, there are different ways that you can set it up. But basically what's going to happen is this pop-up is going to fly out from the side of your screen. And it's going to have this big awesome wheel.

So it's gonna be a big attention grabber, right? You're gonna grab their attention with this big wheel and say something like you know what, try your luck, do you want to want additional savings, put your email in here and spin the wheel and you could win this coupon, this coupon, you know, whatever, whatever the winnings are, you could win that. So, one that we've done is a $10 coupon, a $20 coupon, a 50% off coupon and they spin the wheel so After they put in their email, this when the sorry, the wheel automatically spins, and it lands on whatever that prize is.

So you can set it up wherever everyone's a winner, right? Give them super excited. And so you can set it up where the wheel automatically spins, and then boom, the confetti pops. And it's like, wohoo, you just won $20 off. Amazing. Here's your coupon code. Now goes, you know, you can say whatever you want on that on that thank you page.

But how cool is that, like the the coupon or the confetti, automatically pops, it gets people excited, they've won first thing before they have even looked at anything that you have to offer, they're already a winner. So that's super cool, right? So then they have that coupon code, they can go through your products and decide, you know, what would be right for them to add that coupon code to so you're boosting not only your email list and your conversion percentage, because how, you know, I'm speaking for myself, but how often do I go to websites pop out, or Yeah, a pop-up, pops up. And I just immediately like it, don't even read it, I just immediately exit out, right?

Because we're so used to it. We're so used to it. So what we want to do, you know, as online marketers, which is what we are right, we're marketing our product, we want sales, we want customers, we want to impact people. Our job then is to make it really engaging, take care of them, you know, make it really exciting for them, the moment that they start to engage with us. And this is one of the easiest ways that you can do that.

And now I mentioned, you know the Spin to Win, I did an entire walkthrough of how you will set this up from start to finish, it's inside of the MemberVault Facebook group. So just go in there and search my name, Amy Jo, and it should pop up for you. So you can watch that video step by step on how to set it up. But you're gonna go to And that is what I use for my spin to win, we'll find out and they have a free version, they have a paid version, you can try it out for free up to a certain point and then you can do pay is totally up to you.

But what I would encourage you to do is go to, set up your account, and just try it see what your conversion rate does as far as people opting into it, and people joining your email list, see what that conversion rate does when you are using the spin to win wheel. If you don't see much of a difference then maybe take it off. It's no big deal. If you see a big difference, keep it on your customers are loving it, right?

So the beauty of this is when you go to, you can set up your spin to wheel like I like I said, you know, go to the Facebook group, watch that tutorial, it's short and sweet of how to set it up. But you can customize this wheel to your brand colors, you can customize it to your messaging, and you can customize the entire form to make it look like it's a part of MemberVault.

So this is definitely an avenue that I would recommend trying out especially if you are looking to get more people on your email list, get more people engaging with you, and give them a little bit of something sweet. Right when they you know, first learn about you first, hop on to your MemberVault account. It's super fun. It's super cool. And like I said it has the confetti pop automatically right there. How cool is that. But that is something that I wanted to chat with you guys about as far as the spin-to-win wheel.

And I'm just gonna, you know, hammer this point home is that if you if this is the first time you're hearing about it as far as the spin to win, the spin to win wheel option, that should tell you something, it's not something that's super commonly used. And in fact, it's not commonly used on websites that I have seen anyway, outside of e-commerce websites. So the fact that you would bring it on to a MemberVault account, or you know, outside of an e-commerce platform, I think is super amazing. It's very unique. Like I said, your customers are not going to be used to it and they're going to be like, they're going to be super impressed the moment that they see it.

So I hope that was helpful to you. I hope that gave you something to pique your curiosity about trying inside of your MemberVault. And you know, this would work really with any business, if you're doing one-to-one coaching, if you're doing digital product sales really does not matter. You set the terms for it. So you set the coupon codes and that coupon code that you add to the wheel. So you know if it's $10 off, $20 off whatever, you're going to take the coupon code that you use for that and you're going to add it to all of your products inside of the MemberVault.

So when you go down you add your payment options you're going to add click coupon and you're going to say 10 off or whatever you know the coupon code is that you use on the previous side. You're just going to add that to your MemberVault side but like I said, you're going to that entire video walkthrough inside of the MemberVault Facebook group. Just search my name there and you will see it and I hope that was helpful.

You can find me all over social media @herownmagic and at and I would love to chat with you inside of my Facebook group if you need help, or know if you need to have any questions with a spin wheel or anything like that, come find me in the Facebook group. It's digital product female entrepreneurs and I'll see you there. Bye.


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