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In this episode, we delve into how business coach Sheena Whyatt is using MemberVault to revolutionize her coaching business. She shares her insights on integrating MemberVault into her business strategy, creating a central hub for clients, and building a new recurring income product called the "Supercharge Your Business" club. Join us as Sheena discusses the practical application of MemberVault, its role in client engagement, and her top tips for seamlessly incorporating it into any business. Listen in to discover how MemberVault is empowering Sheena and her clients to turn business dreams into reality.
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Episode Full Transcript
Sheena Whyatt [00:00:04]:
Hi, my name is Sheena Whyatt and I work with business owners to give them the focus, accountability and clarity that they need so they can make their business dreams into business reality. I'm really excited to share how I'm integrating MemberVault more and more into my coaching business. What I'm doing is creating a central hub for new and existing clients, but also using MemberVault to create a whole new recurring income product, which I'm calling the Supercharge, your business club. I started working with Membervault about three years ago because the WordPress plugins that I was looking at for membership and subscription sites were just cost restrictive, clunky, not particularly easy to integrate and use. And I needed somewhere for my clients to access their recorded calls and their notes after coaching. And equally I wanted somewhere where I could track their engagement. I'm still working on that part of it, if I'm being honest. Some of my clients are assiduous at accessing their notes, some not so much.
Sheena Wyatt [00:01:13]:
But it got me thinking. It got me thinking about functionality of MemberVault and how I can track engagement. And equally that got me thinking more about how I could integrate it more into my coaching business, most particularly this new product that I want to generate a recurring income. The overall strategy is to create one place to hold all of the information for my existing coaching clients, for people who are thinking about becoming a coaching client, and for a whole new audience that are looking for professional and personal development without the corporate price tag. And I feel MemberVault can really do that. The strategy is pretty simple. Create the club, create the products, create the modules, and off we go. And as I just say that out.
Sheena Wyatt [00:02:12]:
Loud to me, I just think that's amazingly simple. And that's the joy of it, is.
Sheena Wyatt [00:02:19]:
That I'm able to build this product alongside running my coaching business and I'm able to do it by using the building blocks that MemberVault gives. I'm able to do it in real time. I don't have to be a techno whiz kid. I don't have to know about coding and all the other stuff that people talk about that frankly. Well, it bores me rigid. I can build the product by using the blocks that are right there in front of me. So let me tell you a bit more about how I'm doing that and how it integrates into my business. I'll talk first of all a little bit about my coaching clients.
Sheena Wyatt [00:02:57]:
So each time somebody has a coaching call with me, there are action notes to help them stay focused in between calls. Some of my clients also like to have their calls recorded so they can go back and listen to the conversation in their own time now. Yeah, okay. I could go ahead and share files through OneDrive, I could go ahead and share files through shared folders and links, et cetera. But what I wanted was an end user experience that was better than that. I wanted my clients to feel like they were part of a connection, if you like, that I wasn't just sending them random file links, that they were part of a hub, a hub of fellow clients that had access to the same stuff. So the first thing that I created was exactly that, the heroes hub. And each one of my coaching clients has their own individual product in that hub, and that's where all of their personal action files, et cetera, live.
Sheena Wyatt [00:03:59]:
But they also have access to all the other stuff. They have access to the free products that I share through my heroes hub that I use as lead generators. They have access to the paid products that I list in my hub as my clients. They get access to that too. And again, that got me thinking that as I was directing people to go and have a look at my marketplace, to go and grab some of that free stuff, why wasn't I putting more stuff in there? So I started to look at doing that, having MemberVault as almost a secondary landing platform to my website. So my marketplace contains links to my free products, it contains links to my paid products, and it contains links to events I host on eventbrite and to my podcast.
Sheena Wyatt [00:04:47]:
One stop. It's brilliant.
Sheena Wyatt [00:04:51]:
And over the past few months, as new functionalities come into play, I've really embraced that.
Sheena Wyatt [00:04:59]:
The supercharge your business club will give.
Sheena Wyatt [00:05:02]:
That professional development without corporate price tag and instant access to whichever part of the club somebody wants to buy. There are four key pillars of content revolving around money, marketing, mindset and motivation. There will be three launch phases. I haven't gone live with it yet, and each of those launch phases give access to one of three products. And what's fantastic is I can create landing pages within member vault. I can create redirect links that I can use to promote and share those particular phases, and I can use the pre sell module product, sorry, template to go and help me do just that. You see, one of the things that I talk about a lot with my clients is how as a small business owner, our most precious resource is time. And if I can find something that will help me get a product from the drawing board, or in my case, my infamous wall of brain, which is an area in my office where the oh my goodness, I could do that.
