In this weeks podcast episode I deliver some cool strategies for you, around how you can use the new comments feature to get engagement in your MV Products. This includes hosting a giveaway, promoting a future Q&A or doing Collab posts to drive up that engagement. Cool right? Use the comment section below to tell me how you feel about these ideas Or TELL me about how you are using comments to drive engagement inside of your MV. I cant wait to hear about them.
Podcast & Transcript are provided below.
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6 ways to use our new comments feature to drive engagement in your MV products.
1. Ask users to engage in your comments. Seems super simple right? But how will you do this? Via email? On social media? What strong call to actions will you use?
2. Host a giveaway, competition or contest: And make the only way they can enter is by leaving a comment. What fun phrase should they use? What can you give away? Gift card? Access to a popular MV product? An MV coupon?
3. Post something funny or Proactive and turn on comments. Turn comments on for your lesson posts to allow your community to engage with you.
4. Promote a future Q&A with your community. And ask them to use the comments to ask you questions that you'll answer for them (think Facebook post or poll, do this inside a module then a lesson, comments turned on).
5. Collab - Ask your community to share about themselves. At the start of a training, course or program - Ask your community to tell everyone about themselves in the comments at the start or end of a module. Or create a new lesson and ask them to share their social links like linkedin/instagram handles for example.
6. Respond to comments. Don't leave your community hanging! Responding is as equally important as encouraging them to engage with you.
Listen to the full episode for more detail about each of the above options! And drop a comment with which one you're thinking of using first. 🙌
Ready to start playing with the new comments feature, but not sure where to start? Here's a resource guide for you. 👌
Remi Oduyemi
6666 Yep, it appears everybody I am on a six girl. Couple of weeks ago, I came here and I gave you a podcast with six ways to do something.
And today, I'm back with another podcast episode with six ways to do something else.
I guess, I guess I'm just a bit of a sixth girl. Hello, everybody. My name is Remi. I am the user success Lead here at MemberVault.
And it is my pleasure to bring you another solo episode talking about some groovy stuff that you can do Inside of member vault. I'm gonna apologize now you might hear a puppy barking in the background or a lawn mower, because we have a sunny day here in the UK.
So today, I'm talking about how to use comments, our new comments feature inside of MemberVault, how you can use comments to get engagement in side of your products. That's what we're talking about today. And I just jotted down some ideas, and we landed upon six, so I'm gonna throw six at you.
Hopefully, hopefully, you'll find really useful.
All right, so let's start with number one shall we? So the first suggestion that I have for you, is the most obvious one.
And it's so obvious that most of you won't do this, right. Because if I know anything about small business owners, and not doing the things that sometimes we need to do, this is going to be one of those things, right? The first thing that you need to do, and it's really, really simple, is you need to ask your users to engage in your comments, right. And so I'm gonna give you a couple of ways that you can do this, the most obvious way is to send out an email to your list of buyers, to your users to your members. And ask them to engage in the comments, write the comments that you will be turning on. And I'll talk you through how to do that in a minute. inside of your member vote, you can also ask them on social media, you could do a post, you can make an announcement around the comments feature that's included inside of your products inside of your free resource area inside of your Summit, or whatever it is that you are offering to your people and to your community.
Or if you are creating a community hub, and our community template will be rolling out in the next day or two. So I'll make sure I share in the collab when that's up and running and live. If you are creating your own community hub, then you could do social media posts around that telling people I have my own community that is off of Facebook, and it's off of wherever LinkedIn. And it's hosted in my digital platform inside of member vault. And you can come and engage with me in the community. And I would love to chat to you in the comments, right? So ask clearly. And then once we're on this number one topic, what I want to say as well is also a little hint for you, or a tip, not a hint, is to really start to think strategically moving forward, right? You don't need to go back and edit all your old videos or anything. But moving forward, as you are creating new content, new training videos or new tutorials that you are putting into your lessons inside a member vault. Why not start saying to people at the end of those videos? Leave me your thoughts in the comments, or come and chat to me in the comments beneath this video. Right? Like start implementing that where we are using a really strong call to action and telling our users how to engage with us. You know, underneath this video, there's a comment section come and tell me your number one takeaway from today's training right? Or share a lightbulb moment that you've had from this week's tutorial. Or, you know, what action are you going to be taking next? Tell me beneath this video in the comments, you strong call to actions that are telling people to use the comments tool to engage with you. So that was my tip number one is to ask your users directly to engage with you. They need that direction they need you to tell them what to do. Alright, number two, we are going to go with the you inside of MemberVault you can host your very own giveaway competition or a contest. And the only way for people to enter is by leaving a comment inside of your member vault account. Right? And you may even want to ask them to leave you a specific comment like I'm giving away I don't know $25 Amazon card right? In order to win it come in to log into your MemberVault vault and
In the comments, leave the word, boss babe. I don't know, whatever.. insert whatever phraseology that you want to use right. Or you might want to say in order to win, leave me your favorite flavor of ice cream inside the comments. And you share them the link, right. So in a one click link, if you are using email to do this, by the way to announce a competition or a giveaway, then using email, you can use the one click not the one, click the one link, the one link feature inside of MemberVault. And you can send that out on email only. And that allows people to just click on that link, open the email, click on the link and get straight into your contest or your giveaway, where they have to comment they have to engage in order to be in with a chance to win whatever your prizes. And because they remember vote, perhaps you want to give away something that you already have. Maybe you give, you know, one month access to your membership, right, or you might give a 50% off coupon or a voucher to a product that you have inside of MemberVault. So think about how well what you would like to give away. And if it's already embedded in MemberVault, then you can keep them on the platform. And you can keep them engaged by leaving comments and then winning something that's already on a platform so they don't have to go anywhere else or do anything else. Right. So suggestion number two was host a giveaway or a contest or a competition. And the only way that they can win is by leaving a comment inside of your MemberVault. Right. So that was my suggestion number two, but how you can use comments to get engagement inside of your product. Number three, number three, you could post something funny or something proactive inside of a lesson inside of a module.
