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Blog Why Christine Lindebak chose MemberVault to host her digital products

Why Christine Lindebak chose MemberVault to host her digital products


In this episode of Made with MV, we have Christine Lindebak, a course launch consultant and the founder of Sewing and the City, sharing her journey of using MemberVault to host her digital products. Christine discusses how she leverages MemberVault as her home base for 21 products, including online courses, digital sewing patterns, and live workshops. She highlights the user-friendly features of MemberVault, its seamless integration with her sales funnel, and the scalability it offers for growing her business. From her initial beta launch to guiding her clients, Christine provides insights into the power of MemberVault for digital entrepreneurs.

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Introduction to her digital product business, Sewing and the City
  • Use of MemberVault as the home base for her products including online courses, digital sewing patterns, and live workshops
  • Experience with Kajabi as a course platform
  • Comparison of MemberVault features with other platforms
  • Preference for MemberVault due to its appearance, customization, and gamification features
  • Personal experience of starting with minimal customization and later enhancing the platform
  • One year into the Sewing and the City digital product business
  • Positive experience and ongoing usability of MemberVault

Connect with Christine

MemberVault site
Main website
Sewing and the City website

Full Episode Transcript

Hello, Christine Lindebak here I am a course launch consultant, helping entrepreneurs package up their expertise into a profitable online course. In addition to being a course launch consultant, I also have a digital product business under the name Sewing and the City. So this is my passion project, a profitable passion project, I should say, that I started about a year ago. And MemberVault is my home base for all of my products.

So right now in my MemberVault, I have 21 products that are a mix of online courses that have videos, embedded, downloads, and several modules and lessons. So really robust online courses. I also have digital sewing patterns. So obviously, as you probably guessed, my niche is sewing. So I sell digital sewing patterns that people can download at home or in the coffee shop, and then make their own version of the fashion item that the pattern is for. So I have those and then I also have one live workshop, or was a live workshop, but I used MemberVault as the kind of the home base.

So once someone bought their ticket to the live workshop, they were entered into MemberVault where they got you know, all of the downloads, the link for the Zoom meeting and all of the details about the live workshop. And now I just sell the replay. And anyone who bought it can access the replay right from the MemberVault product.

So I have three different kinds of products in my MemberVault and with 21 products in growing. Every month, I'm adding new products to my business. One of the things I love about MemberVault, just from like high level is that when someone lands on my MemberVault page, they can actually sort all of my products by categories. So I have different categories that you know, courses, patterns, so that people can really easily if they're, you know, just they know they're looking for one thing, they can easily find it, you know, or they can scroll through all my products, and also using the search bar. So we have one pattern that is like our most popular pattern, The Mercer Top, people will see it on Instagram, and they search, they Google it actually. But they can also enter it in the search button in MemberVault as well to go directly to the pattern. So I love, love, love those two little features. And I think they work really well for someone like me, who has a lot of products.

So as a course launch consultant, I've actually helped over 30 entrepreneurs launch their courses. So anywhere from a $37 you know, kind of a, like an entry course that just gets them into your email list into your world, all the way up to several $1,000 courses. And when I first started out in the online world, I was doing done-for-you services. So I was actually building the back end of courses for people when I first started out like five years ago, and then slowly moved into consulting as I started to study and understand more of how, you know, become really an expert with online courses. So back in the day, like several years ago, Kajabi was one of the go-to platforms I was building out so many courses in Kajabi. And as a consultant, I started recommending Kajabi as the platform.

And then one of my clients actually already had, she came to me for consulting and she already had some of her courses built out in MemberVault. And that was the first time I had ever heard of MemberVault. And in working with her, I got to see all of the great features that come with MemberVault which so beyond what you can do in Kajabi. As far as seeing what products people are checking out how you know completion rate, so basically everything that's in the gamification element of MemberVault, I was like, This is so cool, like this is this blows Kajabi out of the water. Also just from an appearance I just find that MemberVault is so much more beautiful and you can do so much with customization.

So I started out with my own, you know, my own MemberVault felt like pretty basic. I had one course that I was beta launching, and one pattern that went along with the course so I literally started minimum viable and just super basic, like, you know, didn't change the fonts didn't really have anything. I think I did like the custom, you know, a product like the headers and everything. But you know, everything else was pretty basic, which is all you need to get started when you're beta launching, right? I didn't even know if it was going to work. And then you know, as I've grown and as you I have helped people helping me, we've ended up customising and really making the platform so beautiful. Another thing that I love about MemberVault, when I was first getting started was like I said, I was doing a beta launch. So was the first time I'd ever launched this product, I didn't know if it's gonna work. And MemberVault, you can literally get started for free, like, you don't have to pay anything. And I've had clients come to me that have been paying for Kajabi, like, you know, over $100 a month for months before they even launched their course. And so MemberVault allows you to have, you can use the entire platform for free until you get to 100 users.

So I mean, how cool is that I feel like the folks at MemberVault really support just, you know, getting started. And then once I hit my 100 students, like I literally had a celebration, I was like, I'm so excited to pay, you know, every month because it means that I have over 100 students and it's working, you know, so I'm like more than happy to pay at that point, like such a cool thing that the folks at MemberVault all allow you to get started that way. So as you can see, now, in the majority of situations, I am guiding my clients to MemberVault. And using my own MemberVault as an example for them, like, Look, this is what you can do. One of the things that I love, because I do have so many products is that someone will buy one product, and then they're entered in and they can scroll and like see all the other products. And so it's just kind of like always keeping me top of mind and allowing them to check out what other products I have, that they might have missed, or they just you know, it's just like creates a little bit of a catalogue or like a magazine kind of thing.

So, and I've had clients that have set up their course, high-end courses like several $1,000, using MemberVault, as well. So I think that it works for you know, my patterns are right around $16. And my courses are, you know, right around the $100 range. So works really well for that. And really well all the way up to the several $1,000 signature courses. So I love MemberVault just for the fulfilment aspect of my products, I actually have the main sales pages for my courses on my WordPress site. So that's where people will go, you know, to scroll and find out all about the course and then they purchase it there. And then a really simple Zapier integration, and gets them right into my MemberVault and then also right into my email service provider, which I use FloDesk, gets them in there, which delivers the fulfilment email. So one of the things I love is this may sound a little complicated, but it is literally you just set it and you never have to touch it again, like you just set it up once or you have someone set it up once and then you never have to deal with it again. So that's the really cool thing. And I love how all of my products just integrate with one another.

So my email service provider, you know, is talking to MemberVault, and my you know, my cart asset where people are buying is talking to MemberVault all into my email service provider. And it's all really simple. So I am one year into sewing in the city and I'm so glad I use MemberVault. I just love how it's working out. I love that people can search and people can buy other Yosi and buy all of my other products. And just like the ongoing usability of it, and once I got it set, it's just you know, kind of hums along and doesn't stain as I add new products.

So I hope this is helpful if you want to check out Sewing in the City and my MemberVault, the links will be below. If you are interested in maybe getting some help launching your programme or your online course. You can also check out my website which has details on how to book a call with me and find out about my offerings. I would love to have a chat and help you launch a business just like I did. It's really fun. I love taking people through the process. It's really rewarding to have your own digital product business that you literally wake up and you have sales like, I think that feeling will never get old. So feel free to reach out if you need any help and thank you so much for listening. Okay, bye.


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