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Welcome everyone.
Welcome Welcome. Welcome.
Hello. Hello there. There we go.
I got you back now. Everybody just in case. Welcome everyone we'll let people filter in for maybe about one more minute. Um, can everybody hear me okay? All righty. Good, good. Good.
While people hop in. I'm so glad that you're here. If you have any questions as we go through typing in the chat box, I have the questions that you submitted inside the module. And hopefully time is gonna be on our side to address something extra that was not even in the description, but I think that will clear out most of the questions, but again, do not hold on any questions at all. If we run out of time, I promise that I'm going to create a q&a to address everything properly and send that to the amazing area so that you are all cover
and I'm going to do a little bit of housekeeping here. First off, let me introduce myself. I am Airial, I am here on Team MV. We're so excited to have our first MV presents workshop. Karem, Karem, Karem. I'm sorry, because I'll forget my own name right about now. So I just want to make sure I say her name correctly. For as far as housekeeping goes, if you have a question, if you could send it directly to me, I'm you should see me as member Vol. That way, I don't have to scroll through chat. If you can't remember that, then at least put it in all caps. If it's a question for us, okay, put it in all caps. I learned that from someone and I really like that That way we can quickly see what's going on, because we want y'all to be interactive. But we also want to make sure all your questions are answered. All right, so everybody is on mute. If kram addresses you in any way, you have to unmute yourself, but please make sure to mute yourself back when she finished talking so we don't get any feedback or anything. Without further ado, I'm going to introduce her. So Karem Mieses is a productivity consultant and business strategist, her specialties in project management and finding new sources of revenue. Help her transform her consulting practice to 100%. Online in 2014. Wow. She is the creator of idea to profit online Academy, host of the life boss podcast, and award winning author. Look see, she's talking about she's nervous about being on here with me. She's an award winning author that teaches creative family business owners to launch their businesses from their garages and kitchen tables while enjoying life. That's like an Amazon story. Right? Thank you, Campbell and Amazon for garages. We know it's possible. So welcome, welcome, welcome. I will hand it over to you.
Yeah so glad to hear this amazing opportunity I'm gonna share my screen and get to work because we came here to work and let's see should be a host now all right yeah
awesome okay so I like slides I'm very for those of you that follow me forever for some time now you know that I'm very visual person. So we are here to create a one time offer you seen memorable so my mission my goal at the end of the you find a way to create an upsell without complex funnels and checkout pages in craziness. So I'm area introduced me I've been doing this for a really long time. for two decades, I've been consulting with companies that have gone through bankruptcy court proceeding to reorganize them themselves. And I have been annexed expert witness are to prove that they are a viable business. So I've been doing this for some time. And 2013 I have to prove myself that I had that I could reorganize my company because I have 25 employees, and three babies at the time, ages three years, 15 months and five months. And that's when I said I cannot keep doing this anymore because from the outside look that I had everything together, but I was very, very unhappy and my kids needed are really seen Mom, I have worked with amazing companies. The name drop is here, not to just pump my own tires, but to tell you that I'm going to take care of you and if I do not have the answer, I'm going to find it for you. I have master systems systems and processes not because it comes second nature to me but because I cannot they against these people. So today we are going to work through the graphics of what grabs the attention of your audience. I'm going to walk you through the product inside memorable, you are going to have those either if you're watching the recording, you are going to have these in the lesson. And for those of you that are live, I'm going to be dropping them in the comments. So we are going to go through maximizing that thank you page, that's where you're going to be putting your one time offer, how to use those new coupon codes that we have now to make the process more seamless. And what I like to call the what's next strategy to present within your product that one time offer for a second time and these will help you to maximize their seashores inside memorable at the end, we're going to have a q&a. I have many of the questions submitted, I know that there's a lot of people that are going to be watching the recording. So let's get to it. What is upselling upselling is a sales technique into persuading your customers to purchase something more expensive, or just upgrading the version of what they are looking at. And it could be moving from something they download it free to get a low cost. And we are going to go into the strategy of why that is so important now, more than ever, because we are competing with so much noise outside. I cannot see the shirt but I guess that Oh, there it is. The Canva template we're gonna use in the shot now. All right. Right. So why is this important? that probability of selling to your customers is 60 to 70%. Meaning that the more customers we have, the more chances we have to get repeated sales. And I think okay, somebody wanted to get in they are in now. Okay. While the probability of selling to one Neil prospect is five to 20% and that is what I want you to focus today because when we are giving just a freebie in a noisy marketplace as we have right now, we are losing sales. People are going to buy and I don't want you to think I'm going to be salesy. I'm going to be pushy. It's a absolutely normal if you do not do it somebody else is going to do it I have learned that they they highway of I have
my business my offers and many times I see a colleague that bought something that I already offer. Why? Because for a really long time I treated my my following my list with so much cautious that I was not telling them this is a business and in our business we sell so get out of your head that oh I'm going to be so salesy. No you are not your words are the ones that are going to do that the fact that you are presenting an offer is not going to say that from you. Okay. So remember, if five to 20% of the people that get into your lesson that get in your member ah ha this Free side of it are gonna buy this is the perfect opportunity to cover your overhead cost. That's how we see it here. This is not to get rich, this is to give you peace of mind because you are covering your cost. Now, the first question is, how do we grab their attention, and I want to show you this infographic because this is what we use to create any graphic people immediately if you look at this in your phone and you see a square, you're gonna go immediately to the center of the image, your eyes are gonna go down and to the right, and then they are going to look up. So when you are designing, this is what I'm going to give you on the templates that you have on The first one, you are going to see this. So let's get to it right?
