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Blog How Tara Shea Uses MV

How Tara Shea Uses MV


In this super fun interview with Virtual assistant, mentor Tara Shea, we chat about how she's replacing her facebook group using MV's new comment features.

Below is the video, podcast, transcripts & links.


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Remi Oduyemi  

Hello, and welcome back to another user spotlight. My name is Remi from Team MV. And I'm the user success lead at MemberVault. And I get to interview some of our members about what they're doing in their business, and all that good stuff. And today, I get to meet with Tara Shea. Is that how I say your name? Shee? Yep. Brilliant. We can have a chat about what's going on in Tara's business, some of the cool things and features that she's using in MemberVault. And hopefully this will inspire you to use them to say hello, Tara, how are you my darling?

Tara Shea  
Hi, Remi. I'm great. Thanks for having me.

Remi Oduyemi  
Absolute pleasure. Thank you for taking the time to join us. So can you tell us what it is you do? And who it is you serve in your business?

Tara Shea  
Yeah, so I'm a virtual assistant, mentor and educator. I'm also I've been a virtual assistant the last four years myself. So I have a mini course inside inside of MemberVault, I have a group intensive using member vault. And I love it. And so I basically teach other women how to start and grow their own successful virtual assistant business.

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh, that sounds very good. So do you? Are you only doing that like in a group program format? Or do you do one to one stuff?

Tara Shea  
I do one to one stuff as well. I call them like power sessions. So those are great for anyone wherever they're at on their journey.

Tara Shea  
And how long have you been using MemberVault?

Tara Shea  
I've been using member vault for two years now.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah? Is this the platform that you kind of birthed your business on? Or was you on another platform before?

Tara Shea  
I didn't know what I was doing? I didn't know what I was doing before. But yes, I started. When I created my course, which was super scary. I started on MemberVault so and I've just stuck with it and cannot say enough good things about it. It's so user friendly. And I think that's so important, especially for like brand new course creators. Having something not be super, like daunting is very important.

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, absolutely. And what sort of tech do you use to support your VA business? Or? What it's really a VA coaching business? Isn't it? Really? Yeah. Um, so what tech are you using around your business alongside MemberVault?

Tara Shea  
Definitely MemberVault. And then I also use honey book. So honey book is great for, you know, scheduling on my calendar, sending my contracts, invoices, all that good stuff. So those are the the things I use the core of my business. 

Remi Oduyemi  
Now, I know that you've been using some of our new features that have been rolled out in 2022. So can you tell us about how you're using comments, and I know you did something recently, tell us about what you did and how you use comments to help you?

Tara Shea  
I was very excited about comments because I currently have a private Facebook group. But I'm really excited as MemberVault Always is always so awesome about listening, getting feedback, and giving us the users like what we asked for. So I'm excited about the potential of being able to replace my Facebook group just using member vault. And comments are gonna play a huge part in that. So I kind of played around with them, I did a five day challenge. And so I built it all out in member vault, and heavily utilized the comments and also rewarded people. So the more they commented and interacted and that was I made sure to have like lots of call to actions throughout each lesson to comment, then they were put into a drawing. And at the end of the week, I had like four really great giveaway, like one on one sessions with me or my course for free or whatever. So it was really exciting. And I like I can't wait until they're even more robust. And we can like comment with images and all those different, but it did exactly what I wanted it to do. And I know that played into the success of that challenge was having that feature available.

Remi Oduyemi  
So before... would you have run that like in a Facebook group?

Tara Shea  
Yes. And what usually happens is like, you know, we're all busy, it's really hard. So I would go live and I maybe have like one or two people watching live, maybe they'll go back or not and it gets lost. And now when you log into your Facebook, you know, I just had an email go out every morning that linked to that challenge for the day and it took them straight into MemberVault just as like a reminder and make it super easy for them to like log in and go do it. Yeah.

Remi Oduyemi  
And so you found you got really good engagement in the comments from running. So yeah,

Tara Shea  
yes. And then they were also it was just what I wanted to happen it happened very organically but like as we were leading up to the first day I still like add have them be added to the product. Right the challenge. Yeah, and Introduce yourself. And so there was I had 57 signed up for the challenge, I believe, and they were all also reading each other's comments and with each other, like, oh my gosh, we have this in common are really fun.

