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The "This Helps" email


SUBJECT LINE OPTION #2 - This helps with [task to achieve their outcome, like chin ups, having dinner on the table, etc], *FIRSTNAME*.

I know [task mentioned in subject line, vary how you describe it] suck. And I have a great solution, *FIRSTNAME*. 

No, it isn't [unrealistic solution #1] or [unrealistic solution #2].

It's super simple. 

All you have to do is -- [your quick solution]

Try it out, and let me know how it works for you, *FIRSTNAME*.


your name

PS. I have a great [type of resource, i.e. checklist, video, etc] that dives into this a little further, *FIRSTNAME*, and guessed it. It's in your home for [outcome they want], click here to go right to the [resource name].

You'll want to have about [time it'll take] and [anything else they need]. That's it! 

Lesson Activity

Short and simple will endear your subscribers to you. Nobody has time for endless lengthy emails. That isn't to say you shouldn't send them, but try to mix things up. 

People love emails that are broken up, so if you HAVE to write a longer email, try to mix in:

  • headers
  • gifs/images
  • bulleted lists
  • different styling like a "pro tip" with a different colored background

And be careful with adding too many images. Studies have shown that 1-2 images/gifs do wonder for engagement, but more than that tend to overwhelm and decrease click thrus.

See an example of this email in practice here.

8 Lessons

The 6 Emails to Send

A beautiful MV site can only sing with sales, engagement and fun for you IF there are actually people visiting it. Time to send some emails!

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