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Need to Make a Sale Today? Try One of These 8 Ideas!

Put your thinking cap on because we have a question for you -- "If you absolutely needed to make a sale today...what would you do?". Need ideas? Check out what our Collab's members have to say below! *** Want to set up your special offer in MemberVault? Here's a curated list of our help articles for your next step! Using Coupons Codes to Discount a Paid Product How to Use Offers How Can I Create an Invisible Product? How To Use Direct Purchase Links

5 Things to Look For to See if Your Welcome Email Is Working

1️⃣  What's your open/click rate for the email? You want it to be especially high for welcome emails vs normal list emails. So think over 50% for the open rate, and over 7% for the click rate. (Below is a screenshot of the data from one of my welcome emails) 2️⃣  Are you getting replies? Keep in mind that only a % of the people who open your email are going to reply. So if your welcome email has only gone out to, let's say, 10 might not have gotten ...

Ways to Continue to Optimize Your SEO

Ways to Continue to Optimize Your SEO

Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you. Once you have your SEO foundation set up & in place, you have to give it time to work a little bit. Usually around 60-90 days minimum. I usually suggest to clients to set a reminder on their phone, or somewhere else to check back in on their data after that ...

How to Know if Your SEO Strategy is Working

How to Know if Your SEO Strategy is Working

Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you. Once you’ve started dabbling in SEO a bit, how can you tell if things are working? In short: by looking at the data. When your SEO is improving, you’ll start being found for more keywords, and you’ll start getting more traffic organically from ...

How MemberVault Stacks Up with SEO

How MemberVault Stacks Up with SEO

Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you. If you’re new to Membervault or you’re considering Membervault for your website/content, you’re probably wondering how it stacks up with SEO. Well, I feel like I’m the perfect person to dive into this because I did a deep dive Technical SEO ...

Your Foundational SEO Checklist

Your Foundational SEO Checklist

Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you. Checklist of foundational things I mentioned before that SEO is layered. It’s nuanced. So how do we set ourselves up for success? What are the foundational things that we should have in place to get the best possible results? I got you. Set up analytics ...

Glossary of Common SEO Terms

Glossary of Common SEO Terms

Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you. The “Index”: The database search engines use to store and retrieve information gathered during the crawling process. Think of “the index” as just a really big filing cabinet. The content in the “filing cabinet” has been ...

What is SEO and why it's important for your business

What is SEO and Why It's Important for Your Business

Introducing our brand new series all about SEO! You'll learn foundational things that you can easily implement in your business even if you're a complete beginner. We brought in SEO expert, Mariah, to break things down for you. What is SEO? Understanding what SEO & why it's important is one of the foundational building blocks. If you don't get how it works, the whole thing is gonna be a mystery. So let’s kick this off with the basics, shall we? SEO stands for Search Engine ...

Bonus Module vs Standalone Product: Which One Should You Use?

You're looking to surprise and delight your customer but not sure whether you should use a bonus module or a standalone product? Don't worry, we got you! We break it down for you below to help you decide 🙌 ⚡️ Use a bonus module when: - you want that visual “you can unlock this!” benefit inside your product (this is great for products where people drop off, like memberships, courses, and challenges)- the reward is something small- the reward is hyper-specific to the product ...

2 Product Setup Ideas for Service Providers

Are you a service provider looking for the most effective ways to set up your product in MemberVault that seamlessly takes your prospective client from the Discovery Call to the Booking process? If so, this article is for you! Check out what our CEO, Erin Kelly recommends below.If I were still in my service provider days, I’d do it one of two ways: 👉 #1 setup: If I had a set 1:1 product, ie a VIP day or intensive, that people need to purchase before working with me on retainer or ...


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