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Blog Jacquette M. Timmons on how she uses MV to deliver a high touch experience for her clients

Jacquette M. Timmons on how she uses MV to deliver a high touch experience for her clients


In this episode of Made with MV, we have the pleasure of speaking with Jacquette M. Timmons, a financial behaviorist, speaker, and event host. Jacquette shares her journey of using Member Vault to enhance her client experience. She discusses how she initially joined MemberVault to deliver her free opt-in, the Financial Wheel exercise, and then expanded its use as a central resource hub for her coaching clients. As a testament to the platform's effectiveness, Jacquette also reveals her plans to further utilize MemberVault for hosting replays of her pricing master classes and providing implementation resources for corporate speaking engagements.

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Description of Jacquette's work as a financial behaviorist and overview of her business and main pillars
  • Jacquette's decision to use MemberVault for her free opt-in, the Financial Wheel
  • How MemberVault allowed her to track opt-in completions and engagement
  • The realization of using Member Vault as a centralized resource hub for coaching clients
  • The flexibility and convenience of managing content access through Member Vault
  • Considering using Member Vault as another centralized resource hub for corporate speaking and employee resources
  • Expressing curiosity and excitement about exploring more use cases for Member Vault

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Full Episode Transcript

Hi, this is Jacquette Timmons, and I am so delighted to be here on Made with MemberVault. I work as a financial behaviorist. And if that is a term that is new to you, it simply means that I focus on the human side of money, that I try to get people to pay just as much attention as they do to their numbers to things like their behavior, their choices, and the motivations and the emotions that drive all of that.

My business is made up of three main pillars. I do one-on-one coaching mostly with entrepreneurs and small business owners. I am a for-hire speaker, I do speaking engagements for corporations, large law firms, large and boutique conferences, and nonprofit organizations. And I also host my own events a dinner series called The Comfort Circle, and a pricing masterclass called Pricing Made Human. However, I am showing up again, it is to focus on the human side of money and to talk about in some shape or form the intersection of money, business, and life.

So I joined MemberVault, actually, because of my experience as a customer, of someone who used MemberVault, and they used it as a way to deliver their training. And I totally fell in love with the experience. I mean, everything about it was just awesome. At first, my only intent was to use MemberVault for my free opt-in, which is called the Financial Wheel. Now for a bit of history, I have been using the financial wheel exercise for over 20 years. It's something that I created a long, long time ago, I use it with every coaching client, and I weave it into as many speaking engagements as possible.

But one of the things, you know, that just was really becoming more and more evident, is that you insert the link in your email marketer, and you have no idea, you have no idea if the person completes it, you have no idea how far along they get and the accompanying course. And so after my experience, as a customer, I was like, You know what, I'm gonna give this a try and try it for my own opt-in. And it's really fantastic to be able to see, you know, where do people fall off? Do they actually watch the video? How far along do they get in the E-course, which is now the lessons in the modules? So I fell in love with MemberVault on that.

But then, after getting like umpteenth email from a coaching client about not being able to find a particular document, it occurred to me that maybe I could use MemberVault as a centralized resource hub for the documents that they need for their pre-work, and then all of the materials and tools that we will use during the course of our engagement. And so I created that resource hub. And yes, you know, clients now have to go to two different places, they go to MemberVault to actually grab the documents, but then they have to upload those completed forms into their particular Dropbox folder. But I actually find that having to go to those two places, doesn't create any friction. And on our end, it makes things so much more efficient.

And I think it also adds to the high-touch element. That is something that is really, really important to me and how we do our business. So the free opt in the financial wheel is what got me there. And then we started using it as a resource hub for our coaching clients. And then I went a step further, I hosted these quarterly pricing masterclasses as I mentioned, and what I decided to do is that it would be easier to host the replay for that and to provide yet another portal for people to download the documents from that. And I love the fact that I can with ease, cut off access. So you take the pricing masterclass, which is live, and then you have access to the replay for 60 days. And after those 60 days, it automatically disappears in terms of people being able to access it. I love the ease with which I'm able to do that.

And one of the other things that I'm now exploring and this also just leads me to just give a shout-out to Katrina and Ira, is that the support is just so phenomenal. And you all really help to just kind of think about what's possible. So as I mentioned, I do a lot of corporate speaking. And one of the things that I do is provide implementation resources for their employees who participate in the financial workshops that I deliver.

Usually, it's in the form of a password-protected section on my website where they can access many of the same materials that I utilize in my coaching engagements, but some other things as well. And it's recently occurred to me that maybe using MemberVault as a, you know, again, another centralized resource hub would be useful.

Now, the tricky part is that one of the reasons for doing it on my website and having it password-protected is that I don't want the email addresses of the firm's employees. But maybe what we're what we're trying to figure out is how do we do that in a way that says, Okay, we're going to need to have the email addresses of your folks. But don't worry, we're not going to be adding them to any sort of email. So I think we've come up with a solution to that.

But as you can see, the more and more I use it, the more and more I get curious about and excited about using it in a variety of different ways. But it is definitely awesome to be able to see how people are engaging with what I offer for free, which is the financial wheel exercise, and then also how it helps me to be just so much more efficient and high-touch when it comes to my one-on-one coaching.

So that's how I use MemberVault and am planning to utilize it even further. If you have any questions I am definitely in MemberVault's Facebook group, so just tag me and I'm more than happy to hop in and answer a question.

If you want to reach out to me directly, you can follow me on Instagram and if you want to try the financial wheel exercise for yourself and utilize that to tap into your financial vision, you can go to and that will get you into the MemberVault Thank you so much, Erin and Mike, for this opportunity and I look forward to chatting with all of you inside the Facebook group. Have a wonderful rest of the day.


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