So when a community hub template releases, and I've done a whole workshop on this as well, when that releases very soon, you this will make a lot more sense, right. But I talk about how I use my community product, like I would use a Facebook timeline or news feed. And so the module itself is called news feed. And then the lessons are the individual posts like I would do on Facebook, right? So if you are consistently posting things that are engaging, proactive, funny with a question, this is really going to encourage people to engage in the comments inside of your products. Right. So that was suggestion number three was to post something funny or proactive. But of course, once we drop the MV community hub workshop for you all, which is coming very, very soon, the community hub template, then that suggestion number three will make a lot more sense around posting regularly inside of your MB products. Suggestion Number four would be to promote a future q&a session with you. Right? So let's say you are running a session where by you're going to answer questions from your community, you can actually ask your members to ask their questions that they want answered inside of your product inside of MemberVault. Right. So you would ask the question by creating a lesson that you might call q&a for August 2022. And in there, you asked your community to leave you comments with the questions that they want you to answer, right. So that would be a brilliant way you could do this for other things, you know, maybe you have a weekly tech session or a weekly advice session or a weekly advice hub that perhaps you might be doing on another platform. Well, you could do that inside of MemberVault. And you can use the comment sections to get people to ask their questions to you directly. So that was suggestion number four.
Question number five is going to be what I'm calling question number five. Sorry, suggestion number five is what I'm going to call collab collaboration, right? If you have a lovely, gorgeous engaged community, what you might want to do is ask them inside of a comment section to share a bit about themselves so that other people in your in your community can get to know them. So maybe you have again a module that's your community at the hub, or if you wanted to do this at the end of a specific program, or a course that you run, or if you're doing something that's I don't know, four weeks long, maybe at the start of that, the start of that journey, you ask your members to introduce themselves, right. And they can go into the comment section section. And they can say, who they are, what they're about what they do. And maybe they drop a link to their website, so that other people who are taking that same course or program, or in that little collective of people can all get to know each other and check each other out. And you can take that a little bit further.
Again, if you have a, if you do have like a community area inside of your MemberVault, then maybe you want to do like a lesson whereby you call it something like follow and support, right, and your members can go in there, and perhaps they can all leave in the comments. They can leave their Linked In profile addresses. Or they can leave their Instagram addresses so that your community can all connect and follow with each other, and comment on each other's links and things like that. So, you know, creating some sort of collaboration lesson or, you know, once a week, maybe collaboration Sunday or something like that, where you're like, Hey, guys, let's come in here together, use the comments. And you know, share your LinkedIn profiles, or share your Instagram or your Facebook links. And let's all follow and support one another. So that was suggestion number five. And then my final number six suggestion for you of how you can use comments to get engagement in your product is also probably as simple and as obvious as number one. Which is to always respond to your comments, right? Because if we want engagement is as much your duty as it is theirs to respond and engage with those. If you imagine that you keep posting and leaving comments and nobody responds to it, then eventually, you're just going to stop posting because you're not getting any interaction or engagement with you.
So where possible, respond to comments that people aren't leaving for you. Your comments, as the host of a member vote platform, your comments will show up in the dashboard at the very top under activity and then comments. And you can check regularly to see what comments you have coming in. And my suggestion would be in the early days, or the first few times that you do this, that you do actually engage and connect with your community. However, if you have a massive community and I know some of you have 1000s and 1000s of users, this could be an overwhelming task. So you either have to make the decision around saying very clearly, when you are using the comments feature, that this is a community feature only and that you will not be responding to comments that people know. Or you have a team member or a virtual assistant go in and respond to these comments on your behalf or acting as you but again, making that really clear to the community who is going to be responding on your behalf and letting them know upfront that hey, we have a community feature here. And either yes, I will be here responding to you directly or, or I won't be responding to you directly. But you guys can still use this community feature to get to know each other, and encourage them to respond to each other, if you are not going to be visible and present inside of your community comment features, right?
So again, really thinking about how you best want to set up your comments feature and whether or not you will be engaging. Because I can also see how overwhelming this may become if you have a lot of users. And those of you with a smaller community may not have that same sort of pressure. So it may be easier for you to go in and respond to comments. But number six is a really important one that you know people want to want to feel seen and heard. And if they are using the comments feature and you are not responding, then that is not going to be the best way to encourage and allow for engagement in your products to continue because people will just disconnect if there's nobody there at the other end. So they were my six suggestions around how to you use comments to get engagement in your products. This is going to be shared on to our MemberVault blog, there is a comment section underneath this blog, I would love to hear from you. Which of these six what your favorite ways to inspire and encourage engagement inside of your member vault account? And I will be in the comments. So when you comment, I will come and have a little chat with you. So do use the comment feature. Alternatively, you can always find me inside the NV collaborative group on Facebook. So tag me Remi Odoo Yemi any comments and feedback and I'll come and have a little chinwag with you. So thanks for listening, everybody. And I'll be back next week with another solo episode with some strategies and some advice for you around how you can do super cool stuff inside a member vault. Have yourselves a brilliant rest of the week. Take care everybody
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Hey, hey! 👋 I’m Remi Oduyemi, the User Success Lead here at MemberVault.
You’ll hear me over on the Vault podcast, see me in the Collaborative, and also hosting special user success workshops.
Outside of MV, I work with established entrepreneurs and ambitious business owners who are ready to scale their business using simple systems and cool automations.
You can find my MV site here:
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