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The "How To" email

SUBJECT LINE OPTION #1 - I'm going to share a secret.

SUBJECT LINE OPTION #2 - The secret to [outcome].

Today I want to show you how to [outcome], *FIRSTNAME*. I [story about how you learned how to get the outcome]. 

But you don't need to [waste time/energy/ingredients/etc]. 

All you have to do is [watch this video, follow this checklist...and one-click link that to your MV module/lesson]. 

I also have a quick OPTIONAL question in there, *FIRSTNAME*, so I can keep saving you [time/energy/ingredients] by creating helpful resources.

Get [outcome], click here [one-click link].


your name

Lesson Activity

Are you starting to see a trend? Make it easy. Keep it short. Include some personal bits. 

Emailing doesn't need to be a lot of work. For your subscribers to read, or for you to write. Keep it up, !

See an example of this email in practice here.

8 Lessons

The 6 Emails to Send

A beautiful MV site can only sing with sales, engagement and fun for you IF there are actually people visiting it. Time to send some emails!

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