Blog 2 Product Setup Ideas for Service Providers

2 Product Setup Ideas for Service Providers


Are you a service provider looking for the most effective ways to set up your product in MemberVault that seamlessly takes your prospective client from the Discovery Call to the Booking process? If so, this article is for you! Check out what our CEO, Erin Kelly recommends below.

If I were still in my service provider days, I’d do it one of two ways:

👉 #1 setup:

If I had a set 1:1 product, ie a VIP day or intensive, that people need to purchase before working with me on retainer or recurring work, I would:

Have that 1:1 product, set up as progressive, with my contract terms in the first module and multiple choice quiz questions yes/no. 

And then the second module would have my embedded scheduler from something like Savvy cal or Calendly, with some quiz questions to give me some info before the call (and learn about why they bought now/how they found me). 

I’d have a client application product with a few questions so that I could do an async discovery call type experience — using Voxer, Telegram, Loom, or just email — since I’d want to keep my calendar clear for paying clients, and I’ve always converted just as well with async methods.

👉 #2 setup:

If I needed to talk or engage with the person and give them a custom quote, I’d set it up the same way with the discovery product — and then just copy and tweak an invisible 1:1 client product for the agreement/purchase/booking part.


Check out the articles below for detailed step-by-step guidance on how you can set this up inside your MemberVault account:

How to Add Payment Options to Your Product

How to Add Quiz Questions to Your Lessons

How to Embed 3rd party Apps within Your MV Products


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