Sheena Wyatt [00:06:10]:
Ideas get written on a postit note slapped on the wall. And every now and again I go and look at that wall and I think, okay, that idea has got legs. Let's start working on that. And I go ahead and start working through that idea in my book of brain. That allows me the opportunity to mind map it and think about the steps, et cetera. And then those become actionable tasks. And then you're on the way to creating that product, that service, that tip.
Sheena Wyatt [00:06:34]:
Sheet, whatever it is.
Sheena Wyatt [00:06:37]:
MemberVault allows me to do that all in one place. I can have the idea and work on the idea as an invisible product. I can create those offer pages, I can create those redirect links. And as I start to share that information, membervolt also gives me all of that engagement data.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:00]:
That's absolutely vital. Who's opened it?
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:04]:
What products have they looked at? What actions can I set up to put them in front of other products? So one of the reasons that I'm really integrating MemberVault so much more into my coaching business is because it works. It's a really easy way to be.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:24]:
Able to take an idea and make it into reality.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:28]:
That's what I'm all about. I'm all about helping my clients do just that. And the more that I integrate MemberVault into my business, the more I talk to them about how they can.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:39]:
Integrate MemberVault into theirs. So if you're thinking about how can.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:47]:
I integrate MemberVault into my business.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:50]:
More, here are my top tips to give it a go.
Sheena Wyatt [00:07:56]:
Have a think about what the idea looks like. Mind map it. How would you get somebody into that product?
Sheena Wyatt [00:08:02]:
That's where you create your offer in member vault. What are you going to call it? Go and create your redirect link.
Sheena Wyatt [00:08:11]:
And then most particularly, think about what you want it to do for your business. You see, what I want the supercharge your business club to do for my business is give people the means to access all of this information that I've created and curated in over 25 years in business and over 20 of that in the learning and development industry. I use all of that knowledge, not only in my coaching, but to create stuff that I know is going to help small business owners get the kind of skills and development they need. Now, I could go ahead and create that and throw it out there, but I want to see what they're doing in it. The reason I want to do that for my business is then I can look at that data and think about how can I reach out to that person who's focusing solely on downloading and consuming information that I'm giving them about.
Sheena Wyatt [00:09:01]:
Money, how to sell more, how to.
Sheena Wyatt [00:09:04]:
Think about pricing and profit, how to think about getting more out of what they're selling, how to upsell, how to cross sell. Because I can track what they're looking for and what they're accessing and what they're consuming. I can tailor how I communicate with.
Sheena Wyatt [00:09:19]:
Them to be much more personal. And that is gold dust, because that.
Sheena Wyatt [00:09:27]:
Stops me grabbing handfuls of spaghetti, throwing them at the wall and wondering which ones will stick. So if you are thinking about integrating your MemberVault account more into your business, think about what you want it to do for your business. I'm looking for that client engagement data and I can get it from member vault, and that's going to allow me to see which of the pillars in that supercharge your business club are more.
Sheena Wyatt [00:09:54]:
Popular, the areas that are more investigated.
Sheena Wyatt [00:09:59]:
If you like, and that means that I can populate those areas more and maybe wind back on those areas that aren't so popular. That kind of customer engagement data is absolutely priceless. One of the things though, that is.
Sheena Wyatt [00:10:13]:
Shall we say, challenge, is that you.
Sheena Wyatt [00:10:17]:
Can end up falling down the rabbit hole of trying all sorts of different little tweaks. So things to watch out for with integrating MemberVault more into your business is don't lose sight of what you want MemberVault to do for your business.
Sheena Wyatt [00:10:31]:
Keep it simple, don't overthink it. Write out some action steps and then just go ahead and do it.
Sheena Wyatt [00:10:40]:
The joy is that you can take those steps really easily. Map out how you're going to put a product together and simply put it out there in front of the world.
Sheena Wyatt [00:10:49]:
So why not give it a go and let me know your thoughts and.
Sheena Wyatt [00:10:59]:
Your takeaways from listening?
Sheena Wyatt [00:11:01]:
So, sharing the MemberVault collaborative at.
Sheena Wyatt [00:11:06]:
Forward Slash Collab with your takeaways from listening to my chat with you today about how I'm integrating MemberVault more into my coaching business. Let me know if you're going to try it yourself and you can find me if you want to connect on.
Sheena Wyatt [00:11:20]:
LinkedIn and also on Facebook.
Sheena Wyatt [00:11:25]:
I'm Sheena Wyatt from Kapow, your super business coach, and I help small business owners move their business dreams into business reality with business coaching that works if they let it.
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