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Blog How to Use Free Fiddle Tips to Successfully Attract New Leads in MemberVault with Hannah Harris

How to Use Free Fiddle Tips to Successfully Attract New Leads in MemberVault with Hannah Harris


In this episode of Made with MV, Hannah Harris shares insightful strategies for collecting new leads into MemberVault accounts. With a focus on the first strategy, she discusses the use of a free resource product and her experiences with it over the past three years. Exploring the evolution of her free fiddle tip vault, Hannah delves into the refinements she has made to the product and how she added a virtual tip jar as a payment option. Listeners will gain valuable insight into leveraging MemberVault for lead generation and honing their free resources to maximize impact. Tune in for a deep dive into refining and optimizing free products to attract and retain new leads.

Key Topics & Highlights

  • Discussing specific refinements made over the years to improve the free fiddle tip vault
  • Making the product shorter to streamline the content
  • Bundling the extended fiddle tip vault with another mini-course as a two-for-one deal
  • Addition of a virtual tip jar as a payment option

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Episode Full Transcript

Hannah Harris [00:00:01]:
Hi, this is Hannah Harris. Though many of you may know me as Hannah Graham over on TeamMV, when I'm not answering your questions in chat support, you can find me in my own MemberVault account where I teach irish fiddling to musicians who really want to get a genuine feel for the style. Now, I've already done an episode on made with MV about one of my favorite strategies for my paid offers, which are pretty much private online lessons. So if you're curious about how a music teacher can really use and leverage MemberVault for lesson material, I highly recommend giving my first episode a listen. But today I want to talk to you about two strategies I use to collect new leads into my MemberVault account, and I'm going to break these up into two separate episodes so we can get into a bit more detail for each one. So the first strategy that we'll focus on in this episode is the free resource product. So I first joined MemberVault in late 2020, early 2021 to host my very first online course, find your lilt, which is still going today. I've just made a sale this morning after taking Amy Porterfield's digital course academy.

Hannah Harris [00:01:05]:
So when I first came to MemberVault, really all I needed was a platform to host my course. I wasn't thinking about using it for anything else, just I'm going to make a course and MemberVault's going to be the place I do it. But I quickly realized that the MV would also be a great place to host a free product as well. So I had been sending out a weekly fiddle tip email to my list and I had the idea of maybe why don't I put all of my past emails into one handy resource hub for people to access. So there was no new work that I needed to create to get this offer out. I just copied my old emails into their own lessons in a MemberVault product. I let my list know that this resource was there for them. I had organized it by, you know, you could learn about Boeing in one module and confidence in the practice room in another one.

Hannah Harris [00:01:55]:
And I started sharing the link to the free fiddle tip vault, which was my free is my free resource on my YouTube channel, on my social media bios, just anywhere, in my video descriptions on YouTube, my main website, et cetera, et cetera. Just sharing the link all over the place. So I have had this free fiddle tip vault as my free resource on MemberVault for about three years now, and it's still bringing me new email list subscribers every week. So this is definitely a long term strategy. And if we want to break it down into some basic action steps for making this strategy work. They are number one, choose your free resource. Number two, add it to a product in MemberVault and make sure that you have your email service integrated with your MemberVault account. So I use convertkit, but when I started I used Mailchimp.

Hannah Harris [00:02:44]:
I've used Activecampaign, use convertkit. So it's very easy to get this kind of updating with you over the years. Number three is to give your current subscribers access to your free resource and start sharing your link. And number four, refine as you go. Now we have a lot of help articles around how to set up a product and give your subscribers access. So what I really want to focus this episode on is step four, refining. We are big fans of done is better than perfect over here at TeamMV. So I wanted to walk you through some specific things I've done in the last three years to improve this resource.

Hannah Harris [00:03:23]:
Number one, make it shorter. I copied every email I wrote over the span of probably a year and I put it in my free resource. So it was a lot and I have since broken it down and put even fewer lessons in there and I think it still could be shorter. I could probably get it to two modules instead of right now I think it's at five or six. So what I decided to do here was I wanted to keep all of the material that I had put all this effort into putting into MemberVault. So instead of just deleting a bunch of lessons and calling it good and saying okay, this is the free fiddle tip vault now and this is what you have access to. I duplicated the product, so I kept the free fiddle tip vault as that was still the free version. I made a second product by duplicating it and I renamed that product the extended fiddle Tip Vault and I added all of the free members over into that product.

Hannah Harris [00:04:21]:
And then I stuck a price tag on the extended vault for any future people and I offered it as an upsell on my thank you page in my free product. So once you signed up to the free fiddle tip vault, you would be redirected to the thank you page after the sign up form and you would see an offer saying hey, if you want to jump in and get the extended vault, I think I had a 50% off version if you bought it at the upsell. So it was $27 and then if you were just kind of browsing around my MemberVault site in true binge and buy fashion, then it was $47. So I just had two pricing options there. One was the quick upsell at the end of the free product and one was just its regular price. The important thing for me was that the free people were still free, and then any new people that were coming in weren't overwhelmed by just so much free content that they weren't getting to my paid offers. So like I said, I could still make it shorter from here and more streamlined, but that's going to be a future refinement. Now, a little less than a year ago, I decided that I had too many products.

