In this weeks podcast episode I share with you some of our MV templates and our incredible free resources that you can tap into that could save you time this month!
Do share with me in the comments if you are going to try using them in your MV account?
Podcast, Transcript & Links are provided below.
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Remi Oduyemi
Well, hello friends. It's Remi here from Team MV. I'm the user success Lead here at MemberVault. And it's my absolute pleasure to be here, walking you through another podcast that will hopefully be useful and inspiring. That is the goal. So in this week's podcast, I want to talk to you about saving you some time this month. Because we've been throwing lots of new stuff at you this year in 2022. And I think it's about time that we kind of just slow things down a little bit. And we look at ways based on all the things that we already have in our arsenal, ways in which you can save your time, this month using MemberVault in your business. So what I want to talk you through is some of the cool things that you can access right now, inside of MemberVault that are there to help you. And to save you time. This includes things like templates and graphics, Add Email swipes.
So I'm going to run through what we have, how you can use it while you want to use it. And you can go and grab them for free inside a MemberVault. So what I'm gonna do is everything I talked about in this podcast episode, I will link to in our blog. So in the show notes of this episode, there will be a link to the blog, we have a transcript of all of this that I'm talking about now, but there will also be direct links to everything I'm talking about. So that you can just click and go and access and start creating inside of MemberVault.
So let's get started with some templates. Now, there are quite a few new templates that have landed that we really want you to go and click on and play around with and experience because they are there to save you time. They are a shortcut for you to to enable you to get things done in a much shorter path or in a much quicker way. But first, let's talk about how you access MD templates.
The first thing you need to do is when you log into your MemberVault dashboard is you click on Content. And then you click on the Add Product button which is a green button, because you want to create a new product. And when you get to the next screen, if you scroll down the page just a little bit, there'll be an option that says use a template. And when you click on use a template, it will open up a menu of all the templates that are pre built for you to use whenever you want to create a new product. Or if you have a new idea or a new thing that you want to roll out, then you can get started very, very quickly by using one of the MemberVault templates.
So the first template I want to talk to you about is the community hub template. (Find this inside your dashboard - Content - Add Product)
Now this is one of our newest templates, it's actually one that I put together. And this is all around creating a community hub or a community place that for me. My idea with this is like if you're trying to get a Facebook, and you wanted to create a community feel over a member vote, you could use this template using member volt comments to create what feels like a community hub. So you can upload that template, the community hub template, and it will lay out for you an idea or a way in which you can build a community space for your members. And of course, you can tweak them, you can delete folders, you can rename folders, you can add lessons, modules, all of those types of things, completely customizable by you. But what we give you is kind of a framework that you can build your own community hub from. So that was template number one, which was the community hub.
The second template is the group program template. And this is a brilliant template if you want to sell two offers in one product, right? So let's say you have a group program. And let's say in your group program, you every month you deliver one video training one PDF each month, and that's what they get in the group program. But if they wanted to upsell to like a VIP level of the group program where they get two zoom calls a month with you, then this group program template will help you create exactly that. It will help you lay out what your group program could look like in terms of the framework of that but it will also walk you through how you can upsell a VIP option to your group program.
Now this also this template might be really good for something like a summit. So let's say you are running your own summit inside our member vault, then you could use the group program template, and then you could upsell, you know, all access passes or, you know, VIP tickets to the summit. Or perhaps you're putting all the Select videos into an archive and you're selling the the ability for people to replay and rewatch, then using the group program template would be absolutely perfect if you didn't know how to build that out inside a MemberVault. And that, of course, will save you a ton of time, rather than you know, recreating the wheel, why not go and use a template that is already laid out for you.
And of course, inside of these templates, you get access to Erin Kelly, you have brilliant brain, and she walks you through, you know, some strategies around what you want to be doing in order to get the best results for your business and the best result for your clients. There's lots of strategic strategies, I can't put my taken, there are lots of strategic advice and help that are inside these templates that will help you think about how you build these out and what some of the things you might want to include in your build of your group program, for example, or your community hub. So do read the notes that are inside the templates. Another template that we have that you can use, it will save you so much time is if you are wanting to pre sell and offer so maybe you have a new idea for a program or a membership or a course and you want to pre sell it. So you that means you kind of want to sell it before there's any content actually in there, right? You want to be able to put the idea out there, see if people will actually pay you money for it.
And when they do, then you can go and create the content, right? versus the other way, which is building out a course with tons of material in them. And you try and sell it and nobody wants it. And you've just wasted, you know, days, weeks or months creating something that nobody wanted. But if you wanted to pre sell, then we've actually put into member wrote a pre sell your offer template, which again gives you gives you some ideas and strategies around how you actually pre sell something, and what you do with those people once they have bought something from you. But the content isn't ready. So if you want the strategy behind what you do with those people and how you manage that, then go and check out the pre sell your offer template. And again, I'll just remind you that if you want to use any of these templates, log into your dashboard, click on content, click on Add product, and then scroll down a little bit and click on use a template and you will find all of these templates that I'm sharing with you in that area.
All right, the next template is the membership template. And this is quite self explanatory. If you are wanting to create a new membership, or a new subscription hub of some sort, then we actually have a membership template for you that you could upload into a new product and build out your membership by following the guidance and the instructions that are inside of there to craft and set up your own delightful membership. And that's super, super handy. If you have no idea where to start with memberships, I really encourage you to upload this template into a product and just read through and get some ideas about a good way to structure this inside a member vote. So super, super handy, and saving you tons of time. And then there's another template that I want to share with you, which is it's the one to one application template. And this is for anyone who offers any type of one to one service. And this is if you want people to apply to work with you.
