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Blog How to gamify quiz questions for even more responses (and how it can lead to a next level offer) with Katie Momo

How to gamify quiz questions for even more responses (and how it can lead to a next level offer) with Katie Momo


Welcome to the Made with MV podcast! In this episode, sales optimization expert Katie Momo shares valuable insights on gamifying quiz questions to amplify your sales process. She discusses the importance of collecting testimonials and ideas through quiz questions and offers strategies to incentivize more people to participate. Katie provides step-by-step instructions for creating rewards, adding tech magic to automate the process, and engaging participants in the next steps. Plus, she emphasizes the simplicity of implementing these strategies with accompanying guides and resources. 

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Katie Momo introduces herself and the purpose of the podcast
  • Highlight of the special two-episode series and the need to listen to the preceding episode for context
  • Explanation of the importance of quiz questions in collecting testimonials and ideas to optimize the sales process
  • Creating a reward related to the offer or product
  • Setting up actions in Member Vault to automatically reward those who complete the quiz
  • Teasing and explaining the bonus in the copy before the quiz to motivate participation
  • Utilizing the welcome message to guide users to unlock their rewards
  • How the rewarded quiz completion indicates engagement and is an opportunity to invite users to the next step
  • Suggestion to use the strategy to drive users towards another product or call to action

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Full Episode Transcript

Hello there, and welcome to this episode of the podcast. I'm Katie Momo. And I'm so happy to be here with you again. And I help you amplify your sales by optimizing your sales process. So this is actually the last episode of the special two-episode series. If you didn't catch the first one, just pause this, don't worry, I'll wait for you. hop back to the episode right before this one because we're going to be expanding on what we covered there. So you need to catch that one first in order to use everything that we talked about today.

So just to recap, you now have quiz questions setups, and you can collect amazing testimonials and ideas that can help you amplify your sales process everything from the offer itself to your sales page. So now what we're going to do is discuss ways that you can get more people answering those precious questions. And what we're gonna do is offer a bonus to anyone who does. So it's pretty simple to do. But I totally get that explaining a step-by-step tech process on a podcast alone might leave you wondering about the ins and outs.

So we've actually created a companion article to go along with this podcast, it is in the MemberVault Knowledge Base. So I walk you through exactly how to do this. So it will help to listen to this podcast to get the context of the whole thing. Then go here to get the actual steps. Okay, so the great thing about MemberVault is once you have this setup, it's going to work for you automatically behind the scenes. So it won't take you that long to set up. But you will be able to reap the rewards for years to come.

Okay, so the first thing that we want to do is create a reward because what we're doing is rewarding anyone who answers those questions. And of course, having a little, a little carrot really helps people go the distance. So the easiest way to do that is to create an invisible product in MemberVault, and just pop your reward in there. No, it does not have to be huge. And it definitely works best if it's related to what they just covered in the paid product. Or you know what, you can even use this for freebies as well. I have definitely done something similar to freebies when I wanted to get feedback on that. So I could use that again on the landing page in order to get more people to opt in. So it works for paid and free products.

Okay, so once you have created your invisible, your invisible reward. And also if you're if you're wondering what you can put in there, I bet you've got something already created that would work. Especially if you've had your your business for a while, go through your Google Drive, it is amazing how much goodness you have in there. If you have multiple products already in MemberVault, check it out, there might be a little lesson or something, that would be the perfect thing that you can use.

The thing about MemberVault is so easy to go and like make a duplicate of that lesson and move it into another product. So yeah, really, really easy to do. Don't think like this has to be a big thing. It doesn't have to be. Actually, it can be very helpful to just ask yourself like, Okay, what would help someone make the most of this offer? What would it help them do a better job faster, easier, get better results, that sort of thing?

So a reward again, like I said, is very related to the particular offer itself. Those are different ways that you can, you can make a reward that is super compelling in order to get just by looking at those questions. Okay, so now let's talk about adding the tech magic. This is what is going to add people to your invisible reward as soon as they finish the quiz. So you do this by going into the Actions menu, and you add an action for passing the quiz. Then you just select the quiz you want to reward so if you have multiple quizzes in your offer, it's going to most likely be at one of the ends of your product. And then just choose the product they want to add them to.

