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Blog 3 quiz questions that boost sales with Katie Momo

3 quiz questions that boost sales with Katie Momo


In today's episode, we have a special guest, Katie Momo, joining us to share her expertise in leveraging quiz questions to skyrocket sales. Katie introduces us to the power of using quiz questions as a conversion tool within Member Vault, highlighting how they can provide valuable insights to optimize your sales process and product offerings. She discusses three key questions to ask and explains how to effectively use the gathered data to enhance your offers and sales pages. Enjoy!

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Introduction to Katie Momo and her expertise in amplifying the sales process through copy and strategy
  • Discussion of the effective conversion tool within Member Vault - quiz questions
  • Emphasizing the importance of using quiz questions to gather insights for making more sales
  • Highlighting the ease of using quiz questions in the Member Vault platform
  • Importance of pinpointing specific wins and takeaways to understand what resonates with customers
  • The utility of customer feedback in identifying the most valuable aspects of a product or service
  • Importance of using quiz responses to fuel the sales process and enhance product offerings
  • Using insights derived from quiz responses to optimize product offerings and improve marketing copy
  • The incorporation of quiz responses into sales pages and offers to enhance social proof and credibility

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Full Episode Transcript

Hello MemberVaulters. I'm Katie Momo. And I'm so excited to be here on the podcast today. So if you don't know me, I help you amplify your sales process through optimizing copy and strategy. So that way you can make more by helping more people. And without working so darn hard.

So today, I am going to be taking you through a wildly effective conversion tool that's hidden within MemberVault. So you're either not using it yet, not using it the way that I'm talking about, or just simply not using it enough. Okay, so here it is; quiz questions. I know that's not the first thing that you think about when you're thinking about making more sales. But trust me, this is so incredibly effective and so darn easy with the way that MemberVault is set up. So I'm going to be taking you through three questions that you must ask where you need to ask them, and also, most importantly, what to do with them once you've got them. Because it's really just not enough to like to have data for data's sake, we want to use these insights. So you can actually make more sales.

So what I'm going to be sharing is a simple way for you to fuel your sales process, so you can help more people. So let's dive in here. And we're going to start with those questions that you need to ask. So these questions are essay questions. They're open-ended, people can just put whatever they want. Because we want their actual words, we want their direct feedback. So the first question that I love to ask and any of these questions, by the way, you can modify it because I know that of course, we all have different offers. So feel free to take the essence of the question and use it the way you want.

Okay, so the first question is, what was your biggest win or takeaway? So this one, I'm going to give some mods already you can have what was your biggest win? What was your biggest takeaway, or use it with the biggest winner takeaway? So this is really great because it helps them pinpoint specifically, what the biggest thing was. Now a win is something I consider and you can say outcome, you can say results, or any of that. So that's sort of like, in the end, like they implemented, and they got the particular outcome that they were looking for a takeaway, I tend to think more like an aha, a realization, knowledge, that sort of thing. So it also depends on where you use it. And I'll get into that in the next section.

But anyway, this is so powerful for you to understand, because sometimes, the thing that we think is most important, may not even be the most important. And this is so true even on like, you know, multi-million dollar product launches, like sometimes the offer was crafted around a particular deliverable or takeaway, but then when we actually started talking to people, we realized, like, Oh my gosh, like, that is not really the thing that they want, they want this other thing that was almost added as like a like, like, off the cuff thing, like, Oh, you know what, we can also add this piece, and oh, you know, it would be a great bonus, this would be really cool.

But that might have actually been the thing that people wanted most and helped them the most. So the nice thing is, this really helps us not only optimize our copy, so we get more people buying, but also just optimize our product. Okay, so very similarly, we're going to dive into another question about that.

The next question I love to ask is something like, what would you like help with next? and few modifications of that are; What else would you like to know? What would make this even more awesome? So you can get incredible information out of this. It could be something that turns into a bonus, it can be the next level, offer a companion product, a high ticket service, that sort of thing. Getting people to tell you what they actually want to buy from you, is phenomenal. So I've used this in multiple ways.

So for example, I have one product called sales posties. It's how to use your sales page and actually put it on social. So you don't even have to do the heavy lifting of trying to get someone off of social and get them onto your sales page. So it's like a nice companion piece to your sales process.

