Say goodbye to recurring costs with our newest lifetime plan -- the 5 Product Lifetime! 🎉 Learn more here.
Social media can be fun, it can be can also be a grind that tanks your mood, and craters your business if you anger the algorithm gods. (Oh yes, we've experienced the wrath of Facebook, and it's NOT a great experience) So while it can be a great compliment to your business growth strategies, it's our vote that it's good to have a core growth strategy or two that doesn't depend on social media. The whole "all your eggs in one basket" thing. 🐣 MemberVault has grown over ...
From VIP days and MailerLite migration support to a mystery end of year offer and 2024 content bundles, this roundup of MemberVault offers has something to help you in your life, and business.
Gamification is absolutely a fun element to add in and can boost engagement/repeat purchases, etc. One of the best onboarding things we’ve done in the history of MV was our golden hamster award that people could “win” by completing a course within a set amount of time. People LOVED it and still talk about it years later. We're actually going to revamp it, and bring it back for 2024 because it was SO successful. (We stopped because there were elements of how we'd set it up that ...
Over the past few months, we've been hard at work on our community feature and planning out how we could solve that pesky "engagement" issue that non-social media based communities often struggle with. And we're extremely excited about what we've cooked up with our gamified community feature! The thing is...despite us wanting to get this full feature into your hands (and ours) ASAP, crafting a gamified community feature is pretty darn complicated with lots of unseen decisions and work ...
Custom domains are amazing in that you can use your link shortener feature, and it's easier for people to remember your URL and recommend you. And yet, custom domains are a brain twister for pretty much everyone... 🤯 To the extent that one of our popular service providers, Airial, actually has a free product where she sets up your custom domain for you in exchange for a testimonial, and she's gotten rave reviews from people. So if you'd rather not struggle figuring out that tech ...
Remi Oduyemi walks through sharing your MV Links and adding buyers into your MV.
Remi Oduyemi walks through How to make your MemberVault look good.
Remi Oduyemi walks through the payment and email integrations in the admin view of MemberVault.
Remi Oduyemi walks through the public and admin views of a building out a MemberVault product including the welcome area, announcement bar, and footer.
In this workshop, Remi Oduyemi shares how to create a lead magnet offer in your MemberVault to grow your list and get more eyes on your other offers.