If you're
okay, if you go to the template, you're going to see it like this, just click Use template. And that's going to create a copy just for you.
And the template is in the chat, this template and the template for the MVP product that Karem would be sharing is in the chat, and we will also drop it in the product so you can have it during the brief.
Yep, and Guys, can you can somebody type if you can hear me now because it seems like it's very slow here.
I can hear you. I can even hear me okay.
Okay, so and did somebody open that link?
Korea Hurston you
open? Were you able to open it?
Yeah, it was a bit laggy and it turned out on me a couple of times but I'm in now.
Okay, so plan B. Okay. This is the image that you are going to see I am giving you I know that my side was one of the runner ups in the design your envy and airing asked me can you prepare some templates? Well, I didn't have to prepare the template. So I'm giving you mine. So, these are the exact templates that you are going to see on my member by what I would suggest is that you branded yourself but again, the most important part of this is the flow of your messaging, according to the infographic That we just chair here. Okay, so yes, you're gonna be seeing the middle first and I have people in the chat. Yay. Latasha is here analysis here. Awesome.
Don't worry about the chat I got it for you.
Okay, perfect. Yes.
Yeah, we did anything I will come on
perfect. So, uh one important thing with member void is that and you are going to see these in all the templates that you have on that file is that the image is to their right. For two reasons, because of how people are reading this, right. And also because when you are sharing the link to your social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, this is a image that is going to come up. And if the person is on mobile, that section on the right is what they are going to see. And if it looks like the side that is wide and it says free resources on the left is not very appealing. So this specific thumbnail was designed to be clickable when we are sharing the link in social media. Okay, so, and this is why I believe that our images and this is how we design this for our clients as well have a lot of clickability if that is a world over work for us, because we are very visual people and if especially the users in Facebook, and I'm not a big Sir, he tweeted but in Facebook eaters I tend to have a lot of clicks and is because of the image. It has very little to do with the headline. Okay because in mobile, it gets all caught up. So I want you to understand, really understand from this session from this part, how important is your image. Now, you are going to have and I'm going to copy this on your Why do I write what is the title and I have these templates for you.
Let me put it here in this okay
for you to grab it. There they are three ways and what to phrase and this is also going to help you.
When you are
designing your welcome area, not only what your image says, but what it says on their day image. That is an even if you do not write any description on there, that's what they user that is basically you're trying to get their attention in 10 seconds. Want to know. So this is your experiment. I want you to design one thumbnail with your branding in this layout, answering one of those three prompts, does that if you have any ideas that you have some examples of, what would you write I would love it for you to write it here and If you want feedback on the headline, that is something then I'd be more than happy to help you with. And my Canva got really
active with this.
Okay, questions? Do I have any question really related to the design you are going to see on that template that I gave you different ones different ones, they are not just for a PDF. They are also for well he doesn't want to work here. They are also for booking a call. If you are a coach or a consultant and you want the person to really book a call. This is a great place for you the one time offer to take your customer to the next step on that journey. And it could be a free cord As well It all depends where is it that you want to take them? Okay, so ah we
yes we do have a question yes person asked Can you clarify where this headline is going on the Canva image
no the my image yes it will go in the middle if it's too long I want you to write it on the product description of your
product inside MemberVault
if you can pretty much Think of it as like the title correct?