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh, that's magic, I love to hear that. That's, for me, that's one of the things that I'm really working on is trying to move a lot of my business from Facebook into MVP. And, you know, what we have right now is kind of a minimum viable product with no comments, but it is gonna get better. And we are going to be able to do so much more with it. So it's so wonderful to hear that you're using it already in like a really powerful way. And it's kind of bringing your community together, all in one place all on site, all inside a MemberVault, which is epic, epic, epic, epic. And so the emails that you were sending out, what who's your email provider? Who do you send the emails?

Tara Shea  
I use Flow desk. So I use zaps a lot of things, which is I had someone helped me get it set up initially. And now it's like, really easy for me to

Remi Oduyemi  
Yeah, that's cool. And so when you're sending out emails, were you sending out sort of like what I call the magic link to get people to log in without having to log in? Yeah, amazing. Because that just makes it so much easier, right? People get an email, and then there's just one link, they don't need to remember their username, password, they just click on that link, and then they're in your challenge. And they can, you know, access the videos, and they can leave comments, and they can I love that it just makes life so much easier. So I'm glad you found really nice flow with that. Yeah,

Tara Shea  
it made my life easier to not having to go live, like I recorded it all, like a few weeks before. So it was all in there. And then all I had to do is show up a few times a day and get questions in the car, you know, in the comments. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I just say to do like this every time.

Remi Oduyemi  
I say much easier. Well, I think you get inspired quite a few other people who also are running their challenges off of MemberVault. And realizing actually, because that's all you really mean, you know, when you want to challenge on Facebook, you're doing the same thing, you're posting a video there, you can post that on MemberVault. If you're posting any workbooks there, you can post that on MemberVault. And you just have the timeline right underneath each video, where all the comments section underneath each video is exactly the same. So you could just do it all in one space. But also the joy of doing it on your platform is they get to see all your other products as well. So

Tara Shea  
exactly, because everyone like creeping on. It's like perfect.

Remi Oduyemi  
Like get to see what else you sell. And because of the cookies and the way that the tracking set up, you can see what people are looking at it because they're logged in. So you kind of get to see your warm leads and your hot leads. So it's just another brilliant reason why you should run your challengers over a MemberVault because it's more than just you know, having people in a container, you get lots of insights and information that can help you to bring in more leads into your business. So

Tara Shea  
yeah, and you know, I had they had the how to capture their email address before they signed up. So that doesn't happen, like in a Facebook group. Yeah, and I think it's just more visually appealing. Everything's flows better. And

Remi Oduyemi  
yeah, your branding and your design. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Oh, this This is wonderful news. I love hearing about this is so cool. Um, so tell me before we go What else do you love about using MemberVault? What's what's your favorite thing about using MemberVault

Tara Shea  
And like I mentioned earlier, I just think it's super user friendly and if I can't figure it out then I can like the resource library is all kind of answer or hop over into the Facebook group which is always so helpful. Also in these customer service is like top notch questions or whatever y'all are like always on it and super helpful. And just like I said, like Mike and Aaron and everyone like they really do care about the user experience and they're constantly have that like in the forefront it's very obvious just by like how they communicate with us and they're so transparent and I just love it.

Remi Oduyemi  
Oh good. Well, that's music to my ears. I love to hear that. So tell us Tara how can people find you if if we have bas watching this or people who are thinking about starting to be a business where can they find you?

Tara Shea  
Yeah, I'm on social at Tara Shea the VA on all channels and then my websites

Remi Oduyemi  
yeah, and Will that get them through to your MV? Okay, perfect. I will make sure I dropped all of those links into the show notes and on the blog as well so people can come and check you out. But thank you Tara. This has been awesome. It's been lovely to meet you and I'm I genuinely am excited about how good your five day challenge sounded. Say thank you for sharing that with us. I know that is going to inspire our members to do more challenges on MB as they should say thank you, my darling and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

Tara Shea  
Thank you You too.

Transcribed by

Visit Tara's account here:

Remi OduyemiHey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi,  User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.

Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.

You can find my MV site here:


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