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The "X Steps to Y" email

SUBJECT LINE OPTION #1 - X things to try for Y this [when, i.e. this weekend].

SUBJECT LINE OPTION #2 - X things to try for Y, *FIRSTNAME*.

[Image/gif of desired outcome or of set up (i.e. a pile of ingredients for the meal plan)]

I'm going to lay this out for you, *FIRSTNAME*. I want to make it super simple, so you can [variation of Y from subject line, i.e. boost your email open rates] easily.


[paragraph to give context]

[image if relevant]

[helpful links, to your MV resources or elsewhere]


[paragraph to give context]

[image if relevant]

[helpful links, to your MV resources or elsewhere]


[paragraph to give context]

[image if relevant]

[helpful links, to your MV resources or elsewhere]

*continue with a max of 5-6 steps.*


your name

Lesson Activity

People LOVE bulleted lists. Love them. Do it.

See an example of this email in practice here.

8 Lessons

The 6 Emails to Send

A beautiful MV site can only sing with sales, engagement and fun for you IF there are actually people visiting it. Time to send some emails!

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