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MemberVault is an extension of your email list -- it paints a full picture of your subscribers beyond what links they have clicked on, or emails that they have opened.
You can see what individual subscribers are doing:
That's just scraping the surface, but it's pretty magical, .
Here's the thing though.
If you set up your MV, but you don't work it into your emails -- or even WORSE, you aren't emailing at all -- it's not going to do anything for you, . #BooHiss
And that is where these 6 emails come in.
I'm assuming worst-case scenario, which is, you haven't emailed your list in weeks (or months). Or you have a super zombie list that isn't really engaged at all.
If that is YOU, , you'll want to use all 6 emails, including the re-introduction email.
HOWEVER, if you regularly email your list and have decent engagement (let's say 20%+ open rate) but you aren't making the most of MV + your email list...then you can skip the re-introduction email.
To be clear, it won't HURT to send it. So go for it if you want. Or send it to people that haven't opened an email in the last 30 days.
Up to you! Have some fun with it, . :)
You'll notice this isn't a step-by-step sales sequence where there is a clear 1-2-3 with an ending.
There's a reason, .
You're embarking on relationship marketing using MemberVault + your email list. That means you're going to start a conversation and keep it going.
Not only will you start feeling WAY more comfortable emailing your list, they'll get to know you -- and love that all of your awesome freebies + paid offers are in one place.
You can start with these 6 emails to get you comfortable sending regular emails, and then go from there.