So this template really is for anybody who you know, wants to create some sort of an application process and talk you through how you would do that how you can use member vault to do that. But also you can tweak this template. If you don't want to do an application based one to one service, perhaps you just want to offer normal one to one service but you don't know how to build that out. Inside MemberVault You can still use this template and you simply modify it to your needs and you remove the application side of things and you can still use this template to help you build out a really nice one to one product inside a MemberVault game saving you time. You don't have to do this stuff from scratch, use the templates they are there to save you time and energy and make your life so much easier. And then we have another template which is called waitlist as a freebie and So if you wanted to create some sort of a waiting list inside a member vault, then this is going to be a perfect template for you. Again, strategy advice, ways in which you can create your waiting list, how you can keep people engaged, the type of things that you can do are all inside of this template, that one was called whitelist, as a freebie, and that one is also absolutely brilliant.
So do go in, check out the templates inside the content inside of add a product and have a look, click around and see what takes your fancy. And the best thing to know if something is for you is really just to try it out. And, you know, you could open each of these into new products and any ones that you don't want, you can delete, and it's out of your way, it's not just hanging around taking up space, you can absolutely go and give these a look through and a little play with to see if it is right for you. So those are the templates that I wanted to share with you, because they are there to help you and save you time. And we want to encourage you to go and look at these play with these. investigate these to see what works best for you.
So the next thing I wanted to talk to you about is Ira who's part of the team MV, Ira Kadir, she has created some amazing, amazing Canva graphic templates, right. And they are all at the right sizes. So if you want to have images for your product, images, your modules, your lessons, your blog images. Ira has put together some absolutely golden templates that you can download for free. And you can take them into Canva. And then you can you know change the colors and the brand and to make sure they look like your your own branding your own identity, you can change the fonts you can change some of the elements and graphics if you want to. But what you have is a fantastic foundation to get started with your graphics. So I know many small business owners struggle with this with you know how they can get their member vote to look and feel a certain way. And with errors. With her graphics templates, this is a shortcut for you. So you don't have to think too hard. They are professionally designed, they are absolutely beautiful. And they are there and available for you. Now they live inside of our courses area, or member volt inside a product called MV Insider.
But again, I'm going to put a direct link to link for you to go and access those and download those Canva templates because they are really, really good and super useful. And the blog ones as well. They're all different block sizes. So you can have a blog header, you can have blog images that you can include on your page and your sidebar and all of that good stuff. So loads of potential about of what you can do with these Canva graphics in your business.
And then the final thing that I want to wrap out with today is another another handy, shall we call it at all we'll call it at all another handy tool for you is Erin has written six emails that you can send out. So there's swipe emails, that basically it's like a templated email where you kind of fill in the blanks for your business for your industry. Absolutely time saving game changing emails.
So a couple of emails that are in there just to give you a little taste of what you can go and download for free are. Let's say you have not sent an email to your email list in quite some time. Well, Erin has put into the six email swipe folder, a reintroduction email so that you can reintroduce yourself to your list and the things that you might want to say and the ways that you might want to go around this rather than you cringing and trying to figure out oh my god, how do I say this? How do I do that? Erin has a swipe file email template that you can use inside the six email swipes.
So again, I'll drop the link into the blog for you so click on the link in the show notes, which will take you to the blog post and you will find links to the email swipes. They also live inside the courses dot VIP member vault area inside the NBA insider as well but again, I will just send you I'll put the link direct link so you can go and download these email swipes. Other emails in there that you can swipe are the let's talk email again for you know inviting conversation with your list. How to email so if you're you want to show somebody how to do something, maybe you want to you know, reinvigorate your your email list by show showing them how to log back into their member vault to access the content that they bought, and perhaps haven't completed and finished yet, right. So that might be a nice email to do. Or you could do a there's an email swipe where you could, you could do a email, that's something like five steps to doing, insert, whatever your thing is, right, whatever your industry is. So there is a swipe file of how to do a, you know, X steps to y type, email.
So there are a, there's a couple of others in there as well. But they are six emails, they are done for you, you can access them right now, you can be sending emails, reengaging inviting people to come into your member vault, to access their content, whether it's free resources, whether it's things that they've paid for, you know, there are email swipes that you can use to reengage. And to follow up with people, maybe you have people who are warm leads or hot leads, you can use emails to engage with them and to remind them to log in, or to find out what you know, what's stopping somebody from buying something that perhaps they've been clicking on or looking at four or five times, you know, that's a key indicator that they're interested. And maybe they need an email from you to explain something further or, you know, offer them a money off voucher or, or you know, have a conversation with them, invite them on a call or something.
So there's lots that you can do these email swipes, and they are free. They are they are done for you. You can have them right now. So I will be sure to include the link to that as well in the blog, which is going to be in the show notes of this podcast. So I hope that you found all of this super, super useful for helping you think about ways to save time in your business inside of MemberVault. I've shared with you some templates that you can use. I've shared with you about the Canva graphics templates that you can download and use right now. And I've shared with you six email swipes that you can use right now to really reinvigorate and you know, wake up your email list and drive people into your MemberVault. All the links will be in the show notes. And I can't wait to hear from you what you're going to be doing to save some more time in your business which of these you're going to be using. Do tell me in the comments and I cannot wait to hear from you. Alright, enjoy the rest of your week, everybody.
See you next week. Bye.
Transcribed by
Hey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi Oduyemi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.
Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.
You can find my MV site here:
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