Yeah, it is the title remember that we are doing because we have questions related to tying the one time offer with the the freebie the lead magnet I am so symbols Okay, so I don't want to confuse you. I want to focus a lot right now on the image. Because this is what the people that your audience is going to see on the thank you page on the thank you page. You do not have much to write and we are going to get that now. But think about it as a very board attractive title. That is good also solve the problem. This is one this is my, the one that I'm showing is my highest converting one. And he is called your most productive week. Like if you want to have a productive week unit this and actually what goes on there. This is how to declutter your to do list and make room for impact. It doesn't say Who is this for? And I know this is something that you may have been taught, but member Boyd it's a bit different because of the beach and by accident. perience so people here want that thing. Everything else you are going to attract with the images, my images have these are very artistic because I like to work with people that are very creative. I enjoy working with parents so you are going to see a lot of things that are around the house, my home office, so your images are going to appeal to that to the person that you want to attract Make sense? Yeah. And where are we going? Yes, we are going to get that product template. So if you go to your member board, behind the scenes, the dashboard and you hit product, you are going to add a product. This is how you are going to import the one that I have given you Below at the end, it says import a product. And you can select the file, that is the file that I have created for you. And it's this one. So your heat input is going to come and appear right there is going to appear as invisible. So once you get there,
you hit edit
and you're going to see it this is exactly what I use. And everything that is in red, in red are my instructions for you. And you're going to make it your own. Then the only downside and when Erin Erin sees this May we may have a solution but when you import a product, you need to add the thumbnail so I'm going to add that one that I download it from the template and it's going to appear right there. Right? Remember that is inactive when you are done with this, then move it from invisible or inactive to active. That's how it will show on your welcome area. So I'm really very invisible here. Okay. So what are we are going to move along into the elements that are very important. So these are the title, the title is going to add a decent we are going to move in this example I mean, go two steps back. In this example we are going to go from a freebie a lead magnet to a paid offer that's going to be a one time offer that is this example. So initially, the customer is To see only your welcome area, the thumbnail and the description, the description is this one, it says member role template for the freebie here you are going to expand on that headline options that I gave you. If you want to have a short description you can have one there and I again all these red sections is basically what you need to answer what is in black is what I have in mind. So make it your own. So that once you have the image, the title and a short description that is going to show inside your member one. We are going to the scientists. So they welcome message is what the person is going to see. Write us there. welcome email, that's how I see it is basically the same as your welcome email. And on the other side, you are going to see on the teaser message, this is right what the person is going to see on the learn more. So
going to while we came here for
on their
opt in checkbox, they says this section just before they sign up with our check list, and on mine I have my a link to the terms of service. And a thank you message. This is the magic and what many users are not maximizing. Now, you would say but I had a problem. That you gave me it doesn't say anything I know. So you're gonna go here to the welcome area and on step two
step two, just grab the whole thing.
and paste it
and you're going to make it your own.
Because the other thing that does not come with the import, besides the thumbnail image, the blog image is the Thank you mess.. message. So I added for you here on the welcome message. And I hope some of you are doing this as I am doing it and if you are watching the replay, this is the time where you stop, do the homework, get the image, get your copy, and then come here. Okay. So once you Have the image you can, as you can see, this is something else. A my one time offer is my planner to protect your energy setting boundaries. So this one usually is $27. So I'm giving it for $7. What it's, let me save this so that you can see how how it's going to look, you can grab that second link, it says thank you page URL. If you grab it, you paste it on another URL. And this is how it's going to look.
As you can see here,
if you write too much, that the person is not going to see that view product now and And they came here for that. So as a courtesy, and I saw that some feedback that I got myself because people didn't see the product. So I keep this very, very, very short, I tell them what it is, and then they'll they link to this image. It's the product link with the coupon code. Any questions?
up to there?
Okay, so how does this look in mobile in why I get really, okay in mobile, it will look like this more or less. So as you can see, they do not see the other part and basically 85% of the traffic nowadays, especially to for free, or low cost offers come from mobile. So I have highly suggest that all these wording goes above the fold, meaning that people do not have to be scrolling down. They see it on the first like, on the first page on their phone and they don't have to be scrolling down. Okay. Ah yes, if you want on it,
we do have a question is the product for sharing on the thank you page an upsell product, he please clarify that
yes, it is an upsell product. So either person are once that unclick said yeah, I want to go I want I want this, then they are going to see this.
Another Okay. What she's pretty much showing is this is a way to create an upsell without using the standard Click Funnels or thrive cart, those kind of things. So this is a fact work around kind of remember Yes.
And it's very simple. I'm all about simplicity. And I was a user of of click photos for five years. And I last month, I finally transition all my photos to member vote and my webpage. So when I'm telling you that this work, it does work. Here again, it's it's there is the coupon code so you can put the coupon code code there as safe as a safe fail for you. But once you click on it right now, you'll have the option to see that it will go down but a new thing that we have right now on member board is that we can go directly to that product right These problems the first one that I have here, I wonder too fast you click on the little tool and then direct purchase with coupon, select the one that you are going to use for that upsell, Copy that. Right? And then
when you go to the,
to the problem you are working with, you can go right there on the image. And you can hyperlink that to the coupon. So instead of instead of them having to enter the coupon, it will be right there. What do you think area? Are you doing this?
Only the first 30 minutes of transcription is reflected above. To download and read the full transcript, please CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE to access the Canva template and add it to your Canva account for editing
Knowledge Base Article: How to Import and Export Products in MV
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