And the really cool thing about that is you can use it in so many different ways. The way that somebody would use that for an evergreen offer is going to be different than somebody who has a short-term launch. And it's going to be again different for somebody who has a service. So I was asking this question and people were coming back saying like, Hey, this is great, what is the best timing for this? So that gave me the idea for the sale. post these planners, which people loved and it was a huge bonus, people just went crazy for it, and made it so much easier. And I walked them through all the different scenarios and how they would plan it out.

Plan your post so that way people understand how this can work on social for their particular needs. So it's not just like, here are all the different ways you can do it people can isolate to be like, Okay, this is helpful for me, in my particular case, another time I had a companion product like someone came up with an idea, and I was like, Oh my gosh, it's so great. You know, that's, that's such a super idea, I can definitely make that. And sometimes it's like things you have hidden in your world, like sometimes in your Google Drive. It's amazing how much great content we can have in our Google Drive.

And the fun thing with that, too, is you can even just put the idea out there to your community to be like, Hey, you know what, I had this great idea come in for a product about x, y, z. Is anyone would anyone be interested in that? And then you would see people be like, Oh, yeah, me, me, me, me, me, you can even pre-sell that offer.

So you get the sales coming in before you make it, you get the money straight away, you know that you're doing something that is going to pay off, you know that this is something people are legitimately looking for. So it's I always love to make a product that I know, it's definitely something that's going to, you know, work super, super well. So I love those questions because they give me so many great ideas about what I can create next to help people.

Now the last question is, what would you tell someone who was thinking of joining? This question is so powerful. If you ask none of the other ones, you can ask this one. It's almost like you step aside, and you let your current buyer speak to future buyers, and let them speak directly from their heart, what they got out of it, what was so helpful for them what they wanted to know, before they they purchased. And people are who are having those same thoughts and concerns and wondering if this is for them. Your people get to say exactly what makes it so great. So I love that question.

Now, I actually have a bonus question. But it's just as helpful. That's really 3.5 questions, this one is going to be a closed question. So this is the one where it can people can choose the checkbox with the response that fits them best. And this is a really wonderful question because we're gonna use it to get permission to use those responses. So you can ask a question like, would I be able to share your responses? You can give two options like sure you're welcome to share, or no, please just keep this between us.

Or if you want to get even more hyper-specific, you can give options in terms of how much information they can share, like, Sure you can share my responses and my name, or another one, be sure you can share my response. But please keep it anonymous. And the last one would be no, please keep this between us. So you can get even more specific with that question if you want to like if you want to talk about where you intend to share it, how you intend to use it, that kind of thing, you can definitely do that. But always think of like, you know, what is going to be clearest, but also simplest for people to understand.

And the same thing when giving options for responses, right? You don't want to give a whole bunch of different variations where it's just too much, and then people don't don't respond at all. So, um, one other thing, so I'm just going to go through my notes, I get so excited when I start talking about this stuff. I go off on a tangent. I feel like we all do that. Oh, and you know, what's really funny is I've worked with so many like celebrity entrepreneurs, and you know, their podcast episodes are so perfect, like, so pristine. You're like, how do you speak so flawlessly?

I have heard so much of the raw versions of it before they went through editing. And it is just, it's like all of us. There they are, like all of us. And hearing that just made me feel like so normal, right? Like, I wish that they would share the raw versions of it because it would just make us feel like oh my gosh, we can do this. Like we are all on the same team. We're all humans, instead of being like, Oh my gosh, why is their stuff so perfect? That's because they edited the heck out of it. That's why I actually whenever I record things, I try not to edit it because I want people to see this side of it where you're sometimes you're like, Oh, you know what, I got sidetracked. That is part of the process.

Okay, so here's what I was gonna say. Here, the thing is to make sure on the back end when you set up the responses to the closed question, both of those responses to correct. If you don't select an option and you leave it open, people will get an error message when they try to send in their answers. And they won't be able to answer any of the questions on your form. I found this out the hard way. Because I was like, This is so bizarre, why aren't people answering my questions? Because normally people do. I have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of questions answered. And I love every single one of them. They give me so many great ideas and help me create better products, help me create better copy.

