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Blog How TaVona Denise Keeps Her Recurring Revenue Offers Fun and Simple

How TaVona Denise Keeps Her Recurring Revenue Offers Fun and Simple


Introducing our Recurring Revenue Summit speaker, TaVona Denise! She loves teaching coaches and subject matter experts how to consistently attract more of their FAVORITE clients without relying so much on social media using Minimalist Marketing.

She’ll be talking all about creating a container recurring revenue model during the summit so if this sounds right up your alley, stay tuned! First, let’s find out her take on what makes for a successful recurring revenue offer 🙌


What is a recurring revenue offer you've tried in the past (or currently) that you really didn't like? Why?

One that was heavy on content where you stockpiled the backend with a lot of stuff, then were responsible for coming up with new trainings each month. That was too much. I had no desire to do it, which is why I shifted to the event model because I love hosting events and connecting people with each other.

In your opinion, what is the biggest element for success with the type of recurring revenue offer/deep dive you shared in your session?

Keep it simple. You don't have to have a zillion deliverables to make it valuable.

What's an "oops!" that has happened during creating and/or running your recurring revenue offer(s)?

I tried to follow the format that my coach offered knowing good and well I didn't like teaching and definitely not coming up with a new training each month.

I liked connecting, so it took me way longer to launch than I planned initially because I kept trying to follow her way, rather than listen to my gut and what was lighting me up. Once I decided that it was okay to have a people-centered versus content-centered membership and not worry about doing it differently than my mentor, I was able to find the excitement again and launch with the founding members.

What do you wish your current tool, whether it's MemberVault or something else, had to help you with your recurring revenue offer?

I use Learn in ThriveCart for my membership and I recognize that that is not the best tool for the membership, but I wish there was a member directory, since my membership is all about collaborating.

What tool do you currently use to deliver your offers, ie MemberVault, Teachable, etc? What do you like best? What things frustrate you, overall?

I use Learn in ThriveCart for my offers. It works pretty well for the membership, but it doesn't have a contract-signing aspect, so when I use it for my private and group coaching clients, we have to use a separate service. It could also be prettier, with more/better design qualities, but I REALLY like the one payment aspect of it and how it handles affiliates

How would you describe MemberVault to someone who has never heard of it?

A place to house all of your membership needs.


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