Say goodbye to recurring costs with our newest lifetime plan -- the 5 Product Lifetime! 🎉 Learn more here.
This is KEY. People sometimes don't want to include quiz questions in their products...because... It feels like PRESSURE. Seeing the quiz answers pile up...feels like they NEED to be replying. But I promise, you DON'T. If you're asking for buyer/audience insights? People don't expect an answer. NOW, you can answer a few if you have some space and want to! Or if you have a hot lead for a product, and you want to do a personal reach out (these convert like hot cakes by the ...
Yesterday I shared how adding a "start here" module with 2-5 quiz questions = buyer/audience GOLD (see the post here). And today we're going to dive into my favorite 5 questions to use to create more conversions. Here they are! And my challenge to YOU is to add at least one to a product, today! 🎉 ✅ Q #1 - MULTIPLE CHOICE (use in a free or paid product) - What are you most struggling with right now? The cool thing about multiple choice, is as you're filtering ...
This weekend, I shared an off-the-cuff post in the Collaborative and the replies FLOODED in. And I'm glad, because more people need to see that message. So I'm sharing it here too. Adding quiz questions is also easy, easy, easy. So there's no reason not to throw them in there! See how here if you haven't played with quiz questions yet. With MemberVault, you can have multiple choice, file upload and essay quiz questions. Here are some screen grabs so you can imagine ...
Looking to hire an expert for your business and MemberVault account's needs? Check out our top 3 recommended service providers below! AIRIAL RE’NAL - she/her Airial helps service-based online business owners streamline their tech, automation, and systems, so that they can save time, reduce stress, and focus on serving their clients and growing their impact. ✨ Check out her list of services and offers 👉 Schedule a consult with Airial CORRINE TOWETT-LAIGHT - she/her Just call ...
It's no secret that a low ticket offer is a great option to have for people who are new to your world as it gives them a taste of what it's like working with you. If you're looking for ideas on low ticket offers, check out what our awesome users have created below for a fun dose of inspiration! SPEAKER HQ by Janice Chaka @ The Career Introvert Speaker HQ is designed to empower you to take command of your speaking engagements, from summits to webinars and public speaking events. We understand ...
Ever wonder about the perfect size or dimensions for your images in MemberVault? A quick disclaimer before we proceed: Any images you upload to MemberVault will automagically become mobile-friendly so you can absolutely use any image sizes that fit your brand’s aesthetics so feel free to play around with the numbers! 🎉However, if you need a little bit more guidance around this area, then look no further! Below you’ll find our recommended sizes for each of the main images ...
Down sells are probably one of the most under-used conversion strategies out there, IMHO. Why? 🤷♀️ (Only in this for my Burger King story? Scroll to bottom. 👑) Because you've put all of your energy into the main promotion? Because you're worried you're going to overwhelm your list? Because you're worried about seeming pushy? Perhaps all of those, or none of them. But not having a down sell is a missed opportunity for YOU, and for your people. People don't buy for so, ...
Let's talk TRIPWIRES. 🙌 OK, first let's define the jargon.A tripwire is a paid offer (usually with a special discount or bonus, often time sensitive, or an offer that isn't publicly available) that people see AFTER they sign up for your free opt in/lead magnet.It's a great win/win.You've added someone to your email list AND you're presenting them with something they can buy right away. WHERE DO YOU ADD YOUR TRIPWIRE? - If your lead magnet/free opt in is in MV, ...
Let's talk MISSED opportunities, shall we? There are conversion opportunities allll around you...and it's just a matter of choosing the ONE that you want to focus on next. 1️⃣ Haven't sent an email in a bit? Send an email today with a link to a paid offer -- bonus points if you throw in an expiring bonus or discount. Here are 6 email templates to choose from. 2️⃣ Building up to a launch now? Consider doing an early bird offer to get people in and ...
Check out this post for a list of upsell ideas for your product and offers!