So this is just like one of those little tech things, you want to make sure that that you are, go make sure that you test your form, okay, test your quiz, make sure that you can answer it. And then, if not, I found that this was my problem, I didn't actually select whether the responses were correct or fail or whatever it was. But anyway, just set them to correct because the point of this, what we're doing here is we're gathering information, we're not actually using the quiz, like a quiz to confirm whether they actually are understanding and processing the information. So we're taking a tool designed for something else, but using it in a way to actually understand our people better.

Okay, so here is where the rubber hits the road. We want to take all of these amazing findings and go back to your sales page. And now amplify it. Because social proof is one of the biggest things that you can use to get people to realize that your offer is for them. So actually like collecting that, and then putting those screenshots on the page. It's so stinking powerful. And it's the same thing with your offer, because everyone thinks like, oh, coffee is what does all the selling. But coffee can only really work if your offer is amazing.

And I know that everyone here puts so much love and work into their offer. But learning what would make it even better, gives us the opportunity to go and optimize our offer, which makes it easy to optimize the copies. So it's this beautiful like a chain reaction, right?

Okay, so here is a tip for taking great screenshots from the MemberVault admin back end. So I want you to take your browser, like your Chrome or whatever you're using, and make it as narrow as you can go before taking the screenshot. This way, the text is going to stack vertically, instead of spanning horizontally across the whole page width. So this is really important because chances are, the majority of your traffic is going to be visiting your page on mobile. So if you take that really, really, really wide screenshot, and then put that on your sales page. On mobile, it's strung so teeny, teeny, tiny, that it's basically impossible to read.

So if you make your screenshots, take your screenshot, when your browser is as narrow as possible, you mimic that mobile experience. So that way, your screenshot actually looks great and readable on your phone. So it's going to look great on mobile, and it looks great on desktop. So that's really such a simple thing to keep in mind but definitely helps you use all of that grade data in a way that is actually useful for you. It's not like this microscopic, tiny word.

Okay, so one thing that I want you to think about is, where do you actually put them. Where do you ask the questions, right? Because now you know, the questions to ask, but where do you do it? So this really depends on how your offer is set up. You can ask the first question after any lesson. Or you can do it in a module. It's not necessary, but it is fun to track people's progress and see their successes as they move through the content and also understand like, hey, what was their biggest takeaway from there? What was what stood out to them? What was the most helpful? Most importantly, though, I want you to be sure to ask all of these questions at the end of the program.

Because let's face it, it's not uncommon to have a lag time between finishing the content and actually getting the outcome that they're after. So especially in that first question where we were talking about the win, that's us trying to capture that transformation that happened and the results that they got, they might not have an answer to that yet if they just finished your product.

So sometimes people look at your questions, and they're like, Oh, I'm not ready yet. So you can modify that question based on the context of where you're asking it. So like in a lesson you might be asking about the takeaway. In the end, you might be asking about the win because takeaways are really great but what really helps us in terms of sales is capturing the outcome.

So if people don't have the answer right away, that's totally fine like that. That's just part of the process, they might not be prepared to answer it yet. And most people really want to do you Well, you know, like they've been through your content, they obviously got through the end, and they, they want to do a solid for you. But they don't want to say something if they don't really have the result yet, so I totally get it.

So here's the hack that you can use around that. In that case, you can wait an average amount of time it would take for somebody to actually implement and see the effects of your training. So let's say that you have a mini product that someone can go through in an afternoon, takes them about two weeks to implement and start seeing the results. You can have them tagged in your email system to automatically send an email that directs them back to their quiz two weeks after joining.

Of course, like when it comes to, tagging and automation and all that stuff, there's lots you can do in order to catch them at the right time. So if especially if you have a bigger offer, you might want to do it based on behaviors like you know, if they have finished a certain module or a certain lesson, then you might want to use that as your timing point. But that just depends on your whole setup. So I'm not going to get into the weeds of that just because it really depends on what you use it for.

So at the end of it, all of these great things, amplify your sales page and your offer to make more sales, even creating brand new offers. This all starts with these simple quiz questions. So I want you to go get these setups. And tomorrow or the next episode, we're going to be doing a 2.0 version of the strategy. We're going to talk about how to gamify this process so you get even more people responding to you can use those insights to get even more sales.


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