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Revenue Accelerator Application

Revenue Accelerator - apply to be a part of our beta round

Want to snag beta pricing on my new program where I'll be supporting you in increasing your sales with the audience you already have? Get your application in ASAP.

This is for people who have a product that has sold successfully, at least a handful of times, and who have an email list of at least 100 people. If that's the case -- you're leaving money on the table, and worse...missing out on opportunities to support the people who need your help. (Deadline to apply - Tues, Sept 3rd at 3PM Pacific or when we hit 25 beta members, whichever happens first!)

In my 8 years of growing MemberVault to a 7-figure business with under 20/hrs a week to work, I've supported THOUSANDS of business owners, and there is one universal truth (and this goes for me too).

You aren't selling (and following up) enough.

I know. 🤷‍♀️

Most people HATE the "sales" word, and even "leads". It can feel so cold and impersonal. I remember back in the big funnel days (I even co-hosted a funnels program myself, and am still a fan of funnels in specific situations), there was a popular graphic that showed people falling into a funnel and dollar signs coming out the bottom. 


That's NOT the kind of sales mentality I'm suggesting here. Your people are PEOPLE, not dollar signs. But you ARE running a business, and businesses need money to run. Which means, yes, you need to sell. And way more than you are now. But I have good news. 

I freaking LOVE selling and sales. I think it's a great big, fun, experiment. 🧪

And I'm here to help YOU.

I crafted this Revenue Accelerator program to support you in showing up more, and asking for the sale. And following up. But in a way that feels supportive, not pushy. In a way that you can work around your own schedule, whether it's limited (like mine is) or you have all the time in the world.  We're also going to weave in sales opportunities into your product(s) for future sales.

The next 90 days can be FULL of wins, and I want to be there celebrating with you. 🎉

(Deadline to apply - Tues, Sept 3rd at 3PM Pacific or when we hit 25 beta members, whichever happens first!)


Good question. This is a self led program, with some access to me, so that you can go as hard as you want, and still feel the support when you need it. 

This is a beta program, which means I'm still creating the resources, which will be available as of Tues, Sept 3rd. You get to choose when to kick your 90 days off by answering an intake form so that I can personalize my emails based on where you're at right now. And then you can expect emails from me 3x a week with little supportive tidbits and reminders to keep your momentum up. 

If you miss some of the emails or have a week where you have ZERO time? No worries. 

They are there to support you, not overwhelm you. 

This isn't a race to the finish. This is a building up of a new routine, and a new way of looking at sales, so that you can keep things rolling beyond the 90 days.

My goal with this program is to have you seeing opportunities for sales, everywhere, and having FUN with it. Your audience will feel the difference, and your content (and revenue numbers) will too.

You'll get access to email templates, strategies and examples from me.

The Revenue Accelerator is about a mindset, and having the tools to make it happen.

The Revenue Accelerator also includes a year of access to ALL of my self-led resources that you have everything you need to increase your revenue (value $549, just with what exists right now). You'll get my Your Questions, Answered private podcast, all of my action labs, my 52 Emails to Motivate, Sell and Engage pack..

AND a private community where you can share your wins/struggles and see my daily diary of sales strategies I'm testing and trying.

Plus, you can hit reply on any of the emails I send with a follow up question. <-- this will ONLY be available during the beta round, so if you want that level of's the time!

This program isn't for everyone. 

👉 If you HAVEN'T sold at least one offer (that you want to continue to sell) at least a handful of times, this isn't for you. I'm going to show you how to bring in MORE sales from your existing audience, but if you are struggling to get ANY need to fix that first, and that's a different program.

👉 If you're super comfortable selling, and are already playing around with order bumps, upsells and down sells, this isn't for you. If that's you, you'll benefit more from my 1:1 strategy support package where we can dig in together to make the most of MV's personalized automation strengths with what you're already doing. It's invite only, but if you're interested in learning more - email me at


OK, so we've covered who the Revenue Accelerator is for and who it's NOT for. 

Why is it an application? Because this is a beta launch, and I want to make sure I get the right people for the program in there. 

Deadline to apply - Tues, Sept 3rd at 3PM Pacific or when we hit 25 beta members, whichever happens first -- then this opportunity will be closed until Revenue Accelerator is ready to open for anyone to join.

The beta price is $1K, with payment plan available. The price WILL increase when I open doors again.

(If you're on our All Access plan - monthly, annual or lifetime - the Revenue Accelerator is included for free, so no need to apply! More info coming via email.)

This is the lowest price that the Revenue Accelerator will ever be.

And by joining in the beta, you'll be getting more support and access to me, as I make sure that the curriculum is the best it can possibly be. And you get all of my existing, and future, self led products, and access to a private community where you can read my daily "sales strategies I'm trying" diary and share your own wins/struggles -- for a full year. 

Interested in experimenting with me? Let's do it! 

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