Now like I said in the MemberVault Knowledge Base article, you'll see the screenshot of how I set it up it it honestly takes you like one minute to do once you see it, it will all sort of like click in your mind. Okay, so also just as an aside, to cover all your bases, I usually set up two actions one for if they pass and one for if they fail, just because I want to make sure I absolutely cover everyone. Because we're not using this quiz to test our knowledge, there is no right answer. I want to make sure that I get everybody because what we're doing is rewarding the completion of the quiz not whether or not they answered things a particular way.

Okay, so once you've set up that action, this will automatically add somebody to that product. If you want to get even fancy dancy, or you can add an action to add a tag, which signals your email system to fire an email with a link to the product. So you would go and set up an automation in your email system, all that sort of stuff. I actually don't do it for this. You can. It's not too tricky. But you know what I'm like, let's let's do the simplest thing that's the most effective that is like my, my modus operandi is operation, operettas modem, Mo modus operandi. Anyway, you get what I'm saying.

Anyway, so the next thing that you need to do after you've created those actions, is go and create a lesson right after the one with your quiz question. And put a link in there to your invisible product, because now they have access. But if you don't have a way to show them how to do it, you know, they may as well they might think that they don't have it. So I set up the lesson right after that because after they complete the quiz, the ad automatically goes to the next lesson. So, therefore, boom, there it is. And I usually add a link to open in the next tab, because they probably want to continue on with the same product that they were working on. But I also want them to know, like, hey, it's ready, you can use this bonus whenever you want. So that way, they can open their new tab, and they can choose which one they want to go forward with next.

Alright, the last thing that you want to do is add some copy before the quiz to really tease and talk about that awesome bonus that they will unlock just by answering it. So what is it very simply, what will it help them do, I also like to make it very clear. So that way they understand how to do it by listing out the steps. So here's an example that I share from one of my own products. access your prize in three steps.

Step one, and so the questions. Step two, press the Submit action button. Step three, you'll automatically be taken to the next lesson where you get a link to access your pricing and psychology cheat sheet. So if you want, you can also let them know, in the copy before the copy of the quiz, you can also let them know that they will see it listed under their available products once they finish.

So there are a few different ways that you can let people know what the deal is, I just like to make it very clear, very simple set up the expectation, because the last thing we want is to promise something and have people feel like oh my gosh, I never got thing you know. So I want to make sure that they are very crystal clear about how to get the thing and how to access the thing. Another thing I love to do is go back into the welcome message.

So the first thing that people see when they get to your product, and add some copy in there to let people know that there's this awesome prize available to them. And link to the module where the quiz is to unlock the module. Because for myself, this happens to me when I know that there's a quiz, and I'm going through the content and I plan to come back and check it out later. But I can't remember where it is. Especially if there are other modules beneath that one with bonuses and all that sort of good stuff.

So if I go to the welcome message, and I see right there, like boom, here's how you do it, then I know, okay, cool. This is what I have to do. I don't have to hunt through and try and find it. Because sometimes people just don't, you know, like we're all busy. So we want to make sure that we understand what they're going through and cater the copy. So that way, it's incredibly simple for them to take action. Okay, you can also use the strategy not only to reward them, but also to invite them to the next step.

So, anyone who's gotten to the stage where they've unlocked their reward, they're clearly engaged. So this is the perfect place to invite them. You can give them a link to another product to book a call, whatever makes sense for your next-level offer. You can even put a video in there explaining what that next step could look like. All right, so I know that there was a lot here, but it actually is very easy for you to set up. Although I know listening to a podcast, may not be so easy. So that is why we have made a guide for you so that way, it's very easy for you to put this into action.

So go grab your article in the MemberVault knowledgebase so that way you can follow my step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to see all the screenshots from inside my product, but when I do this, you'll be able to see the copy that I use so that way you can use that as a framework for your own. So that way you get more people answering your beautiful questions that you can use in order to amplify your own sales.


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