Hannah Harris [00:05:20]:
I needed to really simplify things, make it more easy for people to just follow a clear customer journey throughout all of my MemberVault products so they could go free fiddle tip vault and then they could get to one of my main products rather than maybe the extended vault as just kind of a bunch of tutorial videos that were somewhat organized but not really in a course format. So what I ended up doing was this is actually really a whole other episode. But just in a nutshell, I bundled the extended fiddle tip vault with another mini course that I was also retiring and I gave them a two for one deal. So it was two buy, buy two. They were both $47. So I said buy one for $47 and you get two. And I let my email list know that both the products would not be available for purchase in the future. So I believe this was the end of April last year, and so May 1 they were going away.

Hannah Harris [00:06:10]:
So on May 1 I flipped the sign up type to none, the product type to invisible. I later moved this to archived when we introduced archived products as a new feature and it was a great short term revenue strategy. It actually made quite a few sales, so that ended up being really nice. Obviously it's not something you can keep reusing because you can only retire so many products, but it actually worked really, really well. So back to my refinements for the free fiddle tip vault. So the second refinement that I've made very recently, this is all aside from actually going in and updating the content and adding new videos, that's all kind of just stuff that I've been doing on the regular as I can. But the other refinement that I really wanted to share with you was I added a virtual tip jar as a payment option rather than its own separate product. So yes, I did have a separate product for a virtual tip jar for a while and it just really didn't work.

Hannah Harris [00:07:06]:
I probably didn't have it clearly displayed enough or just not a whole lot of traffic seeing that that was an option. So I tweaked things and now I'm happy to say this is a much better option. So, like I've said, I have had this free product for three years now, and as such I have lost track of all the places I've shared the link and talked about the free fiddle tip vault. Free fiddle tip vault just kind of rolls off the tongue so well, and it's just a part of my brand now. So while I've been tempted to charge for this material, especially as I improve it and add new videos and new content to it over time, I always want to have a free version available. It's just both for consistency and integrity's sake here. So what do I do? Well, I'm a musician, I play gigs, and I have done my fair share of setting a tip jar out and entertaining passerby on the streets. And Erin, our member of all CEO, has done a lot of talking about Lizzie Goddard's low ticket $9 offer, which we use in our own action labs for MemberVault, and I can see how well it performs.

Hannah Harris [00:08:10]:
So I was thinking, well, without needing to create a whole new $9 offer from scratch, I thought, what if I added a $9 payment option to the free fiddle tip vault? So I switched my product type from form to paid. I added a $0 payment option to stay in integrity with the product name and history. So free fiddle tip vault, there's always going to be a free version available and I added a $9 payment that says optional virtual tip jar I did this update about three weeks ago, and I'm really happy to report that half of my free resource signups have tipped over the past three weeks alone. So it's working really well for me. A little disclaimer is that a tip jar works really well for my industry. So we think of tipping musicians a lot, and I tag people in MemberVault who purchase this option so you can tag them in actions when they select the payment option, the $9 payment option, and then in convertkit in my email service, I include liquid conditional content in my freebie welcome email and I specifically am thanking them for their support. I'm letting them know what project it's funding. Like right now I'm recording an album, so a lot of the funds I make in my music business are going towards that.

Hannah Harris [00:09:23]:
So you might work in an industry where a tip jar doesn't make as much sense. So that's just a little this might not work for you kind of disclaimer here, but for me and for my industry. It has been a really great addition to my free resources. Just adding a tip jar now, there have been quite a few other things that I've experimented with in my free fiddle tip vault in the past three years, and those were kind of the first two refinements that came to mind. But even just as I'm recording this, I'm thinking, oh yeah, I changed this. So I tried doing progressive versus regular so people would have to actually go in and complete it in order. And then I changed it. Recently when I made the new payment option, I put it back to regular because I was like, you know what? I just want people to be able to go in and pick whichever area they want to focus on.

Hannah Harris [00:10:12]:
I've got five modules with two or three lessons each in them, and if they want to focus more on mindset, then they can go there. If they want to focus more on the practice room tips, they can go there. If they want to focus more on ornamentation or Boeing, they can again go straight to there. So the reason why I had it set up as progressive before is that I have a module at the end where I'm giving them their next steps. They can take a quiz and I can make recommendations based on what they've given me and their answers. So again, another topic for another day, but I wanted to make sure that they were doing that at the end. So now instead, I kind of don't worry about it, really. I just have a little disclaimer on that module that says do this one last, so you can go through in whatever order you want.

Hannah Harris [00:10:55]:
But I recommend doing the module where I give them the next steps last. But hey, if they want to come in and they want to get through the quiz and get in with lessons and the course with me right away, I'm not going to say no. So I just removed that barrier and I feel a lot better having my product type be set to form there. So I hope you found this episode inspiring. I will be back for part two, where I'm talking about my other lead magnet for MemberVault. And be sure to share in the MemberVault collaborative at Forward Slash Collab. With your takeaways from listening, let us know if you're going to try it yourself. I know there's a lot in here.

Hannah Harris [00:11:35]:
You can find me on instagram at Hannah Harris Keel Ceol. That is the irish word for muse. And music was already taken Hannah Harris music was already taken on Facebook when I made that page. And you can also find me at my website, hanaharriskule And of course, if you're a MemberVault account owner, you'll find me at that little green help button in the bottom right corner of your account, and I'm happy to help you troubleshoot the steps for this strategy in chat and email support.


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